cover image - Evolve Resources for Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9781437724165
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 05-29-2015
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $0.00

Evolve Resources for Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 8th Edition

by Robert L. Nussbaum, MD, FACP, FACMG


cover image - Evolve Resources for Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9781437724165
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 05-29-2015
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $0.00


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Updated to reflect the newest changes in genetics, Thompson & Thompson's Genetics in Medicine returns as one of the most favored texts in this fascinating and rapidly evolving field. By integrating the classic principles of human genetics with modern molecular genetics, this medical reference book utilizes a variety of learning tools to help you understand a wide range of genetic disorders.

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    • Acquire the state-of-the-art knowledge you need on the latest advances in molecular diagnostics, the Human Genome Project, pharmacogenetics, and bio-informatics.
    • Better understand the relationship between basic genetics and clinical medicine with a variety of clinical case studies.
    • Recognize a wide range of genetic disorders with visual guidance from more than 240 dynamic illustrations and high-quality photos.
    • Immerse yourself in updated graphics, full-color text, illustrations, line diagrams, and clinical photos of genetic diseases.
    • Explore the latest genetic content available in order to remain up to date on the most current trends in the field.
    • Take advantage of a double-page clinical case study section that demonstrates and reinforces general principles of disease inheritance, pathogenesis, diagnosis, management, and counseling.
    • Enhance your critical thinking skills and better retain information. Each chapter ends with up to 5 quick genetic "problems" related to what has just been reviewed, with answers provided in the back of the book.
  • Robert L. Nussbaum, MD, FACP, FACMG, Holly Smith Chair of Medicine and Science, Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics and Pathology, Department of Medicine and Institute for Human Genetics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California


Free with purchase of new corresponding textbook
This product requires an instructor adoption and is not available for independent study.