cover image - Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9781455745555
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 06-27-2014
Page Count: 1024
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $184.99

Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 7th Edition

by Kim A. Sprayberry, DVM, DACVIM and N. Edward Robinson, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS Docteur Honoris Causa (Liege)


cover image - Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9781455745555
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 06-27-2014
Page Count: 1024
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $184.99
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With coverage of current issues and the latest therapeutic advances, Robinson’s Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, Volume 7 provides a concise, all-new reference for the management of equine disorders and conditions. Chapters emphasize the practical aspects of diagnosis and treatment and provide details for therapeutic regimens. This new volume brings you thorough coverage and authoritative advice on selected topics in areas that have seen significant advances in the last five years. Cutting-edge topics include emerging and exotic infectious diseases that may endanger horses in North America; biosecurity strategies; imaging updates; medical genetics; multimodal pain management; and regenerative, geriatric, and oncologic medicine. A logical body-system organization will save you time in finding the information you need. From well-known editors Kim Sprayberry and N. Edward Robinson, with chapters written by nearly 200 equine experts, this invaluable reference provides unparalleled guidance on the latest issues in equine medicine.

    • Key topics include all-new coverage of the latest developments in imaging, biosecurity strategies for individual horse owners and owners of commercial farms and stables, diseases affecting horses at various ages, and a review of colic and other GI tract conditions.
    • A recognized panel of nearly 200 expert contributors represents thriving private equine practices, referral hospitals, and academia, and provides insight on challenges, developments, and differing perspectives from around the world.
    • A succinct approach is used to discuss pathophysiology and diagnosis, but therapeutics are covered in detail.
    • The Current Therapy format focuses on emerging trends, treatment protocols, and diagnostic updates new to the field, providing timely information on the latest advances in equine medicine.
    • A body systems organization makes it easy to find solutions for specific disorders.
    • Suggested readings at the end of each chapter cite peer-reviewed articles and other sources for further research and study.
    • ALL-NEW topics provide updates on infectious diseases, including herpesvirus, equine granulocytic anaplasmosis, and lawsonia infection and proliferative enteropathy; pain diagnosis and multimodal management; management of thoracic and airway trauma, imaging, endoscopy, and other diagnostic procedures for the acute abdomen; and neurologic injury.
    • 212 concise, NEW chapters include both a succinct guide to diagnosis of disorders and a detailed discussion of therapy.
    • NEW images demonstrate advances in various imaging techniques.
    • Thoroughly updated drug appendices, including all-new coverage of drug dosages for donkeys and mules, provide a handy, quick reference for the clinical setting.  
  • Section I: Trauma
    1. Trailer accidents
    2. Pain management in the trauma patient
    3. Internal hemorrhage and resuscitation
    4. Thoracic and airway trauma
    5. First aid care of limb injuries
    6. Extensive skin loss/Degloving injury
    7. Crush injuries and compartment syndrome
    8. Penetrating Wounds of Synovial Structures
    9. Acute neurological injury
    10. Ocular trauma
    11. Burn injuries
    Section II: Pain control
    12. Recognition of pain
    13. Analgesic Pharmacology
    14. Pain control for laminitis
    15. Post-operative pain control
    16. Spinal anesthesia and analgesia
    17. Acupuncture for pain control
    Section III: Sports medicine
    18. Evaluation of the horse for poor performance
    19. Cardiovascular disease in poor performance
    20. Upper airway obstructions
    21. Heat stress and hyperthermia
    22. Managing back pain
    23. Neck pain and stiffness
    24. Electrotherapy in horse rehabilitation
    25. Regenerative medicine in orthopedics
    26. Impact of FEI rules on sport horse medication
    27. Older horse sports medicine
    28. Surfaces and injury
    Section IV: Infectious disease
    29. Biosecurity in hospitals
    30. Biosecurity on horse farms
    31. Managing an outbreak of infectious disease
    32. PCR in infectious disease diagnosis and management
    33. Antimicrobial update
    34. African horse sickness
    35. West Nile virus
    36. Gamma herpesviruses (EHV5 and EHV2)
    37. Equine alpha herpesviruses
    38. Equine Rhinitis Virus Infection
    39. World status of equine influenza: impact on vaccination
    40. Rabies
    41. Strangles
    42. Leptospirosis
    43. Screening herds for Lawsonia
    44. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection (local and systemic)
    45. Equine protozoal myelitis
    46. Rickettsial Diseases
    47. Vaccination programs
    Section V: Respiratory disease
    48. Diagnostic procedures for lower airway disease
    49. Investigating respiratory disease outbreaks
    50. Diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
    51. Dynamic endoscopy
    52. Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy
    53. Laryngeal Ultrasound
    54. Dorsal displacement of the soft palate
    55. Pharyngeal collapse
    56. How to manage air quality in stables
    57. Hemoptysis and epistaxis
    58. EIPH
    59. RAO and IAD
    60. Severe pneumonia and ARDS
    61. Hypertrophic Osteopathy
    Section VI: Gastrointestinal disease
    62. Donkey dental disease
    63. Esophageal disease
    64. Gastric ulcers
    65. Gastric impaction
    66. Hepatic diseases in the horse
    67. Anterior enteritis
    68. Acute equine colitis
    69. Antimicrobial-associated diarrhea
    70. Imaging, endoscopy, and other diagnostic procedures for the acute abdomen
    71. Managing colic in the field
    72. Infiltrative Bowel Diseases of the Horse
    73. Diagnostic approach to protein-losing enteropathies
    74. Medical Management of Large (Ascending) Colon Colic
    75. Small bowel colic
    76. Donkey colic
    77. Parasite screening and control
    78. Adhesions
    79. Lawsonia infection and proliferative enteropathy
    80. Peritonitis
    Section VII: Neurology
    81. Brainstem
    82. Cervical vertebral stabilization
    83. Cranial nerves
    84. CSF standing tap
    85. Dysphagia
    86. Horner's syndrome
    87. Seizure disorders
    88. Forebrain disease
    89. Equine Neuroaxonal Dystrophy
    90. Neurological herpesvirus
    91. Neurologic consequences of Lyme disease
    92. Neuromuscular diseases
    93. Sleep disorders and alterations in mentation
    94. Cervical vertebral canal endoscopy
    95. Diagnosis of ventral cranial trauma
    Section VIII: Oncology
    96. Lymphoma
    97. Paraneoplastic syndromes
    98. Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis and prepuce
    99. Equine sarcoid
    100. Splenic tumors and other soft tissue tumors
    101. Mammary tumors
    Section IX: Urinary tract disease
    102. Examination of the urinary system
    103. Polyuria polydipsia
    104. Urinary Incontinence
    105. Congenital disorders of the urinary tract
    106. Urinary tract infection and bladder displacement
    107. Ureteral disease
    108. Urolithiasis
    109. Hematuria
    110. Acute Kidney Injury
    111. Chronic Kidney Disease
    Section X: Hematology
    112. Anemia
    113. Equine infectious anemia
    114. Piroplasmosis
    115. Blood transfusion and transfusion reactions
    116. Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome
    117. Hemolytic disorders
    118. Disorders of platelets
    119. Evaluation of hemostasis
    Section XI: Cardiovascular
    120. Congenital cardiovascular conditions
    121. Investigation of cardiac arrhythmias
    122. Cardiac murmurs
    123. Pericardial disease
    Section XII: Dermatology
    124. Draft horse lymphedema
    125. Melanoma
    126. Skin grafting
    127. Blistering mucosal diseases
    128. Photosensitivity
    129. Atopy
    130. Tick and mite diseases
    131. Ventral dermatitits
    132. Hypersensitivity diseases
    133. Immune-mediated skin disorders
    134. Congential skin disorders
    Section XIII: Endocrine and metabolic disease
    135. Equine metabolic syndrome
    136. Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (pergolide)
    137. Dyslipidemias
    138. Older horse endocrinopathies
    139. Equine Intestinal Hyperammonemia
    Section XIV: Ophthalmology
    140. Examination of the eye
    141. Genetics of eye disease
    142. Cataract
    143. Management of corneal ulcer
    144. Glaucoma
    145. Fungal keratitis
    146. Immune-mediated keratopathies
    147. Eyelid Lacerations
    148. A diagnostic approach to ocular discharge
    149. Ocular Squamous cell carcinoma
    150. Recurrent uveitis
    Section XV: Reproduction
    151. Emergencies in stallions
    152. Breeding Management of the Older Breeding Stallion with Declining Testicular Function
    153. Diagnosing and managing the cryptorchid
    154. Scrotal hernia in stallions
    155. Low sperm count; diagnosis and management of semen for breeding
    156. Factors affecting fertility rate when using cooled transported semen
    157. Cryopreservation of stallion semen
    158. Prepartum emergencies in broodmares
    159. Postpartum emergencies in broodmares
    160. Uterine tears
    161. Ovarian abnormalities
    162. Hormone therapy
    163. Bacterial endometritis
    164. Fungal endometritis
    165. Mating-induced endometritis
    166. Uteropexy in older mares
    167. Embryo transfer
    168. Placentitides
    169. Inducing parturition
  • Kim A. Sprayberry, DVM, DACVIM, Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, Lexington, Kentucky and N. Edward Robinson, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS Docteur Honoris Causa (Liege), Matilda R. Wilson Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
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