Evolve Resources for Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice ANZ 1e, 1st Edition
Written by Dianne Inglis and Jeffrey Kenneally, the workbook includes more than 70 paramedic-focused clinical skills that link underpinning theory and knowledge with expectations for contemporary clinical practice. To ensure the skills are performed correctly and to standard, the resource is further strengthened with a ready-made assessment tool, ideal for both self-directed learning and instructor use. The text is designed for practising skill development, and preparation for assessment and clinical placement.
Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice 1e includes two key components: practical skill instruction and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessment checklist. The skills sections contain clear step-by-step written and photographic instruction in basic to advanced clinical skills, with rationales provided to enhance knowledge acquisition and clinical decision-making. The OSCE checklists allow students and instructors to easily track and assess progress in skill development.
Additional resources on Evolve:
• An eBook on VitalSource
Student and Instructor Resources on Evolve:
- Clinical skill work instructions
- Formative Clinical Skill Assessment (F-CSAT)
- Summative Clinical Skill Assessment (S-CSAT)
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Formative Clinical Skill Assessment (F-CSAT) key
- Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
CHAPTER 1: The paramedic environment
1.1 Clinical skills assessment for paramedics 1.2 The paramedic patient 1.3 Infection control 1.4 Situational awareness 1.5 Communication 1.6 Consent
CHAPTER 2: Patient assessment
2.1 Assessing the modified Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 2.2 Assessing the Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsiveness (AVPU) score 2.3 Assessing the radial and brachial pulse 2.4 Assessing manual blood pressure 2.5 Recording the 12-lead electrocardiograph (ECG) 2.6 Assessment of respiratory rate and rhythm 2.7 Assessment of work of breathing 2.8 Chest auscultation 2.9 Assessment of speech 2.10 Pulse oximetry 2.11 Spirometry 2.12 Assessment of cranial nerve function 2.13 Assessment of motor and sensory nerve function 2.14 Mental status assessment 2.15 Functional capacity assessment (FCA) 2.16 Pain assessment 2.17 Abdominal assessment 2.18 Tympanic temperature recording 2.19 Blood glucose recording 2.20 Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT®)
CHAPTER 3: Airway and ventilation
3.1 Choking 3.2 Head positioning 3.3 Jaw thrust 3.4 Oropharyngeal airway 3.5 Nasopharyngeal airway 3.6 Laryngoscopy 3.7 Foreign body removal/suctioning 3.8 Laryngeal mask airway 3.9 Endotracheal intubation 3.10 Surgical airway 3.11 Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV)
CHAPTER 4: Medication administration
4.1 Administering oral medications 4.2 Administering intranasal (IN) medications 4.3 Using metered dose inhalers 4.4 Preparing injections 4.5 Subcutaneous injection 4.6 Intramuscular injection 4.7 Intravenous access 4.8 Intraosseous access 4.9 Oxygen therapy (mask and nasal cannula) 4.10 Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
CHAPTER 5: Trauma
5.1 Trauma assessment 5.2 Control of severe haemorrhage 5.3 Chest decompression 5.4 Management of impaled objects 5.5 Crash helmet removal 5.6 Cervical collar application 5.7 Pelvic splint application 5.8 Anterior shoulder dislocation reduction 5.9 Dislocated patella relocation
CHAPTER 6: Cardiac arrest
6.1 Chest compressions 6.2 Safe defibrillation
CHAPTER 7: Manual handling
7.1 Log roll 7.2 Transfer: supine to sitting position 7.3 Transfer: sitting to standing position 7.4 Transfer: supine bed to bed
CHAPTER 8: Childbirth
8.1 Normal birth 8.2 Managing third stage 8.3 Premature birth 8.4 Vaginal breech birth 8.5 Shoulder dystocia
CHAPTER 9: Other skills
9.1 Urinary catheter management 9.2 Pressure bandaging and immobilisation