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cover image - Clinical Biochemistry,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323880572
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-08-2023
Page Count: 208
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $51.99

Clinical Biochemistry, 7th Edition

by Michael Murphy, MA MD FRCP FRCPath, Rajeev Srivastava, MS FRCS FRCPath and Kevin Deans, PhD FRCP FRCPath


cover image - Clinical Biochemistry,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323880572
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-08-2023
Page Count: 208
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $51.99


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Clinical Biochemistry is a best-selling textbook, with global sales of well over 80,000. It is used across the world, and has been translated into ten languages. Over six successive editions, it has provided students with just the right amount of information they need to understand and apply clinical biochemistry in a clinical context. It is aimed fairly and squarely at those who are new to the subject, and is suitable for undergraduates across a range of courses including medicine, nursing, biomedical science, pharmacy and life sciences. Junior doctors will also find it useful.

The seventh edition retains the same practical and patient-centred approach that has made previous editions so popular. Despite its accessibility, there is no 'dumbing-down': all essential information is covered. The illustrations, which are a major part of its visual appeal, have been revisited and updated.

This book is an ideal source for understanding the background to biochemical tests and how they should be interpreted. It will help you apply your learning in the clinical context. The same basic structure that has proved successful previously has been retained; sections on core biochemistry, endocrinology and specialised investigations follow an introductory section.

    • Clinical notes and case histories on help you to apply learning to clinical practice
    • Covers the bulk of routine analyses and their relevance to the clinical setting
    • Addresses real-world practicalities, such as how modern hospital laboratories work, and how test results should be interpreted
    • Each topic presented on a richly illustrated two-page spread for easier understanding
    • MCQs for each chapter
    • Accompanying e-book now includes some animations
  • A new chapter on the pancreas, as well as two chapters that explain how some analyses are done - methods involving antibodies, and methods that separate and identify analytes.

  • Preface to the sixth edition
    Preface to the seventh edition

    Part 1: Introducing clinical biochemistry
    1 The clinical biochemistry laboratory
    2 The use of the laboratory
    3 Interpretation of results: general
    4 Interpretation of results: diagnosis
    5 Interpretation of results: monitoring
    6 Analytical aspects

    Part 2: Core biochemistry
    7 Fluid and electrolytes: basic
    8 Water and sodium balance: physiological mechanisms
    9 Hyponatraemia: pathophysiology
    10 Hyponatraemia: assessment and management
    11 Hypernatraemia
    12 Hyperkalaemia
    13 Hypokalaemia
    14 Intravenous fluid therapy
    15 Investigation of renal function (1)
    16 Investigation of renal function (2)
    17 Urinalysis
    18 Proteinuria
    19 Acute kidney injury
    20 Chronic kidney disease
    21 Acid–base: concepts and vocabulary
    22 Metabolic acid–base disorders
    23 Respiratory and mixed acid–base disorders
    24 Acid–base disorders: diagnosis and management
    25 Proteins and enzymes
    26 Immunoglobulins
    27 Myocardial infarction
    28 Liver function tests
    29 Jaundice
    30 Liver disease
    31 Glucose metabolism and diabetes mellitus
    32 Diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes mellitus
    33 Diabetic ketoacidosis
    34 Hypoglycaemia
    35 Calcium regulation and hypocalcaemia
    36 Hypercalcaemia
    37 Phosphate and magnesium
    38 Metabolic bone disease
    39 Osteoporosis and fragility fractures

    Part 3: Endocrinology
    40 Endocrine control
    41 Dynamic function tests
    42 Pituitary function
    43 Growth disorders and acromegaly
    44 Thyroid pathophysiology
    45 Hypothyroidism
    46 Hyperthyroidism
    47 Adrenocortical pathophysiology
    48 Hypofunction of the adrenal cortex
    49 Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex
    50 Gonadal function
    51 Subfertility

    Part 4: Specialised investigations
    52 Nutritional assessment
    53 Nutritional support
    54 Parenteral nutrition
    55 The metabolic response to injury
    56 Gastrointestinal disorders
    57 Disorders of the pancreas
    58 Iron
    59 Zinc and copper
    60 Therapeutic drug monitoring
    61 Toxicology
    62 Metal poisoning
    63 Alcohol
    64 Ascites
    65 Pleural fluid
    66 Cerebrospinal fluid
    67 Identification of body fluids
    68 Lipoprotein metabolism
    69 Clinical disorders of lipid metabolism
    70 Hypertension
    71 Cancer and its consequences
    72 Tumour markers
    73 Multiple endocrine neoplasia
    74 Hyperuricaemia
    75 Myopathy
    76 Fetal monitoring and prenatal diagnosis
    77 Pregnancy
    78 Antenatal screening
    79 Screening the newborn for disease
    80 Paediatric biochemistry
    81 Inborn errors of metabolism
    82 Methods involving antibodies: immunoassay
    83 Methods to separate and identify molecules
    84 Selected inherited disorders

    Case history comments
  • Michael Murphy, MA MD FRCP FRCPath, Clinical Reader in Biochemical Medicine, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK, Rajeev Srivastava, MS FRCS FRCPath, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow, UK and Kevin Deans, PhD FRCP FRCPath, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen, UK


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