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cover image - Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323878678
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 10-03-2022
Page Count: 825
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $314.99

Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology, 3rd Edition

by Dina R. Mody, MD, Michael J. Thrall, MD and Savitri Krishnamurthy, MD


cover image - Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323878678
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 10-03-2022
Page Count: 825
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $314.99


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This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners and trainees at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of cytology, including gynecologic, nongynecologic exfoliative, fine-needle aspiration, and imaging, it incorporates the most recent scientific and technical knowledge in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, resident, student, or fellow as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource.
    • Covers all areas of cytopathology, including clinical, radiologic, and immunohistochemical as well as cytopathologic features and molecular correlates where applicable 

    • Contains new chapters on ancillary molecular tests specific to thyroid, prognostic/therapy-related immunomarkers in cell blocks, and small biopsies  

    • Provides new immunohistochemical and molecular coverage, including new immunostains and genomic targets 

    • Incorporates new reporting terminology (such as serous fluid and effusions) and updates to existing reporting terminologies 

    • Reflects the expanded use of fine-needle aspiration for small biopsies (FNA-B) with many more images added and updated throughout  

    • Keeps you up-to-date with current and emerging reporting systems on pancreaticobiliary, salivary, breast, and soft tissue cytology 

    • Features more than 3,000 print and online images, including carefully annotated histology and gross pathology photos, full-color illustrations, clinical photographs, and radiologic images to help practicing and in-training pathologists reach a confident diagnosis 

    • Includes new videos on such topics as the cytoprepratory process, cell transfer cell block and smears, collodion bag cell block, and more  

    • Employs consistently templated chapters, bulleted content, key facts, a variety of tables, annotated images, pertinent references, and an extensive index for quick, expert cytopathology reference at the point of care 

    • Includes an eBook version that enables you to access all text, figures, and references with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud 

  • Part I: Gynecologic Cytopathology SECTION 1: OVERVIEW

    4 Pap Test and Cervical Cancer Screening: History and Reporting Terminology Nikolaos Chantziantoniou, PhD, ART(CSMLS), CFIAC and Dina R. Mody, MD 8 Cytopreparation, Instrumentation, and Automated Screening in Gynecologic Cytology Michael J. Thrall, MD and Debora A. Smith, CT(ASCP) 10 Specimen Adequacy in Cervicovaginal Cytology Dina R. Mody, MD and George G. Birdsong, MD


    14 Normal Pap Test Nikolaos Chantziantoniou, PhD, ART(CSMLS), CFIAC and Dina R. Mody, MD 16 Infectious and Other Organisms in Pap Tests Nikolaos Chantziantoniou, PhD, ART(CSMLS), CFIAC and Dina R. Mody, MD 18 Nonneoplastic Findings, Mimics, and Artifacts Ekene I. Okoye, MD and Dina R. Mody, MD


    28 Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion and Mimics Dina R. Mody, MD 30 High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion and Mimics Dina R. Mody, MD and Ekene I. Okoye, MD 34 Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance Nikolaos Chantziantoniou, PhD, ART(CSMLS), CFIAC and Dina R. Mody, MD 36 Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Rule Out High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion Dina R. Mody, MD and Nikolaos Chantziantoniou, PhD, ART(CSMLS), CFIAC 38 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Cervix, Variants and Mimics Dina R. Mody, MD

    46 Endocervical Adenocarcinoma In Situ, Variants and Mimics Dina R. Mody, MD 52 Endocervical Adenocarcinoma, Variants and Mimics Dina R. Mody, MD 56 Adenocarcinoma, Gastric Type Dina R. Mody, MD 58 Endometrial Cancers: Usual Types, Variants, and Mimics Ekene I. Okoye, MD and Dina R. Mody, MD 64 Atypical Glandular Cells: Endocervicals, Endometrials, and Glandulars, NOS Dina R. Mody, MD 70 Endometrial Cells in Pap Test and Glandular Cells Status Post Hysterectomy Dina R. Mody, MD and Ekene I. Okoye, MD

    74  Extrauterine Carcinomas and Presentations in  Cervicovaginal Cytology  Dina R. Mody, MD  76  Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Cervix  Dina R. Mody, MD  78  Other Uncommon Malignancies in Cervicovaginal  Cytology  Dina R. Mody, MD 

    84 HPV and Other Molecular Testing in Gynecologic Cytology Michael J. Thrall, MD

    90 Directly Sampled Endometrial Cytology Yuko Sugiyama, MD, PhD, FIAC and Dina R. Mody, MD

    96 Anal Cytology Michael J. Thrall, MD

    Part II: Exfoliative Cytopathology

    Specimen Types in Respiratory Cytology and Adequacy Criteria Michael J. Thrall, MD 102 Benign and Reactive Changes Michael J. Thrall, MD 106 PneumocystisPneumonia and Mimics Michael J. Thrall, MD 108 Fungal Organisms in Respiratory Cytology Michael J. Thrall, MD Parasitic Organisms in Respiratory Cytology Michael J. Thrall, MD 112 Viral Infections (Cytomegalovirus, Herpesvirus, and Others) Michael J. Thrall, MD 114 Mycobacteria and Other Bacterial Infections Michael J. Thrall, MD 116 Sarcoidosis and Other Immune-Related Conditions Michael J. Thrall, MD 118 Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis and Mimics Michael J. Thrall, MD Miscellaneous Findings, Including Contaminants Michael J. Thrall, MD 122 Adenocarcinoma Michael J. Thrall, MD 126 Squamous Cell Carcinoma Michael J. Thrall, MD 128 Small Cell Carcinoma Michael J. Thrall, MD Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Michael J. Thrall, MD 132 Carcinoid and Atypical Carcinoid Michael J. Thrall, MD 134 Rare Benign and Low Malignant Potential Tumors Michael J. Thrall, MD 136 Rare Malignant Tumors Michael J. Thrall, MD 138 NUT Carcinoma Michael J. Thrall, MD 139 SMARCA4-Deficient Undifferentiated Tumor Michael J. Thrall, MD Pulmonary Lymphoma Michael J. Thrall, MD 142 Pulmonary Metastasis Michael J. Thrall, MD

    146 Specimen Types in Gastrointestinal Cytology and Normal Cellular Components Blythe K. Gorman, MD 148 Parasitic Infections Blythe K. Gorman, MD Viral Infections Blythe K. Gorman, MD 152 Esophagitis and Barrett Esophagus Blythe K. Gorman, MD 154 Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 156 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 158 Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia Blythe K. Gorman, MD Gastric Adenocarcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 162 Gastric Lymphoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 164 Ampulla/Bile Duct/Pancreatic Duct Reactive Changes Blythe K. Gorman, MD 166 Ampulla/Bile Duct/Pancreatic Duct Adenocarcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 168 Colorectal Adenoma/Carcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD Neuroendocrine Tumor/Carcinoma Blythe K. Gorman, MD 172 Spindle Cell Neoplasms of Gastrointestinal Tract, Including Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Blythe K. Gorman, MD

    176 Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid and Contamination by Normal Elements Hidehiro Takei, MD Infectious Meningitis Hidehiro Takei, MD 182 Aseptic and Mollaret Meningitis Hidehiro Takei, MD 184 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Hidehiro Takei, MD 186 Neurodegenerative Diseases Hidehiro Takei, MD 188 Primary Brain Tumors Hidehiro Takei, MD Leukemia and Lymphoma Hidehiro Takei, MD 192 Metastasis in Cerebrospinal Fluid Hidehiro Takei, MD

    196 Normal Cellular Components, Reactive Mesothelial Proliferations, and Reporting Terminology Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD Infectious Conditions Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD 202 Autoimmune Diseases Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD 204 Malignant Effusion, Mesothelioma 208 Malignant Effusion, Carcinomas 212 Malignant Effusion, Sarcomas

    Donna M. Coffey, MD, Nour Sneige, MD, and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    214 Lymphoid Effusions and Lymphomas Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    216 Primary Effusion Lymphoma John M. Stewart, MD, PhD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    218 Endometriosis and Endosalpingiosis Donna M. Coffey, MD, Nour Sneige, MD, and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    220 Ovarian Neoplasms Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    222 Immunocytochemistry, Histochemistry, and Other Ancillary Techniques Donna M. Coffey, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    228 Normal Urinary Cytology, Specimen Types, and Reporting Terminology Michael J. Thrall, MD and Rose Anton, MD

    232 Ileal Conduit Specimens Rose Anton, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    234 Noninfectious Benign Conditions Rose Anton, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

    236 Infectious Benign Conditions Rose Anton, MD and Michael J. Thrall, MD

  • Dina R. Mody, MD, Director of Cytopathology, The Ibrahim Ramzy Chair in Pathology, Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, New York, New York, Michael J. Thrall, MD, Cytopathology Fellowship Director, Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, New York, New York and Savitri Krishnamurthy, MD, Professor of Pathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas


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