Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques, 11th Edition
by John Lampignano, MEd, RT(R) (CT) and Leslie E. Kendrick, MS, RT(R)(CT)(MR)
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Use this pocket reference in the clinical setting to ensure proper positioning and correct exposure! Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques, 11th Edition guides you through each step in performing hundreds of imaging procedures. Each projection includes patient positioning photos and concise descriptions to help you produce clear images safely and confidently. Written by the same authors as Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, this handbook is a convenient clinical companion to the textbook. A quick review ensures that you perform radiographic procedures right every time!
- 297 projections provide a snapshot of essential information in an easily accessible and portable format.
- Standard, well-positioned radiograph of each projection demonstrates the critical anatomy that must be visualized, along with a list of evaluation criteria.
- Recommendations for radiation protection are provided for each projection, including instructions for shielding.
- Positioning pages include a patient position description, recommended automatic exposure control chamber, collimation field size, IR size, CR location and CR angle, suggested kVp ranges, space to fill in exposure factors, and more.
- Page number references for the textbook are included at the bottom of each positioning page to easily refer to the text for greater detail and explanation concerning a particular position.
- Useful appendices make it easy to find information on patient dose safety, abbreviations and acronyms, and various conversion charts.
- NEW! Updated photographs visually demonstrate the latest digital technology used in radiography with new radiographs as well as images of positioning and new equipment.
- NEW! The latest ARRT® content specifications and ASRT curriculum guidelines prepare you for certification exams and for clinical practice.
- NEW! Additional new projections include a false and modified false profile of the hip, PA clenching wrist for the scapulolunate region, and weight-bearing calcaneus which are performed frequently in orthopedic and sports medicine clinics
1 Chest—Chest, Upper Airway and Pediatric Chest
2 Upper Limb—Fingers, Thumb, Hand, Wrist, Forearm, Elbow, and Pediatric Upper Limb
3 Humerus and Shoulder Girdle—Humerus, Shoulder, Clavicle, AC Joints and Scapula
4 Lower Limb—Toes, Foot, Calcaneus, Ankle, Lower Leg, Knee, Patella, and Pediatric Lower Limb
5 Femur and Pelvis—Femur, Hips, Pelvis, and Pediatric Hips and Pelvis
6 Vertebral Column—C Spine, T Spine, L Spine, Sacrum and Coccyx, Sacroiliac Joint
7 Bony Thorax—Sternum, Sternoclavicular Joints, and Ribs
8 Cranium, Facial Bones, and Paranasal Sinuses—Cranium, Facial Bones, Nasal Bones, Zygomatic Arches, Optic Foramina, Mandible, TMJs and Paranasal Sinuses
9 Abdomen and Common Contrast Media Procedures—Abdomen, Esophagogram, Upper GI, Small Bowel, BE, IVU and Cystography
10 Mobile (Portables) and Surgical Procedures—Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis, Hips and C-Arm Procedures
Appendix A Reducing Patient Dose
Appendix B Grid Ratio Conversion Chart
Appendix C Initials (Abbreviations), Technical Terms, and Acronyms
John Lampignano, MEd, RT(R) (CT), Retired Director Gateway Community College Phoenix, Arizona
Visiting Professor Boise State University Boise, Idaho and Leslie E. Kendrick, MS, RT(R)(CT)(MR), Associate Professor, Program Director, Chair Department of Radiologic Sciences School of Allied Health Sciences College of Health Sciences Boise State University Boise, Idaho