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cover image - Sports-Specific Rehabilitation - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781455757015
Copyright: 2007
Publication Date: 10-11-2006
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $67.99

Sports-Specific Rehabilitation - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Robert A. Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Sports-Specific Rehabilitation - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781455757015
Copyright: 2007
Publication Date: 10-11-2006
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $67.99
Was $67.99

Now $64.59

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A comprehensive resource for focusing on returning injured athletes to their optimal performance! This book discusses exercise principles; muscle fatigue, muscle damage, and overtraining concepts; pathophysiology of overuse injuries; core evaluation in sports-specific testing; physiological basis of exercise specific to sport; and special considerations for the athlete. Secial features such as evidence-based clinical application boxes provide the reader with a solid body of research upon which to base their practice.
    • Aligned to the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice to help learn how to work with athletes' injuries and help them make a physical comeback while following best practices.
    • Incorporation of muscle physiology demonstrates it as the basis for athlete's exercise prescription.
    • Coverage of pathophysiology of overuse injuries illustrates the damage to the musculoskeletal system.
    • Inclusion of treatment and training approaches for athletic rehabilitation shows how to restore the musculoskeletal system back to full flexibility, strength, power, and endurance.
    • Evidence-based clinical application boxes found throughout the book cite key studies and provide real-world application to a clinical setting.
    • Extensive photographs show hands-on demonstrations of important rehabilitation techniques, helping the cinician to accurately apply them during treatment.
  • Section 1: Basic Science of Soft Tissues

    Chapter 1: Basic Science of Ligaments and Tendons Related to Rehabilitation

    Section 2: Muscle Physiology: The Foundation for Exercise Prescription

    Chapter 2: Understanding Muscle Contraction

    Chapter 3: Anaerobic Metabolism During Exercise

    Chapter 4: Aerobic Metabolism During Exercise

    Section 3: Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Damage, and Overtraining Concepts

    Chapter 5: Muscle Fatigue

    Chapter 6: Muscle Damage

    Chapter 7: Physiological Effects of Overtraining and Detraining

    Section 4: Pathophysiology of Overuse Injury in the Athlete

    Chapter 8: Pathophysiology of Injury to the Overhead Throwing Athlete

    Chapter 9: The Anatomy of the Core—Muscle Imbalance Pathophysiology

    Chapter 10: From the Core to the Floor—Overuse Injury

    Section 5: Core Evaluation: Sports-Specific Testing

    Chapter 11: Evaluation of Glenohumeral Joint in Overhead Throwing Athlete

    Chapter 12: How to Evaluate the Core

    Section 6: Physiological Basis of Exercise Specific to Sport

    Chapter 13: Strength Training Concepts in the Athlete

    Chapter 14: Plyometrics

    Chapter 15: Neuromuscular Training

    Chapter 16: Manual Therapy: Mobilization, Manipulation of the Spine and Extremeties

    Section 7: Special Considerations for the Athlete

    Chapter 17: Nutrition for the Athlete

    Appendix A: Pathophysiology of the Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot and Ankle Overuse Injuries

    Appendix B: Surgical Considerations for the Athlete

  • Robert A. Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS, National Director, Sports Specific Rehabilitation; Developer, Strengthen Your Game Rehabilitation and Performance Enhancement Programs for Athletes, Las Vegas, NV
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