Medical Insurance Online for Fordney’s Medical Insurance and Billing, 16th Edition
Online Course
Realistic online practice helps you prepare for a career as an insurance billing specialist! Corresponding to the chapters in Fordney's Medical Insurance and Billing, 16th Edition, Medical Insurance Online provides convenient review and hands-on practice in key areas such as paper and electronic claims, diagnostic and procedural coding, abstracting information from a patient’s record, Medicare, HIPAA, and bill collection strategies. Exercises and activities let you apply insurance concepts to common billing and coding tasks, and gradable assessments and case studies measure your learning. MIO ensures that you will make an easier transition from the classroom to the workplace.
Newer Edition Available
Medical Insurance Online for Fordney’s Medical Insurance and Billing
- Interactive exercises and activities provide frequent opportunities to recall and recognize medical insurance concepts.
- Gradable quizzes and exams provide you with proof of mastery and highlight areas which may require further study.
- Gradable case studies provide application of knowledge in real-life situations.
- Claims processing and medical record activities help you understand how crucial completing a clean claim form is for both the patient and the medical office.
- Reading references connect this online course with the Fordney’s Medical Insurance and Billing textbook, providing practice with applying the book’s concepts.
- NEW! Thorough module updates reflect the newest information in claim submission methods, diagnostic coding, and challenges with Medicare.
- NEW! Updated Hospital Outpatient and Inpatient Billing and Ambulatory Surgery Center modules provide the latest information on billing in these settings.
- NEW! More interactive activities and gradable assessments are included.
Unit One: Career Roles and Responsibilities
1. Role of an Insurance Billing Specialist
2. Privacy, Security and HIPAA
3. Compliance, Fraud and Abuse
Unit Two: Introduction to Health Insurance
4. Basics of Health Insurance
5. The Blue Plans, Private Insurance and Managed Care Plans
6. Medicare
7. Medicaid and Other State Programs
8. TRICARE and Veteran’s Health Care
9. Workers Compensation
10. Disability Income Insurance and Disability Benefit Insurance
Unit Three: Documentation and Coding for Professional Services
11. Medical Documentation and the Electronic Health Record
12. Diagnostic Coding
13. Procedural Coding
Unit Four: Claims Submission in the Medical Office
14. The Paper Claim CMS-1500
15. The Electronic Claim
Unit Five: The Claim Follow-Up and Payment Process
16. Receiving Payments and Insurance Problem Solving
17. Collection Strategies
Unit Six: Healthcare Facility Billing
18. Ambulatory Surgery Center
19. Hospital Outpatient and Inpatient Billing
Unit Seven: Employment
20. Seeking a Job and Attaining Professional Advancement