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cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System, Volume 3,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323881272
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 06-28-2024
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System, Volume 3, 3rd Edition

by David A. Kaminsky, MD


cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System, Volume 3,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323881272
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 06-28-2024
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99


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Offering a concise, highly visual approach to the basic science and clinical pathology of the respiratory system, this updated volume in The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (the CIBA "Green Books") contains unparalleled didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised by Dr. David A. Kaminsky, Respiratory System, Volume 3 integrates core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines. Classic Netter art, updated and new illustrations, and modern imaging continue to bring medical concepts to life and make this timeless work an essential resource for students, clinicians, and educators.
    • Provides a complete overview of the respiratory system through multidisciplinary coverage from physiology and biochemistry to adult and pediatric medicine and surgery.
    • Allows you to access rare illustrations in one convenient source from the only Netter work devoted specifically to the respiratory system.
    • Covers timely topics like COVID-19 and secondary infection/diseases of the respiratory system, RSV, pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, COPD, asthma, environmental lung disease, sleep disorders, infections of the immunocompromised, neonatal breathing disorders, and drug-resistant tuberculosis.
    • Provides a concise overview of complex information by seamlessly integrating anatomical and physiological concepts using practical clinical scenarios.
    • Shares the expertise and knowledge of editor Dr. David A. Kaminsky, who contributes significant experience in asthma and general pulmonary and critical care medicine, and a team of world-class contributors.
    • Compiles Dr. Frank H. Netter’s master medical artistry—an aesthetic tribute and source of inspiration for medical professionals for over half a century—along with new art in the Netter tradition for each of the major body systems, making this volume a powerful and memorable tool for building foundational knowledge and educating patients or staff.
    • NEW! An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
    1.1 Respiratory System
    1.2 Bony Thorax
    1.3 Rib Characteristics and Costovertebral Articulations
    1.4 Anterior Thoracic Wall
    1.5 Anterior Thoracic Wall (Continued)
    1.6 Anterior Thoracic Wall: Internal View
    1.7 Dorsal Aspect of the Thorax
    1.8 Dorsal Aspect of the Thorax: Posterior and Lateral Views
    1.9 Intercostal Nerves and Arteries
    1.10 Diaphragm (Viewed From Above)
    1.11 Topography of the Lungs (Anterior View)
    1.12 Topography of the Lungs (Posterior View)
    1.13 Medial Surface of the Lungs
    1.14 Bronchopulmonary Segments
    1.15 Bronchopulmonary Segments in Relationship to Ribs
    1.16 Relationships of the Trachea and Main Bronchi
    1.17 Bronchial Arteries
    1.18 Mediastinum: Right Lateral View
    1.19 Mediastinum: Left Lateral View
    1.20 Innervation of the Lungs and Tracheobronchial Tree
    1.21 Structure of the Trachea and Major Bronchi
    1.22 Intrapulmonary Airways
    1.23 Structure of Bronchi and Bronchioles: Light Microscopy
    1.24 Ultrastructure of the Tracheal, Bronchial, and Bronchiolar Epithelium
    1.25 Bronchial Submucosal Glands
    1.26 Intrapulmonary Blood Circulation
    1.27 Fine Structure of Alveolar Capillary Unit: Ultrastructure of Pulmonary Alveoli and Capillaries
    1.28 Fine Structure of Alveolar Capillary Unit: Type II Alveolar Cell and Surface-Active Layer
    1.29 Fine Structure of Alveolar Capillary Unit: Pulmonary Vascular Endothelium
    1.30 Lymphatic Drainage of the Lungs and Pleura
    1.31 Lymphatic Drainage of the Lungs and Pleura: Distribution of Lymphatics in Lungs and Pleura
    1.32 Pulmonary Immunology: Lymphocytes, Mast Cells, Eosinophils, and Neutrophils
    1.33 Pulmonary Stem Cells
    1.34 Pulmonary Microbiome
    Development of the Lower Respiratory System
    1.35 Developing Respiratory Tract and Pharynx
    1.36 Respiratory System at 5 to 6 Weeks
    1.37 Respiratory System at 6 to 7 Weeks
    1.38 Larynx, Tracheobronchial Tree, and Lungs at 7 to 10 Weeks
    1.39 Sagittal Section at 6 to 7 Weeks
    1.40 Transverse Section at 5 to 8 Weeks
    1.41 Diaphragm at 5 to 6 Weeks
    1.42 Terminal Air Tube
    1.43 Alveolar-Capillary Relationships at Age 8 Years
    1.44 Surfactant Effects
    1.45 Physiology of the Perinatal Pulmonary Circulation
    Pulmonary Mechanics and Gas Exchange

    2.1 Muscles of Respiration
    2.2 Spirometry: Lung Volume and Measurement
    2.3 Determination of Functional Residual Capacity
    2.4 Forces During Quiet Breathing
    2.5 Measurement of Elastic Properties of the Lung
    2.6 Surface Forces in the Lung
    2.7 Elastic Properties of the Respiratory System: Lung and Chest Wall
    2.8 Distribution of Airway Resistance
    2.9 Trumpet Model and Resistance Versus Airway Generation
    2.10 Patterns of Airflow
    2.11 Expiratory Flow
    2.12 Forced Expiratory Vital Capacity Maneuver
    2.13 Work of Breathing
    2.14 Pleural Pressure Gradient and Closing Volume
    2.15 Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow
    2.16 Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
    2.17 Pathways and Transfers of O2 and CO2
    2.18 Blood Gas Relationships During Normal Ventilation and Alveolar Hypoventilation
    2.19 Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
    2.20 Shunts
    2.21 Oxygen Transport
    2.22 Role of Lungs and Kidneys in Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
    2.23 Anion Gap
    2.24 Response to Oxidant Signals and Injury
    Lung Metabolism
    2.25 Lung Metabolism
    2.26 Inactivation of Circulating Vasoactive Substances
    Control and Disorders of Respiration
    2.27 Chemical Control of Respiration (Feedback Mechanism)
    2.28 Neural Control of Breathing
    2.29 Respiratory Response to Exercise
    2.30 Effects of High Altitude on Respiratory Mechanism
    2.31 Hyperventilation and Hypoventilation
    2.32 Periodic Breathing (Cheyne-Stokes)
    2.33 Sites of Pathologic Disturbances in Control of Breathing
    3.1 Tests of Pulmonary Function
    3.2 Tests of Pulmonary Function (Continued)
    3.3 Tests of Pulmonary Function (Continued)
    Radiologic Examination of the Lungs
    3.4 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Normal Posteroanterior and Lateral Views of Chest
    3.5 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Lateral Decubitus View
    3.6 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Technique of Helical Computed Tomography
    3.7 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Right Bronchial Tree as Revealed by Bronchograms
    3.8 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Left Bronchial Tree as Revealed by Bronchograms
    3.9 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Pulmonary Angiography
    3.10 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Images From a PET-CT Scanner
    3.11 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Patterns of Lobar Collapse - Right Lung
    3.12 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Patterns of Lobar Collapse - Left Lung
    3.13 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Alveolar Versus Interstitial Disease
    3.14 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Distribution of Pulmonary Nodules
    3.15 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Alveolar Disease
    3.16 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Radiographic Consolidation Patterns of Each Segment of Lungs (AP Views)
    3.17 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
    3.18 Radiologic Examination of the Lungs: Airway and Pleural Diseases
    3.19 Abnormalities of the Chest Wall and Mediastinum
    3.20 Thoracic Ultrasound Equipment and Examination Zones
    3.21 Thoracic Ultrasound: A lines, B lines, Seashore Sign, Barcode Sign
    3.22 Thoracic Ultrasound: Lung Point
    3.23 Exhaled Breath Analysis
    Endoscopic Procedures
    3.24 Flexible Bronchoscopy
    3.25 Bronchoscopic Views
    3.26 Nomenclature for Peripheral Bronchi
    3.27 Rigid Bronchoscopy
    3.28 Endobronchial Ultrasonography
    3.29 Mediastinotomy and Mediastinoscopy
    Congenital Lung Disease

    4.1 Congenital Deformities of the Thoracic Cage
    4.2 Kyphoscoliosis: Pathology
    4.3 Kyphoscoliosis: Pulmonary Function
    4.4 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
    4.5 Tracheoesophageal Fistulas and Tracheal Anomalies
    4.6 Pulmonary Agenesis, Aplasia, and Hypoplasia
    4.7 Congenital Thoracic Malformations
    4.8 Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
    4.9 Congenital Lobar Overdistension
    4.10 Chronic Cough
    Laryngeal Disorders
    4.11 Common Laryngeal Lesions
    4.12 Laryngeal and Tracheal Stenosis
    4.13 Vocal Cord Dysfunction
  • David A. Kaminsky, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA


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