Evolve resources for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5th Edition

Lewis’s Medical–Surgical Nursing ANZ 5th edition continues as the most comprehensive, go-to reference for developing the core aspects of professional nursing care in Australia and New Zealand.
With a clear framework of person-centred care, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice underpinning the assessment and management of adults with complex, acute and chronic healthcare issues, the 5th edition provides nursing students with the foundations for developing expert clinical practice.
Thoroughly revised, the new edition responds to key health priorities, providing an innovative approach to addressing Indigenous health in Australia and New Zealand. Greater emphasis is also given to the issues of: self-care; examination of the nurse’s role within an interprofessional team; and management of the deteriorating patient, to reflect the changing nature of nursing practice in the contemporary healthcare environment.
Additional resources on Evolve
eBook on VitalSource
Student and Instructor Resources
- Review Questions
- Conceptual Care Map creator
- Student Case studies
- Fluids and Electrolytes tutorial
- Nursing Care Plans
Instructor Resources
- Test Bank
- PowerPoint slides
- Image bank