Midwifery Essentials 3rd edition VST, 3rd Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Now $23.74
Midwifery Essentials provides quick access to facts, formulas and checklists and highlights strategies that midwives can employ to support women throughout the pregnancy, labour and postnatal periods. Underpinned with the most recent evidence-based practice and research, the resource includes common tests and screening, resuscitation and life support guidelines, ISOBAR hand over checklist, common abbreviations and terms, drug calculations, and documentation guidelines.
Now in its third edition, the text has been fully updated to ensure currency in midwifery practice guidelines, standards, policies, statistics and references.
- Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives
- Handy pocket-sized, spiral bound
- Waterproof, write on /wipe off pages with plenty of space to personalise notes
General principles
Antenatal period
Schedule of antenatal visits
Routine antenatal screening
Routine antenatal visit checklist
Calculating expected date of birth (EDB)
Routine blood tests in pregnancy
Other screening tests in pregnancy
Vital sign measurement—maternal
Korotkoff’s sounds
Hypertension in pregnancy
Diabetes in pregnancy
Universal screening for gestational diabetes
Abdominal palpation
Body mass index (BMI)
Fetal growth patterns
Consultation and referral
During labour and birth
Labour and birth definitions
Mechanism of labour and birth (occipitoanterior position)
Promoting normal birth
Vaginal examinations
The cervix in labour
Bishop’s score
Intermittent fetal heart rate auscultation
Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM)—definitions
Electronic fetal monitoring classification of features—intrapartum classification of CTG features
Fetal scalp blood sampling (FBS)
Shoulder dystocia
Management of the third stage
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
Preoperative checklist
Postoperative checklist
Postnatal period
Postnatal assessment checklist
Contraception in postpartum women
Supporting breastfeeding
Newborn baby
Immediate care of the newborn
Apgar score
Newborn screening test
Principles of newborn assessment
General information
Basic life support
Neonatal resuscitation
Common abbreviations in medication administration
Metric system
24-hour time
Drug calculations
Safe administration of medications
Common abbreviations in midwifery practice
Standard precautions
Documentation guidelines
Professional communication tool—ISOBAR
Handover checklist
Phone consultation checklist