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cover image - Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,7th Edition
ISBN: 9781455726240
Copyright: 2003
Publication Date: 03-31-2003
Page Count: 2344
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $30.99

Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 7th Edition

by Miller-Keane and Marie T. O'Toole, EdD, RN, FAAN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,7th Edition
ISBN: 9781455726240
Copyright: 2003
Publication Date: 03-31-2003
Page Count: 2344
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $30.99
Was $30.99

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Reviewed by experts in virtually every professional specialty, this definitive dictionary is highly regarded for its readability, accuracy, clinical usefulness, and multidisciplinary approach. Revised and expanded, this seventh edition includes more than 2,000 new entries, numerous new definitions for complementary and alternative therapy terms, new encyclopedic entries, printed thumb tabs, and a companion website. A new, more compact size and soft cover allow for greater portability and ease of use.
    • A strong multidisciplinary emphasis facilitates effective communication between health professionals of all disciplines and specialties.
    • Enhanced readability and accessibility with clear, complete, straightforward definitions helps readers master new, unusual or complex terminology and makes this dictionary particularly valuable for students whose first language is not English, or whose language skills are limited.
    • Pronunciation guides enhance verbal communication skills.
    • Subentry style of organization (similar to Taber's) allows related terms/information to be located in close proximity.
    • Tables provide at-a-glance information on a variety of subjects such as insurance-related terms, abbreviations used in health care reform, and many other topics.
    • A list of stems, prefixes, and suffixes teaches students how to analyze the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    • "How to Use Miller/Keane" visual guide on the inside front cover illustrates this reference's many features.
    • Insightful commentaries by prominent experts in nursing and allied health appear in 42 unique "Windows."
    • The vocabulary of the Unified Nursing Language System (UNLS), including NANDA, NIC, NOC, and the Omaha system provides a quick reference for standardized nursing languages.
    • Approximately 3,500 new terms provide extensive coverage for all areas of nursing, medicine, and allied health.
    • Smaller trim size (5 1/2 x 8 1/2) and soft cover enhance portability and easy of use.
    • An updated 32-page full color atlas of human anatomy and an expanded 8-page full color atlas of common disorders provide detailed visual references.
    • Printed thumb tabs enable users to access desired information quickly.
    • Numerous new definitions for complementary and alternative therapy terms.
    • Dorland's spellchecker software is included with each copy to facilitate spelling medical terms correctly in writing.
    • Evolve website with links to websites of numerous health and health care organizations and additional supplemental reference information helps users find authoritative health information on-line.
    • Notes on the Use of This Book
    • Combining Forms in Medical Terminology
    • Color Plates
      • The Human Body—Highlights of Structure and Function
      • Atlases
        • Children with Distinctive Physical Features
        • Dermatology
        • Aging
        • Ophthalmology
        • Dentistry
        • Staining and Microscopy
    • Vocabulary
      • Windows
      • Encyclopedic Entries
    • Appendix (See List of Appendices below)
    • Credits
    • List of Appendices
        • 1-1 Major Diagnostic Categories
        • 1-2 Diagnosis-Related Groups
        • 2-1 Clinical Growth Charts for Children and Adolescents
        • 2-2 DuBois’ Body Surface Area Chart
        • 2-3 Body Mass Index Table
        • 2-4 Range of Motion
        • 2-5 Summary of Normal Development in the First Three Years of Life (Based Largely on Gesell)
        • 2-6 Bedside Calculations
        • 2-7 Twenty-Four Hour Clock
        • 3-1 Arteries
        • 3-2 Bones:Listed by Body Region
        • 3-3 Muscles
        • 3-4 Nerves
        • 3-5 Veins
        • 4-1 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Intakes for Individuals, Vitamins Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
        • 4-2 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL), Vitamins Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
        • 4-3 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Intakes for Individuals, Elements Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
        • 4-4 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL), Elements Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
        • 4-5 Summary Examples of Nutrient Intake for Canadians
        • 5-1 Measures of Mass
        • 5-2 Measures of Capacity
        • 5-3 Measures of Length
        • 5-4 Avoirdupois--Metric Weight
        • 5-5 Metric--Avoirdupois Weight
        • 5-6 Apothecaries’– Metric Liquid Measure
        • 5-7 Metric--Apothecaries’ Liquid Measure
        • 5-8 Conversion Table: Weight
        • 5-9 Conversion Table: Metric and Apothecaries’
        • 5-10 Temperature Equivalents: Celsius (Centigrade) and Fahrenheit Scales
        • 6-1 Chemical Elements
        • 6-2 Elements by Atomic Numbers
        • 7-1 Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule—United States
        • 7-2 Summary of Adolescent/Adult Immunization Recommendations
        • 7-3 Routine Immunization Schedules for Children and Adolescents (Canada)
        • 7-4 Recommended Routine Immunization of Adults (Canada)
        • 8-1 Symbols Commonly Used in Clinical Practice
        • 8-2 Symbols Commonly Used in Pedigree Charts
        • 8-3 Terminology for Microscopic Examination of Infected Material
        • 8-4 Specialized Terms Used in Medical Records
        • 8-5 Commonly Misinterpreted Words and Phrases
        • 8-6 Acronyms for Selected Health Care Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
        • 8-7 Professional Designations for Health Care Providers
        • 8-8 Commonly Used Hospital Abbreviations
        • 8-9 Abbreviations for Diseases and Conditions
        • 9-1 Black’s Classification of Dental Caries and Restorations
        • 9-2 Classification by Complexity for Dental Caries and Restorations
        • 9-3 Simple, Compound, and Complex Designations for Dental Caries and Restorations
        • 10-1 Base SI Units
        • 10-2 Derived SI Units and Non-SI Units Retained for Use with the SI
        • 10-3 Standard Prefixes
        • 10-4 Laboratory Reference Values: Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology, Serology
        • 10-5 Laboratory Reference Values: Hematology and Coagulation
        • 10-6 Laboratory Reference Values: Drugs—Therapeutic and Toxic
        • 11-1 Poison Control Centers
        • 11-2 Sources for Patient Education Materials and Support
        • 11-3 Patient Advocacy Telephone Numbers
        • 12-1 Professional Organizations, Associations, and Academies
        • 12-2 State Nurses Associations
        • 12-3 State Boards of Nursing
        • 12-4 Canadian Nurses Association Interest Groups and Contact Persons
        • 12-5 Registering or Licensing Authorities for Nurses Working in Canada
        • 13-1 The Nursing and Health Information Search: Some Approaches
        • 13-2 A Guidesheet for Literature Searching
        • 13-3 Accessing Health Information on the Internet
        • 14-1 Nursing Minimum Data Set Elements and Definitions
        • 14-2 Nursing Diagnoses of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)
        • 14-3 Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
        • 14-4 Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC): 260 Outcome Labels and Definitions
        • 14-5 Home Health Care Classification System (HHCC System)
        • 14-6 The Omaha System
  • Miller-Keane and Marie T. O'Toole, EdD, RN, FAAN, Rutgers University, College of Nursing, Coordinator of the Camden Nursing Program, Camden, NJ
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