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cover image - Avery's Neonatology Board Review,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780443106385
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 05-01-2024
Page Count: 592
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $104.99

Avery's Neonatology Board Review, 2nd Edition

by Patricia R. Batchelor Chess, M.D., M.S.


cover image - Avery's Neonatology Board Review,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780443106385
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 05-01-2024
Page Count: 592
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $104.99


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Ace your neonatology board exams and prepare for clinical practice with Avery's Neonatology Board Review: Certification and Clinical Refresher, 2nd Edition. This up-to-date review tool follows the exam blueprint, is based on the trusted content found in Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn, and has been carefully tailored for effective exam review by renowned neonatologist and educator, Patricia Batchelor Chess, MD. Concise, relevant information is presented in a way that’s easy to study and remember, giving you an important advantage on this challenging exam, as well as in the daily, fast-changing practice of neonatology.
  • The most up-to-date, thorough, and effective board review book for neonatology . . .

    • Equips residents, fellows, and attending physicians with an efficient, comprehensive system for study, designed specifically to optimize performance on the board exam.
    • Presents information in a high-yield, outline format highlighted by key points, graphs, tables, images, and algorithms.
    • Includes expanded content on pulmonary mechanisms and on diversity and equity, reflecting the newly revised board exam core content outline.
    • Contains more than 450 board-style questions and answers, both in print and interactively online, related to each chapter.
    • Features board-style vignettes with full, discursive answers online.
    • Written by experts in the field of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine and supporting subspecialists, representing a wealth of trusted insight and guidance.
    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
  • 1 Maximizing Test Performance
    SECTION 1 Respiratory
    2 Respiratory Embryology and Physiology
    3 Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn, and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
    4 Aspiration, Pneumonia, and Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension
    5 Pleural Disorders and Additional Causes of Respiratory Distress
    6 Apnea of Prematurity and Neonatal Respiratory Depression
    7 Assisted Ventilation, ECMO, and Pharmacologic Agents
    SECTION 2 Cardiovascular
    8 Cardiac Development
    9 Cardiovascular Physiology
    10 Presentation of Congenital Heart Disease
    11 Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction
    12 Electrocardiography, Electrophysiology, and Dysrhythmias
    13 Pharmacologic Therapy of Heart Disease
    SECTION 3 Neurology and Neurodevelopment
    14 Neurologic Evaluation
    15 Development of the Nervous System
    16 Neonatal Encephalopathy
    17 Intracranial Hemorrhage and Vascular Injury
    18 Neonatal Neurology Cranial and Neurologic Trauma
    19 Neonatal Seizures
    20 Central Nervous System Infections
    21 Neonatal Abstinence Syndromes and Substance Exposure In Utero
    22 Hypotonia and Other Aspects
    23 Neurodevelopmental Impairments
    24 Causes and Effects of Environment on Neurodevelopmental Impairment
    25 Clinical Features of Neurodevelopmental Impairment
    SECTION 4 Immunology and Infectious Diseases
    26 Development of the Immune System
    27 Components of the Immune System
    28 Abnormal Immune System Development
    29 Infections of Organ Systems
    30 Causative Agents of Infections
    31 Prevention of Infections and Immunization
    SECTION 5 Nutrition
    32 Nutrition and Growth
    33 Minerals, Vitamins, and Trace Minerals
    34 Enteral Nutrition
    35 Parenteral Nutrition
    SECTION 6 Gastroenterology and Bilirubin
    36 Gastrointestinal Development
    37 Gastrointestinal Anomalies
    38 Acquired Disorders of Gastrointestinal Tract
    39 Liver Disease, Abdominal Masses, and Ascites in the Newborn
    40 Bilirubin Biochemistry Metabolism and Measurement
    41 Bilirubin Toxicity
    42 Physiologic and Breast Milk Jaundice
    SECTION 7 Maternal–Fetal Medicine
    43 Pregnancy
    44 Fetal Assessment and Treatment
    45 Labor and Delivery
    SECTION 8 Resuscitation and Stabilization
    46 Resuscitation, Stabilization, and Asphyxia
    SECTION 9 Genetics and Dysmorphism
    47 Molecular Genetics
    48 Patterns of Congenital Disorders
    49 Nongenetic Etiologies for Congenital Defects
    50 Evaluation of Infants With Congenital Anomalies
    51 Inborn Errors of Metabolism
    SECTION 10 Water, Salt, Renal
    52 Water/Electrolyte Metabolism and Acid–Base Balance
    53 Abnormal Renal Development
    SECTION 11 Endocrine, Metabolic, Thermal
    54 Normal and Abnormal Sexual Differentiation
    55 Adrenal Disorders
    56 Thyroid Disorders
    57 Glucose Metabolism
    58 Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Metabolism
    59 Thermoregulation
    SECTION 12 Hematology and Oncology
    60 Erythrocytes
    61 White Blood Cells
    62 Platelets and Coagulation
    63 Transfusion Therapy in Neonates
    64 Solid Tumors and Leukemias
    SECTION 13 Head (Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat), Neck, and Skin
    65 Eye Development, Retinopathy of Prematurity
    66 Ear Development and Anomalies
    67 Nose, Mouth, and Throat Development and Anomalies
    68 Skin Development and Function
    69 Neonatal Skin Lesions
    SECTION 14 Surgical and Complex NICU Patient Management
    70 Neonatal Surgical Management
    71 Complex Neonatal Patient Management
    SECTION 15 Basic Pharmacology Principles
    72 Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics
    73 Clinical Toxicology
    74 Indications, Mechanisms, and Adverse Reactions for Common Drugs
    SECTION 16 Management of Neonatal Care Systems
    75 Organization of Perinatal Care
    76 Ethical and Legal Issues in Neonatology
    SECTION 17 Scholarly Activities and Quality Improvement
    77 Biostatistics in Research
    78 Epidemiology and Clinical Research Design
    79 Applying Research to Clinical Practice
    80 Quality Improvement
    81 Principles of Teaching and Learning
    82 Ethics in Research
    SECTION 18 Diagnostic Imaging
    83 Neurologic Imaging
    84 Chest Imaging
    85 Abdominal Imaging
    86 Miscellaneous Imaging
    Questions Section
  • Patricia R. Batchelor Chess, M.D., M.S., Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Medical Director ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program Director, U of R, Director Fellowship Education, Department of Pediatrics, U of R, Chair of Pediatrics, Unity Hospital, Vice Chair of Education, Dept of Pediatrics, Golisano Children's Hospital, U of R, Chair National Organization of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Training Program D


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