cover image - Evolve Resources for Murray's Basic Medical Microbiology, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323878289
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 06-21-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00

Evolve Resources for Murray's Basic Medical Microbiology, 2nd Edition

by Patrick R. Murray, PhD, F(AAM), F(IDSA)


cover image - Evolve Resources for Murray's Basic Medical Microbiology, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323878289
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 06-21-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00


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Concise and easy to read, Murray’s Basic Medical Microbiology: Foundations and Clinical Cases, 2nd Edition, provides a solid foundation in the principles of microbiology, preparing you not only for examinations but also for the transition to clinical application. Authored by Dr. Patrick Murray, the lead author of the bestselling Medical Microbiology, this clearly written, condensed text offers a straightforward, practical introduction to this challenging topic. It provides complete coverage of the most commonly observed organisms and diseases, numerous case studies, review questions, and up-to-date content throughout, including coverage of COVID-19.
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    • Features a logical organization by organism, focusing on the association between an organism and disease.

    • Provides over 180 clinical cases to strengthen understanding of infectious organisms in a clinical setting.

    • Includes a brand new section with devoted chapters on diseases affecting each body system and the multiple organisms that may be responsible to help sharpen clinical reasoning skills.

    • Includes differential diagnosis, organism classification overview, and a list of antimicrobials used to treat infections in the introductory chapter of each organism section, reinforcing clinical application and relevance.

    • Contains numerous tables and high-quality illustrations that offer visual guidance and an easy review of key material.

    • Includes more multiple-choice review questions to aid in self-assessment and examination preparation.

  • Section I. Introduction

    Chapter 1. Overview of Medical Microbiology

    Section I. Bacteria  

    Chapter 2. Introduction of Bacteria

    Chapter 3. Aerobic Gram-Positive Cocci

    Chapter 4. Aerobic Gram-Positive Rods

    Chapter 5. Acid-Fast Bacteria

    Chapter 6. Aerobic Gram-Negative Cocci and Coccobacilli

    Chapter 7. Aerobic Fermentative Gram-Negative Rods

    Chapter 8. Aerobic Non-fermentative Gram-Negative Rods

    Chapter 9. Anaerobic Bacteria

    Chapter 10. Spiral Shaped Bacteria

    Chapter 11. Intracellular Bacteria

    Section II. Viruses  

    Chapter 12. Introduction to Viruses

    Chapter 13. Human Immunodeficiency Viruses

    Chapter 14. Human Herpes Viruses

    Chapter 15. Respiratory Viruses

    Chapter 16. Hepatitis Viruses

    Chapter 17. Gastrointestinal Viruses

    Section III. Fungi  

    Chapter 18. Introduction to Fungi

    Chapter 19. Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Fungi

    Chapter 20. Systemic Dimorphic Fungi

    Chapter 21. Opportunistic Fungi

    Section IV. Parasites  

    Chapter 22. Introduction to Parasites

    Chapter 23. Protozoa

    Chapter 24. Nematodes

    Chapter 25. Trematodes

    Chapter 26. Cestodes

    Chapter 27. Arthropods

    Section V. Integrated Cases

    Section VI. Review Questions

  • Patrick R. Murray, PhD, F(AAM), F(IDSA), Emeritus Professor University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland


Free with purchase of new corresponding textbook
This product requires an instructor adoption and is not available for independent study.