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cover image - Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9781455757503
Copyright: 2008
Publication Date: 09-20-2007
Page Count: 512
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $161.99

Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition

by Murray E. Fowler, DVM, DACZM, DACVIM, DABVT and R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (Hon. - ZHM)

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9781455757503
Copyright: 2008
Publication Date: 09-20-2007
Page Count: 512
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $161.99
Was $161.99

Now $153.89

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With expert contributors from around the world sharing their knowledge on 57 new cutting-edge areas of interest, Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 6 continues to provide outstanding coverage of today’s most relevant topics. This book is an essential resource in zoo and wild animal medicine, addressing the special challenges posed by individual and herd medical management, newly emerging diseases in diverse wild animal populations, the effect of habitat loss and destruction on wildlife species, and the utilization of zoo animals in the surveillance and detection of potential zoonoses. The user-friendly current therapy approach continues to serve a vital function in the field by fostering a conservation biology ethic, bridging the gap between captive and free-ranging wild animal medicine, from a diverse group of experts.

Newer Edition Available

1st Edition

Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 7 - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9781455758104
    • Includes practical guidance on such topics as behavioral training for medical procedures and the use of infrared thermography.
    • Divided into four sections -- Conditions Affecting Multiple Species, Poikilotherms, Avian Medicine, and Mammals -- to help you find the information you need quickly.
    • Extensive contributor list includes multinational contributors offering expert information on species from around the world.
    • Presents timely topics in zoo and wild animal medicine with 57 new chapters to provide the best and most current information available.
    • The most up-to-date information on hot topics such as avian influenza, West Nile virus, and other pathogens threatening wildlife and human populations on a global scale.
    • Cutting-edge insights on environmental and public health concerns, such as occupational exposure to zoonotic simian retroviruses and use of wildlife rehabilitation centers as monitors for ecosystem health.
    • A color plate section presents vivid depictions of external clinical signs for more accurate clinical recognition.
  • Section I: Conditions Affecting Multiple Species

    1. West Nile Virus in Birds and Mammals

    2. Current Diagnostic Methods for Tuberculosis in Zoo Animals

    3. Use of Infrared Thermography in Zoo and Wild Animals

    4. Behavioral Clues to the Detection of Illness in Wild Animals: Models in Camelids and Elephants

    5. Ionophores: Salinomycin Toxicity in Camelids

    6. Emerging Diseases at the Interface of People, Domestic Animals and Wildlife

    7. Behavioral Training for Medical Procedures

    8. The "Balai" Directive of the European Union: A Difficult Piece of Veterinary Legislation

    9. Encephalomyocarditis Virus Infection in Zoo Animals

    10. Avian Influenza

    Conservation Medicine

    11. Disease Management in Ex-Situ Invertebrate Conservation Programs

    12. Use of Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers as Monitors of Ecosystem Health

    13. Biopsy Darting

    Section II: Poikilotherms


    14. Selected Fish Diseases in Wild Populations

    15. Spring Viremia of Carp Virus (SVCV)


    16. Veterinary Participation in the Puerto Rican Crested Toad Program

    17. Amphibian Chytridiomycosis

    18. Raising Giant Tortoises


    19. Reptile Protozoa

    20. Fluid Therapy in Reptiles

    Section III: Avian Medicine

    21. Salmonellosis in Songbirds (Order Passeriformes)

    22. Veterinary Care of Bustards

    23. Medical Management of Curassows

    24. Monitoring Avian Health in the Galápagos Islands: Current Knowledge

    25. Avian Atherosclerosis

    26. Minerals and Stork Nutritions

    27. The Veterinary Care of Kiwi

    Section IV: Mammals


    28. Paramyxoviruses in Bats


    29. Medical Aspects of Red Squirrel Translocation


    30. Neuroleptics in Great Apes with Specific Reference to the Modification of Aggressive Behavior in a Male Gorilla

    31. Occupational Exposure to Zoonotic Simian Retroviruses


    32. Neurological Disorders in Cheetahs and Snowleopards

    33. Imbalanced Diets Compromise Semen Quality in Felids

    34. Baylisascaris Neural Larval Migrans in Zoo Animals

    35. Use of Analgesics in Exotic Felids

    36. Mycobacterial Diseases in Carnivores

    Marine mammals

    37. Melioidosis in Marine Mammals

    38. Inflammation in Marine Mammals

    39. Capture and Anesthesia of Otariids in the Wild

    40. Tissue Cyst-Forming Coccidia of Marine Mammals

    41. Algal Bloom Toxicity in Marine Animals


    42. Elephant Herpesviruses

    43. Tuberculosis in Elephants

    44. Neonatal Elephant Mortality

    45. Working Elephant Health Care and Management


    46. Camelinds are Not Ruminants

    47. Uroliths and Gastro-Enteroliths

    48. Congenital/Hereditary Defects in Camelidae

    49. Hypocalcemia, Hypomagnesemia in Non-Domestic Ruminants

    50. Diseases of Chamois

    51. Gastro-Intestinal Nematodiasis in Hoofstock

    52. Tuberculosis in Michigan Deer

    53. Chronic Wasting Disease of Cervid Species

    54. Heartwater (Ehrlichia Ruminantium)

    55. The Nutrition of “Browsers”

    56. Side Effects of Etorphine and Carfentanil in Non-Domestic Hoofstock

    57. Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure in Non-Domestic Felids
  • Murray E. Fowler, DVM, DACZM, DACVIM, DABVT, Professor Emeritus, Zoological Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA and R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (Hon. - ZHM), Director Emeritus, Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute
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