Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 11th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

Now $52.24
Make this concise Clinical Companion your go-to reference in the med-surg clinical setting! Now in full color, this condensed version of Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 11th Edition is an easy-to-use, A-to-Z guide to managing more than 250 medical-surgical conditions. Key nursing care concepts are used to help you organize your care based on each patient’s individual needs. Interprofessional collaborative care is emphasized, and updated content and exemplars are cross-referenced to the main text. An ideal study tool for course exams and the NCLEX® Exam, this convenient handbook is sure to become your most trusted clinical reference.
- UNIQUE! Professional Nursing and Health Concepts for Medical-Surgical Nursing section reflects the emphasis on Concepts in the Ignatavicius textbook and helps you build clinical judgment skills.
- A-Z synopses of more than 250 diseases and disorders — along with related interprofessional collaborative care — serve as a quick reference for clinicals and a study resource for essential medical-surgical content.
- UNIQUE! Nursing Safety Priorities boxes promote safety with Drug Alerts, Action Alerts, and Critical Rescue information.
- UNIQUE! Focus on interprofessional collaboration provides guidance for coordinating care with other healthcare professionals.
- Printed thumb tabs along the edges of the printed pages facilitate quick access to clinical information and just-in-time learning and reference on the job.
- NEW! Updated content throughout reflects new national and international guidelines and protocols, and matches changes to the 11th edition of the Ignatavicius Medical-Surgical Nursing textbook for a seamless reference and study experience.
- NEW! Full-color illustrations and design make it easier to understand and apply content.
- NEW! Improved formatting promotes enhanced learning and reference value.
- UNIQUE! Patient-Centered Care boxes highlight nursing interventions specific to older adults, veterans, and gender health, as well as genetic/genomic, cultural, and NEW healthy equity considerations.
PART I Professional Nursing and Health Concepts for Medical-Surgical Nursing
PART II Diseases and Conditions
APPENDIX Electrocardiographic Complexes, Segments, and Intervals