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cover image - Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781455758036
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 04-13-2010
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $220.99

Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 3rd Edition

by Michael S. Block, DMD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781455758036
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 04-13-2010
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $220.99
Was $220.99

Now $209.94

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Use this atlas-style guide to master implant procedures and techniques! Written by leading expert Michael S. Block, DMD, Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, 3rd Edition provides clear, full-color clinical photos and practical instructions covering a wide range of implant challenges. It takes you through treatment planning, presurgical guidelines, detailed surgical techniques, and postoperative follow-up. This edition adds more case studies, coverage of computed tomography, and a new DVD with videos of 14 surgical procedures filmed by the author. With this book, you’ll be able to address any implant-related situation and achieve optimal results!

Newer Edition Available

4th Edition

Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323228077
    • Clear step-by-step procedures include indications, contraindications, and treatment results for each procedure.
    • Over 1,400 full-color photographs and drawings depict important concepts and techniques, and show treatment from beginning to end.
    • Indications and contraindications for each procedure provide details of why a procedure is performed.
    • A discussion of the result of prosthodontic treatment is provided for each case, explaining how implant placement factors into successful therapy.
    • Chapters are organized by oral anatomy and surgical technique, with each chapter presenting a different area of the mouth or a specific surgical technique.
    • The Mandible section covers various approaches to augmentation of the atrophic mandible, including a case that utilizes distraction osteogenesis.
    • Detailed cases of posterior mandible surgery demonstrate onlay bone harvesting and grafting the deficient ridge.
    • The Maxilla section features sinus grafting, hard and soft tissue procedures, and the relatively new zygomaticus implant procedure.
    • References are provided at the end of every chapter for additional reading and research.
    • A companion dvd includes illustrations from case studies plus 14 videos of procedures:

    1. Horizontal ridge augmentation using tunneling technique
    2. Posterior mandibular vertical augmentation using interpositional osteotomy
    3. Horizontal ridge augmentation using particulate graft with membrane
    4. CT guided maxillary surgery
    5. Laser assisted intraimplant site sinus elevation surgery
    6. Sinus augmentation using BMP and laser assistance
    7. Placement of implants into the augmented site 6 months after the BMP graft
    8. Piezotome assisted premolar extraction with immediate implant placement
    9. Placement of implant in compromised central incisor site
    10. Extraction with immediate implant placement
    11. CT guided surgery for central incisor with custom healing abutment
    12. CT guided anterior maxillary surgery with immediate provisionalization
    13. Palatal approach for implant placement
    14. Anterior maxillary interpositional osteotomy for vertical ridge augmentation

    • Guidelines for CT imaging help you to accurately assess vital structures and discover bone shape and height, resulting in a more precise treatment planning sequence, including coverage of planning for a fixed prosthesis, immediate provisionalization in a patient with teeth, assessing bone prior to implant placement, immediate provisionalization using a CT-generated guide stent, angling implants to avoid the inferior alveolar nerve, and more.
    • New, cutting-edge techniques/procedures with photo sequences include: the use of fibrin glue to augment ridge width with an open approach, angled implants as an alternative to sinus grafting, laser-assisted intraimplant site sinus elevation surgery, zygomatic implants to support a nasal/maxillary prosthesis, strategies for maintaining the facial gingival margin when extracting and replacing an anterior tooth in the maxilla, the use of model-based surgery for guided implant placement, and many more.
    • Immediate Provisionalization of Implant Restorations chapter covers single-tooth implant restorations and multi-unit restorations.
    • Adds coverage of immediate placement of implants at the time of tooth extraction.
    • Discusses critical factors for esthetic central incisor implant restorations.
    • Covers immediate loading of the edentulous mandible with provisional and final restorations, and discusses augmentation of the thin ridge using particulate materials, providing the patient with complete restoration of function within minutes of implant placement.
    • Covers the use of distraction osteogenesis for severely atrophic anterior maxillary sites and treatment of anterior maxillary atrophy with onlay grafts for fixed prosthetics, to restore the patient with severe maxillary defects and create the soft tissue needed for bone graft and later implant placement.
    • Discusses new technique for bone morphogenetic protein for sinus augmentation, so patients may have recombinant BMP placed with bone formation allowing implant placement, without the need for morbid autogenous bone harvesting or the use of allografts or xenografts.
    • Covers extraction site protocols to reconstruct and preserve bone bulk in anticipation of implant placement, offering methods for grafting the extraction socket to allow for ideal implant placement at a later time.
  • Part 1: Mandible

    1. Surgery of the Anterior Mandible

    2. Surgery of the Posterior Mandible

    Part 2: Maxilla

    3. Surgery of the Edentulous and Partially Edentulous Maxilla

    4. Maxillary Sinus Grafting

    5. Zygomaticus Implants and Angled Implants for the Edentulous Maxilla

    6. Techniques for Grafting the Extraction Site

    7. Immediate Provisionalization of Implant Restorations

    8. Esthetic Anterior Implant Restorations: Surgical Techniques for Optimal Results

    9. Soft Tissue Manipulation Around Implants in the Esthetic Zone

  • Michael S. Block, DMD, Clinical Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana; Private Practice, Metairie, Louisiana
Was $220.99

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