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cover image - Instrumentation for the Operating Room - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323076951
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 03-01-2011
Page Count: 360
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $70.99

Instrumentation for the Operating Room - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition

by Shirley M. Tighe, RN, BA

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Instrumentation for the Operating Room - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323076951
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 03-01-2011
Page Count: 360
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $70.99
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A true-color guide to surgical instruments, this resource includes more than 1,000 photographs in the book and online -- more than any other manual. Instruments are organized by surgical specialty, beginning with basic sets and progressing to more advanced sets. Instructions on preparation, sterilization, and setup, along with clear explanations for common surgical procedures can be found throughout the book. Within each chapter, instruments are commonly featured individually and as parts of sets, often showing close-up, individual tips. This edition includes new photographs of the operating room and of robotic and micro-surgical instruments, plus a companion Evolve website with additional photographs, flashcards, and review questions.

Newer Edition Available

9th Edition

Instrumentation for the Operating Room - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323243162
    • Over 800 photographs of both individual and sets of instruments, including whole instruments and instrument tips, help in distinguishing between similar types.
    • Instrument Preparation for Surgery unit discusses the importance of proper instrument handling and sterilization, including the proper placement within sterilization trays.
    • A logical organization covers instruments by surgical procedures, beginning with simpler surgeries and building to more complex, specialized instruments and setups.
    • Entire units focus on female reproductive surgery and pediatric surgery, both of which are key areas not well covered in other books.
    • Excellent quality photographs on a consistent background enhance the detail and true color of the instruments.
    • Spiral-bound format allows the book to lay flat for easier access while on the job.
    • 75 new photographs show individual instruments and sets of instruments, including tips.
    • Full operating room photographs are included in Operating Room Suite/Basic Laparotomy chapter.
    • More than 25 new photographs of instrument tips are included in The da Vinci® Surgical System and EndoWrist® Instruments (Robotic Instruments) chapter.
    • Before-and-after radiograph images show a total ankle prosthesis, spinal rodding, and femoral artery blockage.
    • Definitions, procedures, and possible equipment needed for a procedure are included in almost every chapter.
    • A companion Evolve website features an image collection of all the images in the book; over 200 photographs of less-common instruments; flashcards; and more than 280 review questions.
    • 75 new photographs show individual instruments and sets of instruments, including tips.
    • Full operating room photographs are included in Operating Room Suite/Basic Laparotomy chapter.
    • More than 25 new photographs of instrument tips are included in The da Vinci® Surgical System and EndoWrist® Instruments (Robotic Instruments) chapter.
    • Before-and-after radiograph images show a total ankle prosthesis, spinal rodding, and femoral artery blockage.
    • Definitions, procedures, and possible equipment needed for a procedure are included in almost every chapter.
    • A companion Evolve website features over 200 photographs of less-common instruments; flashcards; and more than 280 review questions.
  • Unit One: Instrument Preparation for Surgery

    1. Care and Handling of Surgical Instruments

    2. Sterilization Container Systems

    Unit Two: General Surgery

    3. Operating Room Suite/Basic Laparotomy

    4. Abdominal Self-Retaining Retractors

    5. Extra Long Instruments

    6. Skin Staplers

    7. Small Laparotomy Set

    8. Minor Laparoscopic Set

    9. Laparoscopy

    10. Laparoscopic Adult MIS Set

    11. Laser Laparoscope

    12. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

    13. Cholecystectomy

    14. Laparoscopic Bowel Resection

    15. Bowel Resection

    16. Sigmoidoscopy

    17. Hemorrhoidectomy and/or Pilonidal Cystectomy

    18. Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

    19. Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

    20. The da Vinci¨ Surgical System and EndoWrist¨ Instruments (Robotic Instruments)

    21. Breast Biopsy/Lumpectomy

    22. Mastectomy

    23. Vascular Access Device Insertion

    Unit Three: Female Reproductive Surgery

    24. Dilatation and Curettage of the Uterus (D and C)

    25. Hysteroscopy

    26. Abdominal Hysterectomy

    27. Supracervical Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

    28. Vaginal Hysterectomy

    29. Laparoscopic Tubal Occulusion

    30. Microtuboplasty

    Unit Four: Genitourinary Surgery

    31. Cystoscopy

    32. Nephrectomy and Ureteroplasty

    33. Urethroscopy

    34. Prostatectomy

    35. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)

    36. Vasectomy

    37. Kidney Transplant

    Unit Five: Orthopedic Surgery

    38. Basic Orthopedic Surgery

    39. Soft Tissue Set

    40. Power Saws and Drills, Battery Powered

    41. Small Joint Arthroscope Set

    42. Arthroscopic Carpal Tunnel Instruments

    43. Small/Minor Joint Replacement

    44. Total Ankle Prosthesis

    45. Arthroscopy of the Knee

    46. Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Patellar Tendon Bone Graft Instruments

    47. Total Knee Replacement

    48. Total Knee Prosthesis

    49. Shoulder Surgery Instruments

    50. Hip Fracture

    51. Hip Retractors

    52. Total Hip Replacement

    53. Total Hip Instruments (Zimmer-VerSys)

    54. Total Hip Prosthesis (VerSys Hip System)

    55. Spinal Fusion with Rodding

    56. Long Bone Rodding for Fracture Fixation

    57. ASIF Universal Femoral Distractor Set

    58. Synthes Retrograde/Antegrade Femoral Nail

    59. Synthes Unreamed Tibial Nails

    60. Synthes Unreamed Tibial Nail Insertion and Locking Instruments

    61. External Fixation of Fractures

    62. ASIF Pelvic Instrument Set

    63. ASIF Mini Fixation Set

    64. Surgery on Pediatric and Small-Statured Patients

    Unit Six: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery

    65. Basic Eye Set

    66. Cataract Removal

    67. Clear Corneal Set

    68. Corneal Transplant

    69. Deep Lamellar Endothelial Keratoplasty (DLEK)

    70. Glaucoma

    71. Eye Muscle Surgery

    72. Retinal Detachment

    73. Vitrectomy

    74. Keratoplasty

    75. Oculoplastic Instrument Set

    76. Dacrocystorhinotomy (DCR)

    77. Orbital Instruments

    78. Eye Enucleation

    79. Myringotomy

    80. Basic Ear Set

    81. Tympanoplasty

    82. Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (T and A)

    83. Septoplasty (SMR) and Rhinoplasty

    84. Nasal Polyp Instruments

    85. Nasal Fracture Reduction

    86. Sinus Surgery

    Unit Seven: Oral, Maxillary, and Facial Surgery

    87. Facial Fracture Set

    88. Orthognathic Surgery

    89. Titanium 2.0-mm Micro-Fixation System

    90. Tooth Extraction Set

    Unit Eight: Plastic Surgery

    91. Minor Plastic Set

    92. Skin Graft

    Unit Nine: Peripheral Vascular, Cardiovascular, and Thoracic Surgery

    93. Endarterectomy

    94. Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

    95. Abdominal Vascular Set (Open Procedure)

    96. Tracheotomy

    97. Thoracoscopy

    98. Thoracic Instruments

    99. Cardiac Surgery

    100. Open Heart Microinstruments

    101. Sternal Saws and Sternum Knife

    102. Open Heart Extras

    103. Cardiovascular Instruments

    104. Open Heart Valve Extras

    105. Return Open Heart Set

    106. Vein Retrieval Instruments

    107. Radial Artery Harvest Set

    Unit Ten: Pediatric Surgery

    108. Pediatric Neonatal/Infant Laryngoscope and Bronchoscopy Set

    109. Pediatric Chest Instruments

    110. Pediatric Vascular Instruments

    111. Pediatric Laparoscopic (MIS) Set

    112. Pediatric Pyloromyotomy Laparoscopic (MIS) Set

    Unit Eleven: Neurosurgery

    113. Craniotomy

    114. Neurologic Bone Pan Instruments

    115. Neurologic Retractors

    116. Medtronic Midas Rex Electric Drill

    117. Rhoton Neurologic Microinstrument Set

    118. CUSA Handpieces

    119. Neurologic Shunt Instruments

    120. MINOP Neuroendoscopy Set

    121. ICP Monitoring Tray

    122. Yasargil Aneurysm Clips with Appliers

    123. Synthes Low-Profile Cranial Plating Set

    124. Laminectomy

    125. Williams Laminectomy Microretractors

    126. Anterior Cervical Fusion

    127. Casper Set

    128. ASIF Anterior Cervical Locking Plating Instruments

  • Shirley M. Tighe, RN, BA, Perioperative Nursing Consultant, Lake Havasu City, AZ
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.