Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for Quick & Easy Medical Terminology (Access Card), 10th Edition
Online Course - Access Card

Now $53.00
Experience a high-quality online learning experience! Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier’s Adaptive Learning (EAL) uses supplementary content and engaging exercises to help you master the medical vocabulary presented in Leonard’s Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 10th Edition textbook. This fully-accessible online course allows you to learn faster by delivering content precisely when it’s needed while constantly tracking your performance — ensuring core information is transformed into lasting clinical knowledge. It also features gradable case studies, audio reviews and activities, and EAL assignments that report to the instructor’s dashboard.
- Logically organized content follows the text and offers a wide range of auditory and visual elements and various interactive exercises to appeal to the broad spectrum of learners.
- Innovative digital activities are designed to facilitate learning medical terminology in an online setting.
- Adaptive technology allows students to practice word parts in a personalized environment.
- Audio program and exercises reinforce correct pronunciation of terminology.
- Case studies and exam results feed the gradebook, providing insights into each student’s understanding of medical terminology.
- NEW and UPDATED! Content and images keep students up to date with the latest medical terminology, procedures, and technology.
Part One: The Basics
1. Simplified Medical Language
2. Suffixes and Combining Forms Made Easy
3. Essential Prefixes and More
4. Diagnostic Procedures and Therapeutic Interventions
5. The Body as a Whole
Part Two: Body Systems
6. Musculoskeletal System
7. Circulatory System
8. Respiratory System
9. Digestive System
10. Urinary System
11. Reproductive System
12. Integumentary System
13. Nervous System and Psychologic Disorders
14. Special Sensory Organs of the Peripheral Nervous System
15. Endocrine System