cover image - Contemporary Implant Dentistry - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323167956
Copyright: 2008
Publication Date: 11-26-2007
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $215.99

Contemporary Implant Dentistry - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 3rd Edition

by Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, PhD(HC)

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Contemporary Implant Dentistry - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323167956
Copyright: 2008
Publication Date: 11-26-2007
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $215.99
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Turn to this new third edition for consistent outcomes on even your most complex implant cases! World-renowned dental implantologist Carl E. Misch gives you expert advice and guidance on the various surgical approaches to placing implants in the revision of his best-selling classic. Over 1,000 full-color illustrations depict details of implants, related materials, and surgical procedures, while well-known contributors (Mohamed Sharawy, Martha Warren Bidez, Adriano Piatelli, and others) share a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields. This third edition provides an excellent opportunity for you to develop and refine your skills and experience more consistent, predictable clinical outcomes.

Newer Edition Available

4th Edition

Misch's Contemporary Implant Dentistry Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323478236
    • Thorough explanations of the rationale for implants and their specific characteristics discuss why different options work better for different patients; the rationale behind implant materials and sizes; and the overall science of osteointegrated implants – providing a full understanding of how implants behave under certain circumstances and how to make the best choices for implant patients.
    • Chapter on Diagnostic Imaging and Techniques focuses on the latest technology available to determine patient conditions, familiarizing you with recent advances and how they apply to treatment planning principles.
    • Section on Treatment Planning discusses the rationales for implant placement, variables in implants and patient conditions, and the four degrees of jaw bone density, Dr. Misch’s best-known criterion for successful implant placement.
    • Prepares you for actual treatment by reviewing scientific fundamentals such as applied anatomy, biomechanical principles, current biomaterials, prevention and management of dental infections, and pharmacologic considerations.
    • Surgical procedure chapters are of benefit to the implant surgeon and are critical to the restoring dentist who wants to better understand and appreciate surgical concepts.
    • Over 1,000 full-color illustrations depict details of implants, related materials, and surgical procedures.
    • Brand-new coverage includes: Key Implant Positions and Number, Ideal Implant Surgery, Extraction Socket and Barrie Membrane Bone Grafts, Sinus Pathology and Complications of Sinus Grafts, Immediate Loading for a Single Tooth, Partially Edentulous and Completely Edentulous Patient.
    • Important updates include indications and contraindications for rationale of biomechanical treatment plans, layered approach to bone grafting, autograft block bone grafting, soft tissue surgery, and implant esthetics and maintenance.
    • A new chapter on Tissue Engineering uses current information on platelet-rich plasma membranes and other elements of tissue engineering so you can take advantage of appropriate materials.
    • Emphasis on evidence-based implant outcomes provides valuable information on which procedures have the greatest likelihood of success and lowest risk of complications.
  • Part I: Diagnosis and Rationale

    1. Rationale for Dental Implants

    2. Generic Root Form Component Terminology

    3. Diagnostic Imaging and Techniques

    4. A Stress Theorem for Implant Dentistry

    5. Prosthetic Options in Implant Dentistry

    6. Treatment Planning: Force Factors Related to Patient Conditions

    7. Bone Density: A Key Determinant for Treatment Planning

    8. Treatment Plans Related to Key Implant Positions and Implant Number

    9. Implant Body Size: A Biomechanical and Esthetic Rationale

    10. Available Bone and Dental Implant Treatment Plans

    11. Scientific Rationale for Implant Design

    Part II: Treatment Planning

    12. Pre-Implant Prosthodontics for the Partially Edentulous Patient: (1) Overall Evaluation, (2) Specific Criteria, and (3) Pretreatment Prostheses

    13. Diagnostic Casts and Surgical Templates

    14. The Edentulous Mandible: An Organized Approach from Implant Supported Overdenture to Fixed Prosthesis

    15. The Completely Edentulous Mandible: Treatment Plans for Fixed Restorations

    16. Single Tooth Replacement: Treatment Options

    17. Maxillary Arch Implant Considerations: Fixes and Overdenture Prosthesis

    18. Treatment Planning for the Edentulous Posterior Maxilla

    19. Classifications of Edentulous Arches

    Part III: Fundamental Science

    20. Medical Evaluation of the Dental Implant Patient

    21. Pharmacologic Considerations / Oral Sedation

    22. Applied Anatomy

    23. Spread of Dental Infection – Head and Neck

    24. Biomaterials

    25. Biomechanics

    26. Bone Physiology and Metabolism

    27. Dental Implant Surfaces: A Review

    28. Tissue Engineering Bone Response to Mechanical Loads

    Part IV: Implant Surgery

    29. Density of Bone: Effect on Surgical Approach and Healing

    30. Posterior Single Tooth Replacement: Surgical Guidelines

    31. Root Form Surgery in the Edentulous Anterior and Posterior Mandible: Implant Insertion

    32. Stage II Surgery

    33. Single Tooth Replacement: Surgical Considerations

    34. Premaxilla Surgery

    35. Immediate Load/Restoration in Implant Dentistry: Rationale and Treatment

    Part V: Soft and Hard Tissue Rehabilitation

    36. Keys to Bone Grafting Materials: Socket Grafting

    37. Tooth Extraction, Socket Grafting, and Barrier Membrane Bone Regeneration

    38. Sinus Lift and Sinus Graft Surgery
    39. Intraoral Block Bone Grafts

    40. Extraoral Block Bone Grafts

    Part VI: Implant Maintenance

    41. An Implant is Not a Tooth

    42. Maintenance of Dental Implants
  • Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, PhD(HC), Clinical Professor and Director, Oral Implant Dentistry, Temple University, Kornberg School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, Philadelphia, PA; Clinical Professor, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics/Geriatrics, Ann Arbor, MI; Adjunct Professor, University of Detroit, School of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Detroit, MI; Adjunct Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Engineering, Birmingham, AL
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