cover image - Evolve Resources for Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780729597135
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 11-12-2019
Page Count: 1600
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00

Evolve Resources for Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 3rd Edition

by Kate Curtis, RN, GradDipCritCare, MNurs(Hons), PhD, FCENA, Clair Ramsden, RN, GradCertCardiol, MHCE, MHServMgt, Ramon Z. Shaban, BSc(Med), BN, GradCertInfCon, PGDipPH&TM, MEd, MCommHealthPrac(Hons1), PhD, RN, FCENA, FACN, FACIPC, CICP-E, Margaret Fry, RN, NP, BSc(Nurs), MEd, PhD, FCENA and Julie Considine, RN, RM, GDipNurs(AcuteCare), GradCertHEd, MNurs, PhD, FACN, FCENA


cover image - Evolve Resources for Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780729597135
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 11-12-2019
Page Count: 1600
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00


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Endorsed by the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia

CENA is the peak professional association representing emergency nurses and has endorsed this text in recognition of the relevance it has to emergency nursing across Australasia.

Led by an expanded editorial team of internationally recognised clinicians, researchers and leaders in emergency care, the 3rd edition of Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics continues to be the foremost resource for students preparing to enter the emergency environment and for clinicians seeking a greater understanding of multidisciplinary emergency care.

The text provides nursing and paramedicine students and clinicians with the opportunity to understand the best available evidence behind the treatment that is provided throughout the emergency care trajectory. This unique approach ultimately seeks to strengthen multidisciplinary care and equip readers with the knowledge and skills to provide safe, quality, emergency care.

The 3rd edition builds on the strengths of previous editions and follows a patient journey and body systems approach, spanning the pre-hospital and hospital environments.

  • Additional resources on evolve

    eBook on VitalSource

    Instructor resources:

    • PowerPoint slides
    • Test bank
    • Paramedic test bank
    • Case study questions and answers
    • Image collection
    • Additional case studies with answers and rationales
    • Additional paramedic case studies with answers and rationales

    Student and Instructor resources:

    • Additional case studies
    • Additional paramedic case studies
    • Videos
    • Expanded editorial team, all internationally recognised researchers and leaders in Emergency Care
    • Chapter 6 Patient safety and quality care in emergency
    • All chapters revised to reflect the most up-to-date evidence-based research and practice
    • Case studies and practice tips highlight cultural considerations and communication issues
    • Aligns to NSQHSS 2e, NMBA and PBA Standards
    • An eBook included in all print purchases
  • SECTION 1   Foundations of emergency care
    1 Emergency nursing in Australia and New Zealand
    2 Paramedicine in Australia and New Zealand
    3 Clinical ethics for emergency healthcare
    4 Emergency care and the law
    5 Cultural considerations in emergency care
    6 Patient Safety and quality in emergency care
    7 Research for emergency care
    8 Patient  and Carer engagement and communication

    SECTION 2  Clinical concepts and systems
    9 Scene assessment, management and rescue
    10 Applied Physiology and pathophysiology for emergency care
    11 Clinical reasoning, problem solving and triage
    12 Major incident preparedness management
    13 Patient assessment and essential care
    14 Resuscitation
    15 Stabilisation and transfer
    16 Clinical skills
    17 Minor injury and management
    18 Pain management
    19 Organ and tissue donation
    20 End of life

    SECTION 3 Emergencies
    21 Respiratory emergencies
    22 Cardiovascular emergencies
    23 Neurological emergencies
    24 Gastrointestinal emergencies
    25 Renal and genitourinary emergencies
    26 Endocrine emergencies
    27 Healthcare-associated infections and infectious diseases
    28 Environmental emergencies
    29 Oncology and haematology emergencies
    30 Toxicological emergencies
    31 Dental, ear, nose and throat emergencies
    32 Ocular emergencies and trauma
    33 Gynaecological emergencies
    34 Obstetric emergencies
    35 Paediatric emergencies
    36 Mental health emergencies
    37 People with disabilities
    38 The older person
    39 Violence, abuse and assault
    40 Alcohol and other drugs

    SECTION 4 Major trauma
    41 Epidemiology of Injury
    42 Major trauma initial assessment and management
    43 Traumatic brain injury
    44 Maxillofacial trauma
    45 Thoracic and neck trauma
    46 Abdominal  trauma
    47 Spinal trauma
    48 Major orthopaedic and neurovascular trauma
    49 Burns trauma

  • Kate Curtis, RN, GradDipCritCare, MNurs(Hons), PhD, FCENA, Professor Emergency and Trauma Care, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; Director Emergency and Critical Care Research, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, Warrawong, NSW, Australia; Registered Nurse, Wollongong Hospital Emergency Department, Wollongong, NSW, Australia; Honorary Professorial Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Clair Ramsden, RN, GradCertCardiol, MHCE, MHServMgt, Executive Director Clinical Services, Opal HealthCare, Australia, Ramon Z. Shaban, BSc(Med), BN, GradCertInfCon, PGDipPH&TM, MEd, MCommHealthPrac(Hons1), PhD, RN, FCENA, FACN, FACIPC, CICP-E, Clinical Chair of Communicable Diseases Control and Infection Prevention, Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute and Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia, Margaret Fry, RN, NP, BSc(Nurs), MEd, PhD, FCENA, Professor Emergency and Critical Care, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Northern Sydney Local Health District Nursing and Midwifery Directorate, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Adjunct Professor, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Senior Editor, Australasian Emergency Care, College of Emergency Nursing Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia and Julie Considine, RN, RM, GDipNurs(AcuteCare), GradCertHEd, MNurs, PhD, FACN, FCENA, Professor of Nursing, Deakin University – Eastern Health, Burwood, Victoria, Australia ; Senior Editor, Australasian Emergency Care, College of Emergency Nursing Australasia, NSW, Australia


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