Buck's Coding Exam Review 2024 - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Now $84.54
Prepare to succeed on your coding certification exam with Buck’s Coding Exam Review 2024: The Physician and Facility Certification Step! This extensive exam review provides complete coverage of all topics included on the physician and facility coding certification exams — including anatomy, terminology, and pathophysiology for each body system; reimbursement issues; CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10-CM/PCS coding; and more. Six full practice exams (with answers and rationales) simulate the testing experience and provide enough practice to reassure even the most insecure exam-taker. It’s the only coding exam review you need!
Newer Edition Available
Buck's Coding Exam Review 2025 - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource
- UNIQUE! Six full practice exams on the Evolve companion website simulate the experience of taking the actual coding certification exams, allowing you to assess your strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a plan for focused study.
- Full coverage and exam prep for facility and physician coding
- Coverage reflects the latest changes to the CPT E/M guidelines for office and other outpatient codes.
- Answers and rationales to questions on the practice exams let you check your work.
- Concise outline format helps you access key information quickly and study more efficiently.
- Mobile-optimized quick quizzes offer on-the-go practice with more than 350 medical terminology, pathophysiology, CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10-CM questions.
- "Real-life" coding reports simulate the reports that you will encounter on the job and challenge you to apply key coding principles to actual cases.
- Test-taking tips in the Success Strategies section guide you step-by-step through the entire exam process.
- NEW! Updated content features the latest coding information available, promoting accurate coding and success on the job.
Part 1: Anatomy, Terminology, and Pathophysiology
1 Integumentary System
2 Musculoskeletal System
3 Respiratory System
4 Cardiovascular System
5 Female Genital System and Pregnancy
6 Male Genital System
7 Urinary System
8 Digestive System
9 Mediastinum and Diaphragm
10 Hemic and Lymphatic System
11 Endocrine System
12 Nervous System
13 Senses
Part 2: Physician-based Reimbursement Issues
14 Physician-based Reimbursement Issues
Part 3: Facility-based Reimbursement Issues
15 Facility-based Reimbursement Issues
Part 4: CPT and HCPCS Coding
16 Introduction to CPT
17 Evaluation and Management (E/M) Section (99202-99499)
18 Anesthesia Section (00100-01999)
19 CPT/HCPCS Level I Modifiers (-22 to -99)
20 Surgery Section (10004-69990)
21 Radiology Section (70010-79999)
22 Pathology and Laboratory Section (80047-89398, 0001U-0419U)
23 Medicine Section (90281-99607)
24 HCPCS Coding
Part 5: ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding
25 ICD-10-CM Overview
26 Using ICD-10-CM
27 ICD-10-CM Chapters 1-10
28 ICD-10-CM Chapters 11-14
29 ICD-10-CM Chapters 15-22
30 Outpatient Coding
31 ICD-10-PCS, Reporting Inpatient Procedures
Part 6: Physician-based Examinations
32 Physician-based Examinations
Part 7: Facility-based Examinations
33 Facility-based Examinations
Figure Credits
Appendix A Resources
Appendix B Answers
Appendix C Medical Terminology
Appendix D Combining Forms
Appendix E Prefixes
Appendix F Suffixes
Appendix G Abbreviations
Appendix H Further Text Resources
Appendix I Pharmacology Review