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cover image - Legal Medicine,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780443121289
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 09-10-2024
Page Count: 740
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $239.99

Legal Medicine, 8th Edition

by American College of Legal Medicine and American Board of Legal Medicine


cover image - Legal Medicine,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780443121289
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 09-10-2024
Page Count: 740
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $239.99


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Authored by the two primary organizations in the field, Legal Medicine: Health Care Law and Medical Ethics, 8th Edition, remains the premier treatise in this increasingly important area of medical practice. In the midst of a progressively litigious culture, this essential reference provides up-to-date information on topics surrounding professional medical liability, the business aspects of medical practice, and medicolegal and ethical issues, offering comprehensive discussions on a myriad of topics that health care professionals face every day.
    • Addresses the legal aspects of almost every medical topic that impacts health care professionals, using actual case studies to illustrate nuances in the law.
    • Offers the expert guidance of top professionals across medical and legal fields in an easy-to-read format.
    • Includes new chapters on Legal Medicine History; Healthcare Technology; Patients with Infectious Diseases (HIV Infection and COVID-19); General Pain Management; Opioids and Illicit Drugs: Misuse, Abuse and Addiction; Cannabis (Marijuana); Drug (Treatment) Courts; and Public Health Law and Policy.
    • Provides authoritative information on current issues such as the high costs of medical liability insurance for practitioners and organizations; changes in health care and the law, including HIPAA and patient privacy; the overturning of Roe v. Wade; the opioid epidemic, and more.
    • Features Key Points boxes to open every chapter, Pearls boxes to call out important details, additional diagrams and tables throughout, a glossary of medical terms, and updated references and suggested readings.
    • Serves as the syllabus for the Board Review Course of the American Board of Legal Medicine (ABLM).
    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
  • Part One: Legal Medicine in the Digital Age
    1. History of Legal Medicine
    2. The American Legal System
    3. Digital Healthcare
    4. History of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
    5. Artificial Intelligence Liability Theories in Medicine
    6. Artificial Intelligence in Genetics
    7. Use of AI in Dentistry
    8. Medical Records and Prescribing by Physicians
    9. Spoliation: Altered Medical Records
    10. The Confidentiality of Digital Medical Information
    11. Telemedicine Liability
    Part Two: Law of Medicine and Medical Practice
    12. The Standard of Care and the Reasonable Doctor and Juror
    13. Healthcare Provider Contracts
    14. Physician as an Employer
    15. The Law of Agency and Partnership
    16. Medical Practice Organizations and Joint Ventures
    17. Patents, Intellectual Property, and Licenses
    18. The Law of Antitrust
    19. Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques
    20. Professional Liability Insurance
    Part Three: Medical Education and Practice
    21. Medical Education and State Board Licensure
    22. Medical Staff Peer Review in Credentialing and Privileging of Physicians
    23. Physician Profile Databases
    24. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    Part Four: Professional Medical Ethics
    25. Physician–Patient Relationship
    26. Competency and Capacity: A Primer
    27. Informed Consent to Medical and Surgical Treatment
    28. Mandatory Evaluation of Older Doctors for Physical and Cognitive Impairment
    Part Five: Prescribing and Pain Management
    29. Prescribing by Clinicians
    30. Drug Courts
    31. Cannabis (Marijuana): Metabolic and Medical Aspects
    32. Cannabinoids: Legal Aspects
    33. Liability for Physicians Who Certify Medical Cannabis Therapy
    Part Six: Legal Aspects of Public Health
    34. Occupational Health Law
    35. Public Health Law
    36. HIV/AIDS: Ethical and Legal Aspects
    37. Responses to COVID-19: Ethical and Legal Issues
    38. Legal and Policy Aspects of Bioterrorism
    Part Seven: Forensic Science and Medicine
    39. Forensic Use of Medical Information in Civil and Criminal Justice Systems
    40. Forensic Pathology
    41. Psychiatric Patients and Forensic Psychiatry
    42. Forensic Criminalistics
    Part Eight: Care of Special Patients
    43. Child Abuse
    44. Domestic Violence Patients
    45. Geriatric Patients
    46. Elder Law: Ethical and Legal Issues
    47. Cancer Genetics: Discrimination and Counseling
    48. The Process of Dying
    49. Aid in Dying and Palliative Sedation in the United States
    50. Preparticipation Athletic Screening, Supervision, and Disqualification of Student Athletes: Physician Apprehension of Legal Liability
    Part Nine: Professional Medical Liability
    51. Medical Malpractice Stress Syndrome
    52. Etiology of Medical Malpractice: Causes of Action
    53. Defenses to a Claim of Medical Malpractice
    54. Medication Errors by Healthcare Providers
    55. Medical Testimony and the Expert Witness
    56. Physician Conduct at Deposition and at Trial
    57. Pretrial, Trial, and Appeal Procedures
    58. Legal Liability in Clinical Trials Research
    59. Medical Product Liability
    60. Countersuits by Healthcare Providers
    61. Crimes by Healthcare Providers (Part 1)
    62. Crimes by Healthcare Providers (Part 2)
    63. Cerebral Palsy Litigation: A Continuing 21st Century Epidemic
    Part Ten: Liability of Medical Specialists
    64. Emergency Medicine
    65. Family Practice and Internal Medicine Liability
    66. Liability of Cardiologists
    67. Liability of Surgeons
    68. Legal Issues in Newborn Intensive Care
    69. Pediatric Liability
    70. Liability in Obstetrics and Gynecology
    71. Liability of the Ophthalmologist
    72. Otolaryngology Liability
    73. Liability of Radiologists
    74. Liability of Neurologists
    75. Liability of Plastic Surgeons
    76. Nursing Liability
    77. Liability of Pharmacists
    78. Liability of Psychiatrists
    79. Liability of the Clinical Pathologist
    80. Life Care Planning: Ethical and Legal Issues
    81. Liability of Urologists
    82. Liability and Risk Management in Anesthesiology
    Glossary of AI Terms
    Case Index
    Subject Index
    Appendix A General Medical-Legal terms
  • American College of Legal Medicine and American Board of Legal Medicine


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