PROP - Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care - Text, Workbook, and Kentucky Insert Package, 9th Edition

- The Nursing Assistant Working in Long-Term Care
- Resident Rights, Ethics, and Laws
- Work Ethics
- Communicating with the Health Team
- Assisting with the Nursing Process
- Understanding the Resident
- Culture and Religion
- Body Structure and Function
- The Older Person
- Sexuality
- Safety
- Preventing Falls
- Restraint Alternatives and Safe Restraint Use
- Preventing Infection
- Body Mechanics and Safe Resident Handling, Moving, and Transfers
- The Resident’s Unit
- Bedmaking
- Hygiene
- Grooming
- Nutrition and Fluids
- Nutritional Support and IV Therapy
- Urinary Elimination
- Bowel Elimination
- Exercise and Activity
- Comfort, Rest, and Sleep
- Oxygen Needs and Respiratory Therapies
- Measuring Vital Signs
- Assisting With the Physical Examination
- Collecting and Testing Specimens
- Admissions, Transfers, and Discharges
- Wound Care
- Pressure Injuries
- Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems
- Cancer, Immune System, and Skin Disorders
- Nervous System and Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Disorders
- Digestive and Endocrine System Disorders
- Urinary and Reproductive System Disorders
- Mental Health Problems
- Confusion and Dementia
- Developmental Disabilities
- Rehabilitation and Restorative Nursing Care
- Assisted Living
- Basic Emergency Care
- End-of-Life Care
- Getting a Job — Career Management
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