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cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System, Volume 7, Part I - Brain,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323880848
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 03-19-2024
Page Count: 416
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System, Volume 7, Part I - Brain, 3rd Edition

by Michael J. Aminoff, MD, DSc, FRCP, Scott Pomeroy, MD, PhD and Kerry H. Levin, MD


cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System, Volume 7, Part I - Brain,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323880848
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 03-19-2024
Page Count: 416
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99


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Offering a concise, highly visual approach to the basic science and clinical pathology of the nervous system, this updated volume in The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (the CIBA "Green Books") contains unparalleled didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised by Drs. Michael J. Aminoff, Scott L. Pomeroy, and Kerry H. Levin, Brain, Part 1 of the Nervous System, Volume 7, integrates core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines. Classic Netter art, updated and new illustrations, and modern imaging continue to bring medical concepts to life and make this timeless work an essential resource for students, clinicians, and educators.
    • Provides a highly visual guide to this complex organ, from basic neurodevelopment, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and cognition to a full range of disorders, including epilepsy, disorders of consciousness and sleep, movement disorders, stroke, multiple sclerosis, neurologic infections, neuro-oncology, headaches, and brain trauma.
    • Offers expanded coverage of timely topics like acute flaccid paralysis; neurological complications of COVID-19, ependymomas, genetics of epilepsy, and more.
    • Provides a concise overview of complex information by seamlessly integrating anatomical and physiological concepts using practical clinical scenarios.
    • Shares the experience and knowledge of Drs. Michael J. Aminoff, Scott L. Pomeroy, and Kerry H. Levin, with content overseen by experts at Harvard, UCSF, and other leading neurology centers.
    • Compiles Dr. Frank H. Netter’s master medical artistry—an aesthetic tribute and source of inspiration for medical professionals for over half a century—along with new art in the Netter tradition for each of the major body systems, making this volume a powerful and memorable tool for building foundational knowledge and educating patients or staff.
    • NEW! An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
  • SECTION 1 NORMAL AND ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Embryo at 18 Days 1.2 Embryo at 20 to 24 Days 1.3 Central Nervous System at 28 Days 1.4 Central Nervous System at 36 Days 1.5 Defective Neural Tube Formation 1.6 Defective Neural Tube Formation (Continued) 1.7 Spinal Dysraphism 1.8 Spinal Dysraphism (Continued) 1.9 Fetal Brain Growth in the First Trimester 1.10 Craniosynostosis 1.11 Extracranial Hemorrhage and Skull Fractures in the Newborn 1.12 Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Newborn 1.13 External Development of the Brain in the Second and Third Trimesters 1.14 Mature Brain Ventricles 1.15 Hydrocephalus 1.16 Surgical Treatment of Hydrocephalus 1.17 Cerebral Palsy 1.18 Establishing Cellular Diversity in the Embryonic Brain and Spinal Cord 1.19 Generation of Neuronal Diversity in the Spinal Cord and Hindbrain 1.20 Circuit Formation in the Spinal Cord 1.21 Sheath and Satellite Cell Formation 1.22 Development of Myelination and Axon Ensheathment 1.23 Brachial Plexus and/or Cervical Nerve Root Injuries at Birth 1.24 Morphogenesis and Regional Differentiation of the Forebrain 1.25 Neurogenesis and Cell Migration in the Developing Neocortex 1.26 Neuronal Proliferation and Migration Disorders 1.27 Developmental Dyslexia 1.28 Autism Spectrum Disorders 1.29 Rett Syndrome 1.30 Rett Syndrome (Continued) SECTION 2 CEREBRAL CORTEX AND NEUROCOGNITIVE DISORDERS 2.1 Surfaces of Cerebrum: Superolateral Surface 2.2 Surfaces of Cerebrum: Medial Surface 2.3 Surfaces of Cerebrum: Inferior Surface 2.4 Cerebral Cortex: Function and Association Pathways 2.5 Major Cortical Association Bundles 2.6 Corticocortical and Subcorticocortical Projection Circuits 2.7 Corpus Callosum 2.8 Rhinencephalon and Limbic System 2.9 Hippocampus 2.10 Fornix 2.11 Amygdala 2.12 Forebrain Regions Associated With Hypothalamus 2.13 Thalamocortical Radiations 2.14 Neuronal Structure and Synapses 2.15 Chemical Synaptic Transmission 2.16 Summation of Excitation and Inhibition 2.17 Types of Neurons in Cerebral Cortex 2.18 Astrocytes 2.19 Testing for Defects of Higher Cortical Function 2.20 Memory Circuits 2.21 Amnesia 2.22 Dominant Hemisphere Language Dysfunction 2.23 Nondominant Hemisphere Higher Cortical Dysfunction 2.24 Alzheimer Disease: Pathology 2.25 Alzheimer Disease: Distribution of Pathology 2.26 Alzheimer Disease: Clinical Manifestations, Progressive Phases 2.27 Frontotemporal Dementia 2.28 Dementia with Lewy Bodies 2.29 Vascular Dementia 2.30 Treatable Dementias 2.31 Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus SECTION 3 EPILEPSY 3.1 Electroencephalography 3.2 Focal (Partial) Seizures 3.3 Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures 3.4 Absence Seizures 3.5 Epilepsy Syndromes 3.6 Neonatal Seizures 3.7 Status Epilepticus 3.8 Causes of Seizures 3.9 Neurobiology of Epilepsy: Ion channels 3.10 Neurobiology of Epilepsy: Synaptic Receptors 3.11 Neurobiology of Epilepsy: Antiepileptic Drug Targets 3.12 Treatment of Epilepsy: Preoperative Evaluation 3.13 Treatment of Epilepsy: Resective Surgery SECTION 4 PSYCHIATRY 4.1 Limbic System 4.2 Major Depressive Disorder 4.3 Postpartum Depression 4.4 Bipolar Disorder 4.5 Bipolar Disorder (Continued) 4.6 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 4.7 Social Anxiety Disorder 4.8 Panic Disorder 4.9 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 4.10 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 4.11 Somatization 4.12 Conversion Disorder 4.13 Schizophrenia 4.14 Alcohol Use Disorder 4.15 Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder 4.16 Alcohol Withdrawal 4.17 Opioid Use Disorders: Brain Substrates of Addictive Behaviors 4.18 Opioid Use Disorders: Overdose Reversal 4.19 Opioid Withdrawal 4.20 Borderline Personality Disorder 4.21 Antisocial Personality Disorder 4.22 Intimate Partner Violence 4.23 Abuse in Later Life 4.24 Delirium and Acute Personality Changes 4.25 Delirium and Acute Personality Changes (Continued) 4.26 Insomnia 4.27 Pediatrics: Depressive Disorders 4.28 Pediatrics: Anxiety Disorders 4.29 Pediatrics: Disruptive Behavior Disorders 4.30 Pediatrics: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders 4.31 Pediatrics: Eating and Feeding Disorders 4.32 Child Abuse: Fractures in Abused Children 4.33 Child Abuse: Staging of Injuries and Injury Patterns SECTION 5 HYPOTHALAMUS, PITUITARY, SLEEP, AND THALAMUS 5.1 Anatomic Relationships of the Hypothalamus 5.2 Development and Developmental Disorders of the Hypothalamus 5.3 Blood Supply of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 5.4 General Topography of the Hypothalamus 5.5 Overview of Hypothalamic Nuclei 5.6 Hypothalamic Control of the Pituitary Gland 5.7 Hypothalamic Control of the Autonomic Nervous System 5.8 Olfactory Inputs to the Hypothalamus 5.9 Visual Inputs to the Hypothalamus 5.10 Somatosensory Inputs to the Hypothalamus 5.11 Taste and Other Visceral Sensory Inputs to the Hypothalamus 5.12 Limbic and Cortical Inputs to the Hypothalamus 5.13 Overview of Hypothalamic Function and Dysfunction 5.14 Regulation of Water Balance 5.15 Temperature Regulation 5.16 Fever: Cytokines and Prostaglandins Cause the Sickness Response 5.17 Fever: Hypothalamic Responses During Inflammation Modulate Immune Response 5.18 Regulation of Food Intake, Body Weight, and Metabolism 5.19 Stress Response 5.20 Hypothalamic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function 5.21 Hypothalamic Regulation of Sleep 5.22 Narcolepsy: A Hypothalamic Sleep Disorder 5.23 Sleep-Disordered Breathing 5.24 Parasomnias 5.25 Divisions of the Pituitary Gland and Its Relationships to the Hypothalamus 5.26 Posterior Pituitary Gland 5.27 Anatomic Relationships of the Pituitary Gland 5.28 Effects of Pituitary Mass Lesions on the Visual Apparatus 5.29 Anterior Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies 5.30 Severe Anterior Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies (Panhypopituitarism) 5.31 Postpartum Pituitary Infarction (Sheehan Syndrome) 5.32 Pituitary Apoplexy 5.33 Thalamic Anatomy and Pathology 5.34 Thalamic Anatomy and Pathology (Continued) SECTION 6 DISORDERS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (COMA) 6.1 Coma 6.2 Disorders of Consciousness 6.3 Emergency Management: Full Outline of Unresponsiveness Score (FOUR) 6.4 Emergency Management: Prognosis in Coma Related to Severe Head Injuries 6.5 Differential Diagnosis of Coma 6.6 Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage 6.7 Vegetative State, Minimally Conscious State, and Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome 6.8 Brain Death or Death by Neurologic Criteria 6.9 Ventilatory Patterns and the Apnea Test SECTION 7 BASAL GANGLIA AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS 7.1 Basal Nuclei (Ganglia) 7.2 Basal Ganglia and Related Structures 7.3 Schematic and Cross Section of

  • Michael J. Aminoff, MD, DSc, FRCP, Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Neurology; University of California San Francisco, Scott Pomeroy, MD, PhD, Bronson Crothers Professor, Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Consultant, Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Neurologist-in-Chief, Department of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts and Kerry H. Levin, MD, Chair, Department of Neurology, Director of the Neuromuscular Center at the Neurological Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA


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