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Black’s Adult Health Nursing I with integrated Pathophysiology, Second South Asia Edition, 2nd Edition
by Malarvizhi S. and Renuka Gugan
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Elsevier India
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The second South Asia edition of Black’s Adult Health Nursing I & II (including Geriatric Nursing) has been comprehensively updated to suit the regional curricula for undergraduate nursing students. This book will help student nurses to acquire the knowledge and skill required to render quality nursing care for all common medical and surgical conditions. The contents have been made easy to understand using case studies, concept maps, critical monitoring boxes, care plans, and more. This text provides a reliable foundation in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical-surgical management, and nursing care for the full spectrum of adult health conditions and is richly illustrated with flow charts, drawings and photographs, and South Asian epidemiological disease data for better understanding of the subject. Integrating Pharmacology boxes help students understand how medications are used for disease management by exploring common classifications of routinely used medications. Review questions have been added to all the units within this book.
This second South Asia edition will be a valuable addition to every student nurse’s bookshelf, given the revisions and modifications undertaken in line with the revised Indian Nursing Council (INC) curriculum.
This second South Asia edition will be a valuable addition to every student nurse’s bookshelf, given the revisions and modifications undertaken in line with the revised Indian Nursing Council (INC) curriculum.
• Translating Evidence into Practice boxes
• Thinking Critically questions
• Integrating Pharmacology boxes
• Bridge to Critical Care and Bridge to Home Health Care boxes
• Feature boxes highlighting issues in Critical Monitoring
• Management and Delegation boxes
• Genetic Links, Terrorism Alert, and Community-Based Practice boxes
• Physical Assessment in the Healthy Adult and Integrating Diagnostic Studies boxes
• Safety Alert icons
• Digital Resources available on the MedEnact website -
UNIT 1 Introduction
1 Evolution of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 3
2 Concepts of Surgical Nursing, 26
3 Health Care Delivery System, 68
4 Adult Health and Nutritional Assessment, 108
UNIT 2 Intraoperative Nursing Care
5 Preoperative Nursing Management, 121
6 Intraoperative Nursing Management, 126
UNIT 3 Nursing Care and Management of Patients with Common Signs and Symptoms
7 Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance, 149
8 Shock, 196
9 Pain: Perspectives in Palliative Care, 223
UNIT 4 Nursing Management of Patients with Respiratory Problems
10 The Respiratory System, 271
11 Management of Patients with Respiratory Problems, 293
UNIT 5 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Digestive System
12 The Digestive System, 397
13 Common Gastrointestinal Disorders, 417
14 Disorders of Accessory Organs, 472
15 Alternative Therapies in Digestive System and Management of Clients with Malnutrition, 523
UNIT 6 Nursing Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Problems
16 The Cardiovascular System, 543
17 Disorders of Vascular System, 590
18 Structural, Infectious, Inflammatory, and Functional Cardiac Disorders, 629
UNIT 7 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Blood
19 The Blood, 729
20 Disorders of Blood, 751
UNIT 8 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Endocrine System
21 The Endocrine System, 801
22 Disorders of Endocrine System, 816
UNIT 9 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Integumentary System
23 The Integumentary System, 881
24 Disorders of Integumentary System, 895
UNIT 10 Nursing Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Problems
25 The Musculoskeletal System, 929
26 Disorders of Musculoskeletal System, 943
27 Rehabilitation, 1008
UNIT 11 Nursing Management of Patients with Communicable Diseases
28 Overview of Infectious Process, 1019
29 Communicable Diseases, 1028
30 Special Infection Control Measures and Bioterrorism, 1034
UNIT 12 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Ear, Nose, and Throat
31 The Ears, 1043
32 Management of Clients with Hearing and Balance Disorders, 1055
UNIT 13 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Eye
33 The Eyes, 1077
34 Management of Clients with Visual Disorders, 1091
UNIT 14 Nursing Management of Patients with Kidney and Urinary Problems
35 The Genitourinary System, 1115
36 Management of Clients with Urinary Disorders, 1134
37 The Male Reproductive System, 1173
38 Management of Men with Reproductive Disorders, 1184
UNIT 15 Nursing Management of Patients with Burns, and Reconstructive and Cosmetic
39 The Skin, 1215
40 Management of Clients with Burn Injury, 1230
UNIT 16 Nursing Management of Patients With Neurological Disorders
41 The Neurological System, 1259
42 Management of Clients With Cerebral Disorders, 1297
43 Management of Clients With Degenerative Neurologic Disorders, 1322
44 Rehabilitation, 1345
UNIT 17 Nursing Management of Patients With Immunological Problems
45 Management of Clients With Immune Disorders, 1353
46 Management of Clients With Acquired Immunodefi ciency Syndrome, 1364
UNIT 18 Nursing Management of Patients With Oncological Conditions
47 Perspectives in Oncology, 1385
48 Management of Clients With Cancer, 1396
49 Oncologic Emergencies, 1426
50 Perspectives in Palliative Care, 1432
UNIT 19 Nursing Management of Patients in Emergency and Disaster Situations
51 Management of Clients in the Emergency Department, 1451
UNIT 20 Nursing Care of the Elderly
52 Geriatric Nursing, 1477
UNIT 21 Nursing Management of Patients in Critical Care Units
53 Critical Care, 1483
UNIT 22 Nursing Management of Patients in Occupational and Industrial Care
54 Other Occupational Disorders, 1491
UNIT 23 Nursing Management of Disorders of Female Reproductive System
55 The Female Reproductive System, 1497
56 History, Physical Assessment, and Diagnostic Tests, 1503
59 Management of Clients With Sexually Transmitted Infections, 1560
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