Workbook for Beik’s Health Insurance Today, 8th Edition

Now $47.42
Corresponding to the chapters in Beik’s Health Insurance Today, 8th Edition, this workbook lets you practice the skills you will need to succeed as a health insurance professional. Practical assignments reinforce the information in the text, and engaging learning activities and case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge to real-world situations. This edition adds up-to-date coverage of cybersecurity, COVID-19, crowdfunding for medical bills, and more.
- In-class projects and discussion topics enhance understanding of specific content from the text.
- Performance-based activities include hands-on, application-based learning exercises that provide practice in areas such as completing claim forms, posting payments to a patient's ledger, filling out Release to Return to Work forms, and filling out Medicare appeals.
- Problem-solving and collaborative (group) activities emphasize the importance of teamwork in the healthcare field.
- Case studies ask students to solve real-world problems related to health insurance, such as completing a CMS-1500 claim form or explaining how HIPAA could affect someone recently out of work.
- Critical thinking activities strengthen students’ abilities to apply health insurance concepts to a variety of challenging situations.
- Chapter assessments test students’ knowledge with multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions.
- Application exercises challenge students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations.
- Internet Exploration exercises in each chapter help students learn how to perform and evaluate research online.
- Defining Chapter Terms activities prompt students to review and understand the key terms in each chapter.
- NEW! Additional content on cybersecurity emphasizes the importance of keeping digital information private and secure.
- NEW! Information on crowdfunding for medical bills discusses how this practice affects billing.
- NEW! Interactive VST eBook provides a seamless digital experience.
- NEW! Coverage of COVID-19 explores its impact on billing, reimbursement, and employment.
Chapter 1: The Origins of Health Insurance
Chapter 2: Tools of the Trade: A Career as a Health Insurance (Medical) Professional
Chapter 3: The Legal and Ethical Side of Health Insurance
Chapter 4: Healthcare Reform: Coverage Types and Sources
Chapter 5: The Patient and the Billing Process
Chapter 6: Reimbursement Models
Chapter 7: Understanding Managed Care
Chapter 8: Understanding Medicare
Chapter 9: Understanding Medicaid
Chapter 10: Understanding Military Carriers
Chapter 11: Understanding Miscellaneous Carriers: Workers’ Compensation and Disability Insurance
Chapter 12: Claim Submission Methods
Chapter 13: Diagnostic Coding
Chapter 14: Procedural, Evaluation and Management, and HCPCS Coding
Chapter 15: Claims Management
Chapter 16: The Role of Computers in Health Insurance
Chapter 17: Reimbursement Procedures: Getting Paid
Chapter 18: Hospital Billing and the UB-04
Appendix: Blank Forms