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calendar-not-available call-center camera camera-film card-collapse card-collapse card-expand card-expand carrot case-study case-study caution charge-battery check-clipboard checkmark checkmark chevron-down chevron-down chevron-left chevron-left chevron-right chevron-right chevron-up chevron-up circle circle circle-map-view citatonbench clinical-trial clinical-trial clock clockwise clockwise close close close-quotes cloud cloud-download cloud-upload clouds coffee coffee coffee-bean coffee-not-available coffee-not-available colander collapse collapse column-left column-middle column-right columns comb comment compare-saved-versions compass computer computer-mouse confirmation-outline-circle confirmation-outline-circle confirmation-solid-circle confirmation-solid-circle connection contract countries-edit countries country-edit couple-of-people create-bibliography credit-card crop cursor cycle-question cycle-question cycle-square cycle-square database delete-document directions discussion 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folder-solid folder-solid forbidden fork fountain-pen fully-charged gif-file globe globe google-play grid group-of-people group-of-researchers hand hand hard-drive heart heart heart-solid heart-solid help-outline-circle help-solid-circle high-battery home home-institution hospital hot hot-tea hy-hart idea in-progress in-progress inbox information-outline-circle information-outline-square information-solid-circle information-solid-square instagram instagram institution institution-edit institution-ranking institutions institutions-edit interactive-case-insights journal jpg-file jump-to-first jump-to-first jump-to-last jump-to-last key lab-skills lab-skills label laptop layers leaf lesson lesson line-charts link linkedin linkedin list loading location lock log-in log-out low-battery male-face man map-location mastodon mastodon matrix-view measuring-cup medical-cross medium-battery menu menu merge microphone microwave minus minus-circle minus-circle minus-solid-circle minus-solid-circle mobi-file mobi-file mobile-phone mobipocket molecular-models moon move moving-box moving-box-down moving-box-up mp3-file multiple-layers musical-note nav-collapse nav-collapse nav-expand nav-expand navigate neuroimagery neutral-face newspaper no-editing no-smoking non-solus non-solus not-started not-started note note notebook notifications-disabled office-building open-book open-folder open-hand-right open-quotes orange outbox paperclip pause-hollow pause-hollow pause-solid pause-solid pdf-alternative pdf-file performance performance performance-not-available performance-not-available person phone phone-disabled picture pie-chart pill pin pixel play-hollow play-hollow play-solid play-solid play-video plus png-file pointing-left-up pointing-right ppt-2 ppt-2 ppt-file ppt-file printer-2 publication-set publication-sets radiology rainbow rainbow-2 rar-file rationale rationale record redo redo remove-document repeat research-area research-area-edit research-areas research-areas-edit researcher researcher-profile-needs-action researcher-profile-updated retweet rewind rotate rotate rows ruler ruler ruler-rotate ruler-rotate save-file scale-down scale-up schedule schedule search search-document secondary-result selection-panel-add selection-panel-remove send settings share share-2 shopping-cart shuffle simulation-nursing simulation-nursing skills-checklist skills-checklist skip-back skip-forward smartphone sort-asc sort-asc sort-default sort-default sort-desc sort-desc sound-high sound-low sound-medium sound-off spinner spinner standard standard star star-solid star-solid statistics stats stethoscope stop stop-gesture stopwatch strawberry structure structure study study subject-name-subcategory suitcase sun syllabus syllabus sync tables tablet teddy-bear teddy-bear temperature text-file thumbs-down thumbs-up tornado trash twitter twitter txt-file txt-file undo undo unlink unlock up-left up-right upload upwards-line-chart usb vector video-camera view-author-documents 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cover image - Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XIV - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,14th Edition
ISBN: 9781455757299
Copyright: 2009
Publication Date: 07-10-2008
Page Count: 1440
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $157.00

Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XIV - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 14th Edition

by John D. Bonagura, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVIM and David C. Twedt, DVM, DipACVIM

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XIV - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,14th Edition
ISBN: 9781455757299
Copyright: 2009
Publication Date: 07-10-2008
Page Count: 1440
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $157.00
Was $157.00

Now $149.15

Or $0.00 with a valid access code
From medical disorders to toxicology to infectious disease, Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV includes the most up-to-date information from leading experts in the veterinary field with over 260 new chapters. The user-friendly format presents content clearly to help you easily find the information you need and put it in practice. Selective lists of references and suggested readings provide opportunities for further research, and the Companion CD includes helpful information from the previous volume that still applies to current practice.

Newer Edition Available

1st Edition

Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9781455745210
    • Authoritative, reliable information on diagnosis includes details on the latest therapies.
    • An organ-system organization makes it easy to find solutions for specific disorders.
    • Concise chapters are only 2-5 pages in length, saving you time in finding essential information.
    • Well-known writers and editors provide accurate, up-to-date coverage of important topics.
    • A convenient Table of Common Drugs, updated by Dr. Mark Papich, offers a quick reference to dosage information.
    • Cross-references to the previous edition make it easy to find related information that remains valid and current.
    • A list of references and suggested readings is included at the end of most chapters.
    • A fully searchable companion Evolve website adds chapters from Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII, with information that has not changed significantly since its publication. It also includes an image collection with over 300 images, and references linked to PubMed. Useful appendices on the website provide a virtual library of valuable clinical references on laboratory test procedures and interpretation, normal reference ranges, body fluid analyses, conversion tables, nutritional profiles, a drug formulary, and more.
    • More than 260 new chapters keep you at the leading edge of veterinary therapy.
  • Section 1: Critical Care

    1. Shock

    2. Acute Pain Management

    3. Nutrition in Critical Care

    4. Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy

    5. Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation

    6. Traumatic Brain Injury

    7. Vascular Access Techniques

    8. Pacing in the Critical Care Setting

    9. Fluid Therapy

    10. Acid-Base Disorders

    11. Colloid Fluid Therapy

    12. Acute Abdomen: Evaluation and Emergency Treatment

    13. Drainage Techniques for the Septic Abdomen

    14. Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

    15. Emergency Management of Open Fractures

    16. Thoracic Trauma

    17. Intravenous Anesthetic and Analgesic Techniques

    Section 2: Toxicologic Disorders

    18. Toxin Exposures in Small Animals

    19. Toxins Seen in Emergency Clinics

    20. Reporting an Adverse Drug Reaction to the FDA

    21. Sources of Help for Toxicosis Cases

    22. Small Animal Poisoning: Additional Considerations Related to Legal Claims

    23. Urban Legends of Toxicology-Facts and Fiction

    24. Toxicosis Treatments

    25. Rodenticide Toxicoses

    26. Insecticide Toxicoses

    27. Parasiticide Toxicoses: Avermectins

    28. Lead Toxicosis in Small Animals

    29. Automotive Toxins

    30. Nicotine Toxicosis

    31. Recently Recognized Animal Toxicants

    32. Human Drugs of Abuse

    33. Toxicology of Veterinary and Human Estrogen and Progesterone Formulations in Dogs

    34. Herbal Hazards

    35. Aflatoxicosis in Dogs

    36. Nephrotoxins

    37. Food Toxicoses in Small Animals

    Section 3: Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases

    38. Interpretation of Endocrine Diagnostic Test Results for Adrenal and Thyroid Disease

    39. Medical Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

    40. Radiodidine for Hyperthyroidism

    41. Hypothyroidism

    42. Obesity

    43. Canine Diabetes Mellitus

    44. Feline Diabetes Mellitus

    45. Diet and Diabetes

    46. Diabetic Monitorinq

    47. Complicated Diabetes Mellitus

    48. Atypical and Subclinical Hyperadrenocorticism

    49. Hyperadrenocorticism

    50. Adrenal Insufficiency in Critical Illness

    51. Hypoadrenocoticism

    52. Idiopathic Hypercalcemia in Cats

    53. Treatment of Hypoparathyroidism

    54. Hypercalcemia and Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Dogs

    Section 4: Hematology, Oncology, Immunology

    55. Immunosuppressive Agents

    56. Blood Typing and Cross-Matching

    57. Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia

    58. Nonregenerative Anemias

    59. von Willebrand’s Disease and Other Hereditary Coagulopathies

    60. Thrombocytopenia

    61. DIC Diagnosis and Management

    62. Platelet Dysfunction

    63. Clinical Trials in Veterinary Oncology

    64. Collection of Specimens for Cytology

    65. Anticancer Drugs and Protocols – Traditional Drugs

    66. Anticancer Drugs – New Drugs

    67. Radiation Therapy

    68. Surgical Oncology Principles

    69. Canine Soft Tissue Sarcomas

    70. Hemangiosarcoma

    71. Feline Vaccine Associated Sarcoma

    72. Canine Lymphoma

    73. Feline Gastrointestinal Lymphoma

    74. Paraneoplastic Hypercalcemia

    75. Malignant Histiocytosis

    76. Nasal Tumors

    77. Pulmonary Neoplasia

    78. Osteosarcoma

    79. Mammary Cancer

    80. Urinary Bladder Cancer

    81. Mast Cell Tumor

    82. Malignant Melanoma

    83. Anal Sac Tumors

    Section 5: Dermatologic Diseases

    84. Cyclosporine Use in Dermatology

    85. Interferons

    86. Avermectins in Dermatology

    87. Hypoallergenic Diets- Principles of Therapy

    88. Pentoxifylline

    89. Glucocorticoids in Dermatology

    90. Pruritis Therapy in the Cat

    91. Shampoo Therapy

    92. Allergen-specific Immunotherapy

    93. Topical Immune Modulatorsv

    94. Dust Mites and Their Control

    95. Topical Therapy of Otitis Externa

    96. Systemic Therapy for Otitis Externa and Media

    97. Ear Flushing Techniques

    98. Feline Demodecosis

    99. Feline Viral Skin Diseases

    100. Canine Papillomaviruses

    101. Pyotraumatic Dermatitis (Hot Spots)

    102. Methicillin Resistant Canine Pyoderma

    103. Sebaceous Adenitis

    104. Malassezia Therapy

    105. Treatment of Dermatophytosis in Dogs and Cats

    106. Canine Cutaneous Histiocytic Diseases

    107. Anal Sac Diseases

    108. Acral Lick Dermatitis

    Section 6: Gastrointestinal Diseases

    109. Feline Stomatitis Faucitis

    110. Dysphasia

    111. Esophagitis

    112. Megaesophagus

    113. Helicobacter Gastritis

    114. Gastric Ulceration

    115. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    116. Tylosin Responsive Diarrhea

    117. Trichomonas

    118. Protein-Losing Enteropathy

    119. Chronic Colitis in Dogs and Cats

    120. Canine Ulcerative Colitis

    121. Flatulence

    122. Anal-Rectal Disease

    123. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

    124. Canine Pancreatic Disease

    125. Feline Pancreatic Disease

    126. Diagnostic Approach to Hepatobiliary Disease

    127. Diagnostic Evaluation of Elevated Serum Alkaline Phosphatase in the Dog

    128. Hepatic Support Therapy

    129. Copper-Associated Chronic Hepatitis

    130. Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy

    131. Drug-Associated Liver Disease

    132. Feline Hepatic Lipidosis

    133. Cholangitisv

    134. Portal Systemic Shunts

    135. Biliary Mucocele in Dogs

    136. Esophageal Feeding Tubes

    Section 7: Respiratory Diseases

    137. Oxygen Therapy

    138. Ventilator Therapy

    139. Rhinitis in the Dog

    140. Rhinitis in the Cat

    141. Brachycephalic Upper Airway Syndrome in Dogs

    142. Nasopharyngeal Disorders

    143. Laryngeal Diseases

    144. Medical Management of Tracheal Collapse

    145. Tracheal Collapse

    146. Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

    147. Bordetella-bronchiseptica Bronchitis

    148. Bronchitis and Asthma in Cats

    149. Bacterial Pneumonia

    150. Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema

    151. Respiratory Parasites

    152. Interstitial Lung Diseases

    153. Pleural Effusion

    154. Pneumothorax

    155. Pulmonary Thromboembolism

    156. Pulmonary Hypertension

  • John D. Bonagura, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVIM, Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH and David C. Twedt, DVM, DipACVIM, Professor, Small Animal Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, USA
Was $157.00

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