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cover image - A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780702081705
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 07-26-2021
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $77.99

A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers, 6th Edition

by John Dent, MMEd, MD, FHEA, FRCSEd, Ronald M. Harden, OBE MD FRCP(Glas) FRCSEd FRCPC and Dan Hunt, MD, MBA


cover image - A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780702081705
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 07-26-2021
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $77.99


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Highly regarded in the field of medical education, A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers provides accessible, highly readable, and practical information for those involved in basic science and clinical medicine teaching. The fully updated 6th Edition offers valuable insights into today’s medical education.  Input from global contributors who offer an international perspective and multi-professional approach to topics of interest to all healthcare teachers. With an emphasis on the importance of developing educational skills in the delivery of enthusiastic and effective teaching, it is an essential guide to maximizing teaching performance.

    • Offers comprehensive, succinct coverage of curriculum planning and development, assessment, student engagement, and more.
    • Includes 10 new chapters that discuss the international dimension to medical education, clinical reasoning, the roles of teachers, mentoring, burnout and stress, the patient as educator, professional identity, curriculum and teacher evaluation, how students learn,  and diversity, equality and individuality.
    • Delivers the knowledge and expertise of more than 40 international contributors.
    • Features helpful boxes highlighting practical tips, quotes, and trends in today’s medical education.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
    Foreword, vii
    Preface, ix
    Contributors, xi
    1 The Medical School of the Future, 3
    John A Dent, Ronald M Harden and Dan Hunt
    2 Curriculum Planning and Development, 7
    Mark Edward Quirk and Ronald M Harden
    3 The Undergraduate Curriculum, 15
    Joel Lanphear and Marie Matte
    4 Postgraduate Medical Education: A ‘Pipeline’ to
    Competence, 23
    Linda Snell, Jason R Frank and Yousef Marwan
    5 Continuing Professional Development, 31
    Samar Aboulsoud
    6 The Hidden Curriculum, 39
    Elizabeth Gaufberg and Fred W Hafferty
    7 The International Dimension of Medical
    Education, 47
    Trevor John Gibbs, Yingzi Huang and David Taylor
    8 How Students Learn, 57
    Heeyoung Han, C Leslie Smith, Boyung Suh, Frank J Papa and
    Dan Hunt
    9 Lectures, 65
    William B Jeffries III, Kathryn N Huggett and John L Szarek
    10 Learning in Small Groups, 73
    Dario Torre and Steven J Durning
    11 Clinical Teaching, 81
    Subha Ramani and John A Dent
    12 Learning in Urban and Rural Communities, 91
    Roger Peter Strasser, Carol Pearl Herbert and William
    Brainerd Ventres
    13 Learning in Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships, 101
    David A Hirsh, Tara A Singh, Yamini Saravanan and Lucie
    Kaye Walters
    14 Learning in a Simulated Environment, 109
    Roger Kneebone, Debra Nestel and Fernando Bello
    15 Independent Learning and Distance Education, 119
    John Sandars and Kieran Walsh
    16 Outcome-based Education, 129
    Eric Holmboe and Ronald M Harden
    17 Integrated Learning, 139
    Neil Osheroff
    18 Interprofessional Education, 147
    Jill E Thistlethwaite and Peter H Vlasses
    19 Problem-Based Learning, 155
    Diana Dolmans, Woei Hung and Janneke M Frambach
    20 Team-Based Learning, 163
    Dean Parmelee, Irina Overman and Abbas Hyderi
    21 Digital Technologies in Medical Education, 171
    Rachel H Ellaway
    22 Relevance of Foundational Sciences to the
    Curriculum, 181
    Wojciech Pawlina and Nirusha Lachman
    23 Social and Behavioural Sciences in Medical
    School Curricula, 189
    Jeni Harden
    24 Clinical Communication Skills, 197
    John R Skelton and Connie Wiskin
    25 Ethics, Empathy and Attitudes, 205
    Teck Chuan Voo and Jacqueline Chin
    26 Professionalism, 213
    Helen M O’Sullivan
    27 Medical Research (in General) and
    Evidence-Based Medicine, 221
    Aliki Thomas and Benjamin Chin-Yee
    28 Patient Safety and Quality of Care, 229
    Linda A Headrick, Douglas E Paull and Kevin B Weiss
    29 Medical Humanities, 237
    Julie Y Chen and Harry Yi-Jui Wu
    30 Integrative Medicine in the Training
    of Physicians, 245
    Aviad Haramati, Shelley R Adler, Ray Teets and
    Ben Kligler
    31 Clinical Reasoning, 253
    Ralph Pinnock and Steven Durning
    32 Medical Education in an Era of Ubiquitous
    Information, 261
    Johmarx Patton and Chuck P Friedman
    33 Concepts in Assessment Including Standard
    Setting, 271
    John Norcini and Danette W McKinley
    34 Written Assessments, 279
    Lambert WT Schuwirth and Cees van der Vleuten
    35 Performance and Workplace Assessment, 289
    Katharine Boursicot
    36 Portfolios, Projects and Theses, 297
    Erik W Driessen, Sylvia Heeneman and Cees van der Vleuten
    37 Feedback, Reflection and Coaching: Tools for
    Continuous Learning, 305
    Sharon K Krackov, Antoinette S Peters, Henry S Pohl and
    Joan M Sargeant
    38 The Assessment of Attitudes and
    Professionalism, 315
    Val J Wass and Amanda Barnard
    39 Programmatic Assessment, 323
    Cees van der Vleuten, Sylvia Heeneman and Lambert WT
    SECTION 6 STAFF, 333
    40 The Roles of the Medical Teacher, 335
    Ronald M Harden and Pat Lilley
    41 The Teacher as a Scholar, 343
    Shoaleh Bigdeli and Fakhrosadat Mirhoseini
    42 Staff Development, 351
    Yvonne Steinert
    43 Mentoring, 361
    Subha Ramani and Larry Gruppen
    44 Burnout, Mistreatment and Stress, 369
    Marti Catheryn Balaam and Harriet Harris
    45 The Patient as Educator, 377
    Gerard Flaherty and Robina Shah
    46 Selection of Students and Trainees, 387
    Kevin W Eva
    47 Students and Trainees in Need of Additional
    Support, 395
    Rille Pihlak and Susannah Brockbank
    48 Student Engagement in the Educational
    Programme, 403
    Marko Zdravkovic and Jim Determeijer
    49 Professional Identity and Career Choice, 409
    Roger Ellis and Elaine Hogard
    50 Curriculum and Teacher Evaluation, 419
    Machelle Linsenmeyer
    51 Medical Education Leadership, 429
    Judy McKimm and Kirsty Forrest
    52 The Medical Teacher and Social
    Accountability, 437
    Roger Strasser, Charles Boelen, Björg Pálsdóttir,
    Andre-Jacques Neusy and James Rourke
    53 The Educational Environment, 445
    Jonas Nordquist and Ingrid Philibert
    54 Medical Education Research, 455
    Jennifer A Cleland and Steven J Durning
    55 Diversity, Equality and Individuality, 463
    Petra Verdonk, Sandra Steffens, Omar Tanay, Marie Mikuteit,
    Stephanie Okafor, Konstantin Jendretzky, Francissca Appiah,
    Kambiz Afshar and Maaike Muntinga (in collaboration with
    KritMeds and Comenius Project Equal Opportunities)
    Index, 471
  • John Dent, MMEd, MD, FHEA, FRCSEd, International Liaison Officer, Association of Medical Education in Europe, Dundee, UK, Ronald M. Harden, OBE MD FRCP(Glas) FRCSEd FRCPC, Professor (Emeritus) Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK, Editor Medical Teacher and Dan Hunt, MD, MBA, Co-Secretary, LCME and Senior Director, Accreditation Services, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington DC, USA


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