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cover image - Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323930512
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-29-2023
Page Count: 608
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99

Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition

by Oncology Nursing Society, Jeannine M. Brant, PhD, APRN, AOCN, FAAN, Diane G. Cope, PhD, APRN, BC, AOCNP® and Marlon Garzo Saría, PhD, RN, AOCNS®, FAAN


cover image - Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323930512
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-29-2023
Page Count: 608
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $99.99
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This definitive resource for the specialty of oncology nursing will help you prepare for oncology nursing practice and for OCN® certification! The Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition is the definitive resource for the specialty of oncology nursing, developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Organized to follow the OCN® Exam blueprint, this book covers the entire scope of oncology nursing, including screening and the continuum of cancer care, the scientific basis for practice, types of cancer, treatment modalities, palliation of symptoms, and cultural and spiritual care. An overview of each problem includes assessment, management, and expected patient outcomes. Edited by a team of oncology nursing experts led by Jeannine M. Brant and written in a streamlined outline format, the Core Curriculum is the #1 resource for the specialty of oncology nursing, for initial OCN® certification, and for OCN® recertification.

    • This definitive study resource for oncology nursing practice and the OCN® Examination is the only such resource developed in collaboration with and under the editorship of the Oncology Nursing Society.
    • Easy-to-use outline format makes study and review easier; it begins with theory and continues through the steps of the nursing process.
    • Safety Alerts and emphasis on safety highlight safety considerations to reduce errors and promote quality care.
    • Content on cancer treatment and related nursing care includes the most current and accurate information, preparing you for the OCN® Exam and for enhanced clinical practice.
    • Approximately 60 full-color illustrations and more than 150 summary tables explain complex concepts in oncology nursing, including up-to-date cancer staging information.
    • Coverage of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions includes both traditional and alternative therapies.
    • NEW! Updated content throughout reflects the 2022 OCN® Examination blueprint, along with the latest national and international guidelines and the most current research evidence.
    • NEW! A Myelofibrosis chapter is added to address this important cancer type, and a Social Determinants of Health and Financial Toxicity chapter addresses the cost of cancer treatment and financial burden of cancer treatment on patients and families.
    • NEW! COVID-19–related content reflects the impact of the ongoing pandemic, including differential diagnoses for pulmonary symptoms and the impact of delayed cancer diagnosis and treatment.
    • NEW! Updated emphases mirror those of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2021 Essentials as well as the recommendations of the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing report.
  • PART 1: The Care Continuum
    1. Epidemiology, Prevention, and Health Promotion
    2. Screening and Early Detection
    3. Survivorship
    4. Palliative and End-of-Life Care
    5. Nurse Navigation Across the Cancer Continuum
    6. Communication and Shared Decision-Making
    PART 2: Scientific Basis for Practice
    7. Carcinogenesis
    8. Immunology
    9. Precision Medicine
    10. Genetic Risk Factors
    11. Research Protocols and Clinical Trials
    PART 3: Site-Specific Cancer Considerations
    12. Bone and Soft Tissue Cancers
    13. Breast Cancer
    14. Gastrointestinal Cancers
    15. Genitourinary Cancers
    16. Head and Neck Cancers
    17. Infection Related Cancers
    18. Leukemia
    19. Lung Cancer
    20. Lymphoma
    21. Multiple Myeloma
    22. Myelofibrosis  NEW!
    23. Neurologic System Cancers
    24. Reproductive System Cancers
    25. Skin Cancer
    PART 4: Treatment Modalities
    26. Surgery
    27. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and CAR-T Cell Therapy
    28. Radiation Therapy
    29. Chemotherapy, Hormonal Therapy, and Oral Adherence
    30. Biotherapies: Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapies
    31. Support Therapies and Vascular Access Devices
    32. Pharmacologic Interventions
    33. Complimentary and Integrative Modalities
    PART 5: Palliation of Symptoms
    34. Cardiovascular Symptoms
    35. Cognitive Symptoms
    36. Endocrine Symptoms
    37. Fatigue
    38. Gastrointestinal Symptoms
    39. Genitourinary Symptoms
    40. Hematologic and Immune Symptoms
    41. Integumentary Symptoms
    42. Musculoskeletal Symptoms
    43. Neurological Symptoms
    44. Nutritional Issues
    45. Pain
    46. Respiratory Symptoms
    47. Sleep Disturbances
    PART 6: Oncologic Emergencies
    48. Metabolic Emergencies
    49. Structural Emergencies
    PART 7: Psychological, Social, Cultural, and Spiritual Dimensions of Care
    50. Body Image Considerations
    51. Caregiver Burden
    52. Social Determinants of Health and Financial Toxicity  NEW!
    53. Cultural and Spiritual Care
    54. Psychosocial Disturbances and Coping
    55. Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction
    PART 8: Professional Practice
    56. Standards of Practice and Professional Performances
    57. Evidence-Based Practice
    58. Principles of Education and Learning
    59. Legal Issues
    60. Ethical Issues
    61. Professional Issues
    62. Compassion Fatigue
  • Oncology Nursing Society, Jeannine M. Brant, PhD, APRN, AOCN, FAAN, Oncology Nurse Specialist, Director and Lead Scientist, Collaborative Science and Innovation, Billings Clinic, Billings, Montana, Diane G. Cope, PhD, APRN, BC, AOCNP®, Director of Nursing, Oncology Nurse Practitioner, Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute, Fort Myers, Florida and Marlon Garzo Saría, PhD, RN, AOCNS®, FAAN, Tarble Foundation Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Scientist, Providence Saint John’s Health Center, Santa Monica, California; Assistant Professor, John Wayne Cancer Institute/Pacific Neuroscience Institute, Santa Monica, California; Clinical Nurse, United States Air Force
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