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cover image - ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780443106941
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 04-11-2023
Page Count: 1074
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $346.99

ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine, 3rd Edition

by Karen L. Salzman, MD, Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Jeffrey S. Ross, MD


cover image - ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780443106941
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 04-11-2023
Page Count: 1074
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $346.99


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Designed with the busy practitioner in mind, ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine, third edition, quickly guides you to the most likely differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information. This superbly illustrated resource covers more than 275 of the top differential diagnoses across a broad spectrum of central nervous system diseases, presenting parallel groups of anatomically based differentials, generic imaging patterns, modality-specific findings, and clinically based differentials for each area. Now fully revised and up-to-date, this practical reference clearly guides you through useful, actionable differential diagnoses that lead to definitive findings in every area of the brain and spine.
    • Presents multiple clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images for each diagnosis; a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but significant; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues 

    • Reflects changes in 2021 WHO CNS tumor grading and nomenclature 

    • Contains newly identified entities, new differential diagnoses, and updated references 

    • Shows both typical and variant manifestations of each possible diagnosis 

    • Includes more than 7,000 high-quality print and online images  

    • Features updated genetic information now available in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) 

    • Separates adult and pediatric DDx lists for even faster reference 

    • Assists you in building either a definitive diagnosis from an imaging study or a carefully refined list of reasonable differential diagnoses 

    • Includes an eBook version that enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud 




    4 Skull Normal Variants

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    6 Scalp Mass, Child

    Luke L. Linscott, MD and Chang Yueh Ho, MD

    10 Scalp Mass, Adult

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    12 Congenital Anomalies of Skull Base

    Luke L. Linscott, MD and Chang Yueh Ho, MD


    18 "Hair on End"

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    20 Thick Skull, Generalized

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    24 Thick Skull, Localized

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    26 Thin Skull, Generalized

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    28 Thin Skull, Localized

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    30 Lytic Skull Lesion, Solitary

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    34 Multiple Lucent Skull Lesions

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    38 Sclerotic Skull Lesion, Solitary

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    42 Sclerotic Skull Lesions, Multiple

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA


    44 Macrocrania/Macrocephaly

    Luke L. Linscott, MD

    50 Microcephaly

    Luke L. Linscott, MD



    56 Dural Calcification(s)

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    58 Dural-Based Mass, Solitary

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    62 Dural-Based Masses, Multiple

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    66 Falx Lesions

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA


    68 Thick Dura/Arachnoid, Generalized

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH

    70 Pial Enhancement

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH

    74 Dural Tail Sign

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA



    76 Ventricles, Normal Variants

    Bernadette L. Koch, MD and Chang Yueh Ho, MD

    80 Choroid Plexus Lesions, Child

    Chang Yueh Ho, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    82 Choroid Plexus Lesions, Adult

    Kalen Riley, MD, MBA, Chang Yueh Ho, MD, and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    84 Ependymal/Subependymal Lesions

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    90 Lateral Ventricle Mass

    Karen L. Salzman, MD

    94 Thick Septum Pellucidum

    Blair A. Winegar, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    96 Foramen of Monro Mass

    Troy A. Hutchins, MD

    100 3rd Ventricle Mass, Anterior

    Karen L. Salzman, MD

    104 3rd Ventricle Mass, Body/Posterior

    Karen L. Salzman, MD

    106 Cerebral Aqueduct/Periaqueductal Lesion

    Nancy J. Fischbein, MD

    112 4th Ventricle Mass, Child

    Chang Yueh Ho, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    116 4th Ventricle Mass, Adult

    Karen L. Salzman, MD


    118 Bubbly-Appearing Intraventricular Mass

    Chang Yueh Ho, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    122 Ependymal Enhancement

    Blair A. Winegar, MD and Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    126 Ventriculomegaly

    Luke L. Linscott, MD

    132 Small Ventricles

    Bernadette L. Koch, MD and Chang Yueh Ho, MD

    134 Asymmetric Lateral Ventricles

    Santhosh Gaddikeri, MD and Marinos Kontzialis, MD

    138 Irregular Lateral Ventricles

    Santhosh Gaddikeri, MD and Marinos Kontzialis, MD

    142 Periventricular Enhancing Lesions

    Santhosh Gaddikeri, MD and Marinos Kontzialis, MD


    146 Intraventricular Calcification(s)

    Blair A. Winegar, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    150 Periventricular Calcification(s)

    Luke L. Linscott, MD, Chang Yueh Ho, MD, and Susan I. Blaser, MD, FRCPC

    154 Periventricular T2-/FLAIR-Hyperintense Lesions

    Troy A. Hutchins, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD



    158 Subarachnoid Space Normal Variants

    Luke L. Linscott, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    160 Epidural Mass

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Sheri L. Harder, MD, FRCPC

    164 Enlarged Sulci, Generalized

    Troy A. Hutchins, MD and Chang Yueh Ho, MD

    168 Effaced Sulci, Generalized

    Troy A. Hutchins, MD and Anne G. Osborn, MD, FACR

    172 Interhemispheric Fissure Cysts

    Bernadette L. Koch, MD, Chang Yueh Ho, MD, and Anne G. Osborn, MD, FACR

    176 CPA Mass, Adult

    Blair A. Winegar, MD and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    180 Cystic CPA Mass

    Karen L. Salzman, MD and H. Ric Harnsberger, MD

    184 Prepontine Cistern Mass

    Kalen Riley, MD, MBA, Gregory L. Katzman, MD, MBA, and Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    190 Ventral Foramen Magnum Mass

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Karen L. Salzman, MD

    194 Dorsal Foramen Magnum Mass

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Karen L. Salzman, MD


    198 Solitary Enhancing Cranial Nerve

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Anne G. Osborn, MD, FACR

    200 Multiple Enhancing Cranial Nerves

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Anne G. Osborn, MD, FACR

    204 CSF-Like Extraaxial Fluid Collection

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH

    206 Convexal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA

    210 CSF-Like Extraaxial Mass

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH

    212 Sulcal/Cisternal Enhancement

    Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA and

  • Karen L. Salzman, MD, Professor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Neuroradiology Section Chief and Associate Fellowship Director, Leslie W. Davis Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, Miral D. Jhaveri, MD, MBA, Professor, Division Head, Neuroradiology, Executive Vice-Chair, Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois and Jeffrey S. Ross, MD, Consultant, Neuroradiology Division, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Professor of Radiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona


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