cover image - Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702060809
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 03-17-2015
Page Count: 288
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $36.99

Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Nancy Rushford, PhD, M.Sc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.), M.A. and Kerry Thomas, BScOT, Grad Dip

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702060809
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 03-17-2015
Page Count: 288
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $36.99
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Disasters are confronting communities across the globe on a scale and intensity not previously witnessed.

Following devastating earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand, Haiti, China, Indonesia and Pakistan, hurricanes in the Philippines and USA, floods in Bangladesh, the Balkans and Canada, famine and droughts in Africa and Australia, and ferocious wildfires in Europe, USA and Australia, to epidemics, conflicts and terrorism unleashing indiscriminate suffering across all continents...


Allied health workers, including occupational therapists, are seeking ways to engage in a meaningful professionals...individuals...and global citizens.

Disaster and Development is a ground breaking book that crosses cultures and contexts to provide a foundation for critical reflection on the role of occupation in disaster and development.

Drawing upon the experiences of survivors, and of practitioners, personnel from local and international organizations, researchers and academics, an occupational perspective is illuminated with implications for policy, practice and education.


WFOT - World Federation of Occupational Therapists"Timely, accessible, and reflecting the real life experiences of people who survive disaster and those that endeavour to help. At last, a unique resource that occupational therapists and others can count on in bringing about survivor-led recovery and resilience."

Frank Kronenberg (co-editor, 'Occupational Therapy without Borders')"For students and practitioners this innovative book provides practical insights and guidance to assist individuals, families and communities affected by disaster and provides an important resource for this emerging area of practice."

    • supports the development, use and practice of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness and response contexts
    • presents a rich array of new material and learning which is sought after by occupational therapy and occupational science professions
    • case study experiences covering epidemics, refugee crises, industrial emergencies, conflict, terrorism and natural disasters
    • concludes with a description and analysis of a proposed occupational framework for disaster preparedness and response
    • Contributed by a truly global team of authors from Australia, the US, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, the UK, Hong Kong, Indonesia...
    • Edited by a team who are widely recognised and experienced in development and disaster contexts
  • Preface
    About the Editors
    List of Abbreviations
    1.Disaster and Development: A Call to Action
    Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas
    2. Disaster, Development and Occupational Therapy: Historical Perspectives and Possibilities
    Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas
    3. Disaster Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience: An Emergent Socio-Ecological Perspective
    Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas
    4 Disaster, Daily Life and Meaning
    Dikaios Sakellariou, Susann Baez Ullberg
    5 Lost in the Mix: A Case for Inclusive and Participatory Approaches to Disaster and Development
    Nancy Rushford

    Emergency Response and Early Recovery
    6 Listening to the Voices of Survivors: The Floods of 2003 in Santa Fe, Argentina
    Mariá De Los Milagros Demiryi, Carla Boggio, Mariana Boffelli, Daniela Chiapessoni, Mauro Demichelis, Mariá Del Carmen Heit
    7 Reflections on Haiti
    Ruth Duggan
    8 Living With the Bones
    Rachel Thibeault
    9 Cyclone Yasi: The Experience of Queenslanders without a Home
    Yvonne Thomas
    10 After Katrina: Stephanie’s Four-Year Struggle for Survival
    Emily F. Piven
    11 Wildfires: Responding to Psychological and Emotional Needs of the Community
    Zoe Edmonds
    12 Terrorism: A Survivor’s Story
    Sue Hanisch
    13 Seeking Asylum in the UK
    Nick Pollard
    14 Solomon’s Story
    Rachel Thibeault, Marie Claude Bernard, Solomon Patray
    15 The Dadaab Refugee Camps and the Voices of People with a Disability
    Siyat Hillow Abdi, Brian Matthews
    16 Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOS) In Disaster: Learning from their Experience
    Nazmul Bari, Broja Gopal Saha
    17 Accessibility Outcomes in Disaster Recovery – A Critical Concern, a Minimum Requirement or an Afterthought?
    Samantha Whybrow, Catherine Bridge
    18 Community-Based Rehabilitation in Colombia’s Armed Conflict
    Solángel García-Ruíz
    19 Landmine Action and Advocacy: From Local to Global
    Rebecca Jordan
    20 ‘United, We Live’: Empowering Older People through Disaster Response and Recovery
    Kerry Thomas
    21 Drought: Slow-Onset Disaster and its Burden upon Families
    Jenny Biven
    22 Supporting Community Recovery through Indigenous Engagement and the Natural Environment
    Tania Simmons, Penny Scott, Chantal Roder
    23 Climate Change and Children: The Need for Innovative Responses
    Kerry Thomas
    Entering the Field
    24 Medical Assistance Teams: Reflections on Emergency Response Experience
    Valerie Rzepka, Nathan Kelly
    25 Drink a Dozen Cups of Tea: Lessons about Listening and Learning
    Adele Perry
    26 Changing Fields of Practice: Training in the Frontier Province, Pakistan
    Miriam Kolker
    27 Mobilizing a Therapeutic Response in a Disaster Zone, Chile 2010
    Cecilia Farias Basadre
    28 Reflections from Experience across the Asia-Pacific Region
    Kerry Thomas, With Contributions from Various Colleagues
    29 Mobilizing Occupational Therapy through Policy, Planning and Education
    Kit Sinclair, Marilyn Pattison

    30 An Occupational Perspective on Disaster and Development and a Conceptual Framework
    Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas
    31 Occupational Stewardship and Collaborative Engagement: A Practice Model
    Nancy Rushford
    32 Disaster and Development: Practical Considerations in Promoting an Occupational Perspective
    Kerry Thomas, Nancy Rushford
    33 Conclusion

  • Nancy Rushford, PhD, M.Sc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.), M.A., Director of Programs and Implementation for the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, Canada and Kerry Thomas, BScOT, Grad Dip, Director, interPART (International Partners in Action, Research & Training), South Australia, Australia.
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