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cover image - Mosby's Field Guide to Physical Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323168472
Copyright: 2010
Publication Date: 05-27-2009
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $39.99

Mosby's Field Guide to Physical Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Mosby

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Mosby's Field Guide to Physical Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323168472
Copyright: 2010
Publication Date: 05-27-2009
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $39.99
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    • Coverage of preferred practice pattern key areas - including musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular and pulmonary, and integumentary - prepare you for situations you’ll encounter in practice.
    • Charts, tables, lists, and figures offer easy access to critical information, perfect for fast access in the field.
    • Content on adult, pediatric and geriatric populations prepare you to provide the best care for each patient.
    • Drug monographs include essential information on drugs that may affect physical therapy intervention.
    • Tools for Practice section features important tools for clinical use including content on vital signs, lab values, common ICD-9 codes, American Sign Language, Spanish terminology, and drug monographs.
    • A vibrant, full-color, user-friendly design with over 130 illustrations and color-coded sections makes it easy to find and understand information.
    • Convenient, take-along format lays flat for easy reference in the busy clinical setting.
    Anatomy Atlas



    Organs and Other Anatomical Features

    Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Innervation

    Anatomical Directional Terms

    Cranial Nerve Function

    Examination/Evaluation Sequence

    History and Review of Systems

    Physical Exam

    Sample Upper Quarter Examination Sequence

    Sample Lower Quarter Examination Sequence

    Tests and Measures

    Tests and Measures Used in the Physical Therapy Examination

    Pediatric Physical Therapy Assessments

    Sample List of Examination Tools

    Example of an Assessment Form

    Posture Assessment

    Anatomical position.

    Faulty postures: Kyphosis-lordosis, swayback, and flatback compared with ideal alignment.

    Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing

    Procedures for Measuring Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length

    Suggested Values for Normal ROM for Joints of the Upper and Lower Extremity in Adults Based on Analysis of Existing Data

    Traditionally Quoted Values for Normal ROM for Joints of the Upper and Lower Extremity in Adults

    Traditionally Quoted Values for Normal ROM of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine in Adults

    Suggested Values for Normal ROM of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine in Adults

    Suggested Values for Normal ROM of Cervical Spine in Adults

    Muscle Test Grades

    Example of a Pain Assessment Tool

    Three Standard Spasticity Scale

    Ashworth Scale

    Modified Ashworth Scale

    Spasm Frequency Score

    Key muscle groups



    Adson’s Test

    Apprehension Test of the Shoulder (Crank Test)

    Impingement Test

    Supraspinatus Isolation

    Chest Expansion Test


    Anterior drawer test

    Apley Test

    Ely’s Test

    Lachman Test

    McMurry’s Test

    Posterior Drawer Test

    Slocum test


    Laguere’s Test:

    Patrick’s Test (FABER or figure-four test)

    Slump Test

    Straight Leg Raising

    Trendelenburg Test


    Back Movements

    Standing Flexion Test

    Sacral Fixation Test (also called Gillet's Test, Marching Test, or Stork Test)

    Landmarks Palpated for Symmetry as Part of the Sacroiliac Examination.

    Prone Instability Test


    Position testing of the cervical spine

    Supine Vertebral Artery Test

    Spurling's Test


    Finkelstein's Test to detect tenosynovitis of the thumb or De Quervain's syndrome

    Phalen’s Test


    Tinel’s Test

    Plantar or Babinski Reflex

    Special Neurological Tests

    Common Imaging Techniques

    Guidelines for Referral


    Evaluating Cranial Nerves


    Spinal Disorder Diagnoses

    Connective tissue dysfunction Diagnoses

    Examples of Fractures


    Spinal Cord Injuries

    Examples of Non progressive spinal disorders

    Key Terms Important to the Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury

    American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Standard Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury.

    ASIA Impairment Scale

    Skin Breakdown Prevention and Pressure Relief

    Lymphatic system disorders Diagnoses7

    Indications for Joint Mobilization

    Skin Conditions

    The ABCDs of Skin Cancer

    Skin, Hand and Nails Infections

    Common Causes of Skin and Nail Bed Changes

    Hand and Nail bed Assessment

    Common Variations in Nail Shape

    Pressure ulcers in NPUAP Stage.A, Stage I;B, stage II;C, stage III;D, stage IV

    Burn Injury Classification

    Rule of Nines provides a quick method for estimating the extent of a burn injury.

    Neurologic Evaluation

    Signs and Symptoms of Mixed Peripheral Nerve (Lower Motor Neuron) Lesions

    Summary of Upper Motor Neurons

    Causes of Balance Problems

    Normal Eye Movements

    Consequences of various visual impairments

    Cardiopulmonary Evaluation

    Dyspnea/Angina Scale

    Pitting Edema Scale

    Early warning signs of a heart attack

    Manipulation Techniques

    Definitions of Manual Therapy Terminology

    Sample Manipulation Technique

    Lumbopelvic (Sacroiliac Region) Manipulation

    Physical Agents

    Categories of Physical Agents

    Physical Agents for Promoting Tissue Healing

    Physical Agents for the Treatment of Pain

    Physical Agents for the Treatment of Motion Restrictions

    Physical Agents for the Treatment of Tone Abnormalities

    Cardiopulmonary Drainage Positions

    Considerations when Selecting an Airway Clearance Technique

    Fall Prevention for Individuals with Increased Fall Risk


    Advantages, Disadvantages and Possible Applications of Various Wheeled Mobility Technologies

    Types of Manual Wheelchairs

    Types of Powered Wheelchairs

    Manual Mobility vs Powered Mobility Considerations

    Physical Assessment in Wheelchair Selection

    Parts of a Manual Wheelchair

    Seating Systems

    Various Types of Seating Fabrication Materials

    Major Wheelchair Manufacturers

    Assistive Devices

    Examples of Assistive Devices for Activities of Daily Living

    Home Exercise Examples

    Suggested Postsurgical Home Maintenance after Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

    Suggested Postsurgical Home Maintenance after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

    Phases of Rehabilitation

    Sample of the Phases for Carpal Tunnel Release Postsurgical Rehabilitation

    Sample form to Track M
  • Mosby
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.