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discussion discussion doc doc-file document-check document-check document-checked document-checked document-csv document-csv document-new document-new document-not-available document-not-available down-left down-right download drag draw-structure-new draw-structure-new drop duplicate-document dvd-player ebook ebook ebook-reading ebook-reading edit edit education-history eject ellipsis ellipsis-open elsevier elsevier email empowering-knowledge empty-cart emtree-taxonomy-browser epub eraser exam exam exe-file expand expand-2 expand-2 export-document export-profile-orcid eye-care eye-not-visible eye-not-visible eye-visible eye-visible facebook facebook failed-outline-circle failed-outline-square failed-solid-circle failed-solid-square fast-forward fax feedback-excited feedback-excited feedback-happy feedback-happy feedback-meh feedback-meh feedback-sad feedback-sad female-face file file filter finger-point-up finger-point-up flag flip-tile flip-tile flowchart flowchart folder folder-in folder-out folder-solid folder-solid forbidden fork fountain-pen fully-charged gif-file globe globe google-play grid group-of-people group-of-researchers hand hand hard-drive heart heart heart-solid heart-solid help-outline-circle help-solid-circle high-battery home home-institution hospital hot hot-tea hy-hart idea in-progress in-progress inbox information-outline-circle information-outline-square information-solid-circle information-solid-square instagram instagram institution institution-edit institution-ranking institutions institutions-edit interactive-case-insights journal jpg-file jump-to-first jump-to-first jump-to-last jump-to-last key lab-skills lab-skills label laptop layers leaf lesson lesson line-charts link linkedin linkedin list loading location lock log-in log-out low-battery male-face man map-location mastodon mastodon matrix-view measuring-cup medical-cross medium-battery menu menu merge microphone microwave minus minus-circle minus-circle minus-solid-circle 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cover image - A Nurse's Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies Updated Edition Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780702076688
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 12-19-2018
Page Count: 464
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $29.99

A Nurse's Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies Updated Edition Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource, 3rd Edition

by Richard N. Harrison, MD FRCP

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - A Nurse's Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies Updated Edition Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780702076688
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 12-19-2018
Page Count: 464
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $29.99
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Now $28.49

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  • Abbreviations

    1. Introduction: Immediate assessment of the critically ill
    2. ABCDE: Immediate assessment and intervention

      Early warning: Track and Trigger

      National Early Warning Score

      Communication – NEWS and SBAR

    3. Cardiology
    4. Acute severe breathlessness

      Cardiac failure

      Heart muscle damage

      Valvular disease

      Rhythm disturbance

      Types of heart failure

      Left heart failure

      Right heart failure

      Congestive cardiac failure

      Right heart failure and COPD

      Diastolic heart failure

      Clinical features and management of cardiac failure

      Acute left ventricular failure

      Acute on chronic congestive cardiac failure

      Ischaemic heart disease

      Chest pain

      Acute coronary syndromes, NSTEMIs and Unstable Angina

      Sudden cardiac death

      Atrial fibrillation and arterial emboli

      Causes of atrial fibrillation

      Importance of atrial fibrillation

      Complications of atrial fibrillation

      Diagnosis of atrial fibrillation

      Management of atrial fibrillation

      Infective endocarditis

      Drugs in the management of acute heart disease

    5. Respiratory medicine
    6. The breathless patient: the general approach

      Respiratory failure

      Type I and Type II respiratory failure

      Principles of treatment

      Acute severe asthma


      Assessment of acute severe asthma

      Management of acute severe asthma

      Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


      Management of acute exacerbations of COPD

      Non-invasive ventilation



      The severity score in pneumonia: CURB-65

      Management of pneumonia


      Spontaneous pneumothorax

      Nursing the patient with a chest drain

    7. Acute neurological problems
    8. Ensuring the safety of the patient

      Prioritising the initial management: GCS and ABCDE

      Managing ‘medical’ and ‘neurological’ coma

      Responding to neurological deterioration

      Stroke and stroke-like emergencies

      Cerebral infarction

      Transient ischaemic attacks

      Intracerebral haemorrhage

      Subarachnoid haemorrhage

      Subdural haemorrhage

      Extradural haemorrhage

      Nursing the patient with a stroke: the first 24 h

      Meningococcal meningitis

      Acute severe headache

      Subarachnoid haemorrhage

      Lumbar puncture

      Sudden loss of consciousness: faints and fits

      The basic mechanisms: syncope

      The basic mechanisms: epileptic seizures

      Pseudoseizures (non-epileptic seizures)

      Acute paralysis of the lower limbs

      Spinal cord compression

      Guillain–Barré syndrome

    9. Gastroenterology
    10. Nausea and vomiting underlying mechanisms

      Nausea and vomiting in acute medical conditions

      Acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage

      Management of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage

      Portal hypertension and the management of oesophageal varices

      Acute liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy

      Acute jaundice

      Acute abdominal pain

      Acute diarrhoea: sources and courses

      Infective diarrhoea

      Clostridium difficile diarrhoea

      Infective diarrhoea versus acute ulcerative colitis

      Medical conditions presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms

    11. Diabetic complications
    12. Diabetes on the Acute Medical Unit: the general approach

      Normal blood sugar control and the nature of diabetes

      An overview of Type I and Type II diabetes

      Acute medical conditions associated with diabetes

      Diabetic renal disease

      Diabetic neuropathy

      Cardiovascular disease

      Cerebrovascular disease

      Peripheral vascular disease

      Blood sugar control in adverse medical situations

      Variable Rate Intravenous Insulin Infusion (VRIII) or GKI

      DIGAMI regimen

      Diabetic Keto Acidosis (DKA)

      Hyperosmolar non-ketotic diabetic coma (HONK)


      Infective complications in diabetes: the acute diabetic foot

    13. Thromboembolic disease
    14. Thrombosis and thromboembolisation


      Superficial thrombophlebitis

      Deep vein thrombosis

      Pulmonary thromboembolism

      Tests to identify thromboembolic disease

      Management of pulmonary thromboembolism

      Nursing the patient with a suspected DVT

      Other causes of a swollen painful leg


      Necrotising fasciitis

      Management of a DVT

      Anticoagulation therapy

    15. Deliberate self-harm, alcohol and substance abuse
    16. Deliberate self-harm

      General principles

      Care of the unconscious patient: ABCDE

      The patient who refuses treatment

      Specific overdoses


      Paracetamol poisoning

      Antidepressant overdose

      Carbon monoxide poisoning

      Alcohol abuse

      Acute alcohol-withdrawal syndrome

      Cocaine 303 Ecstasy

      Heroin abuse

      Needle stick injuries

      Hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections

      Violent incidents

    17. The ‘social admission’
    18. Common errors and omissions in the admission of elderly patients

      Taking a history from the patient

      Taking a history from a third party


      The cause of falls

      Assessment after a fall


      Immediate safety of the patient: ABCDE

      Assessing the cause: establish the full history



      Nursing home admissions

      Ethical issues and the elderly sick

      The emergency admission of patients with a terminal disease

    19. Multisystem failure
    20. Shock: the basic mechanisms

      Cardiogenic shock

      Hypovolaemic shock

      Redistributive (low-resistance) shock

      Acute severe hypotensive collapse

      The importance of immediate resuscitation

  • Richard N. Harrison, MD FRCP, Consultant Physician, The University Hospital of North Tees,Stockton on Tees, UK
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