cover image - Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323169318
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-28-2015
Page Count: 640
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $84.99

Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition

by Jean W. Solomon, MHS, OTR/L, FAOTA and Jane Clifford O'Brien, PHD, MS.ED.L, OTR/L, FAOTA

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323169318
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-28-2015
Page Count: 640
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $84.99
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Help your OTA students learn to provide effective therapy for children and adolescents with Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 4th Edition. This market-leading text offers a comprehensive, application-focused guide to pediatric occupational therapy assisting by incorporating the AOTA Practice Framework. The text’s focused and easy-to-use approach to pediatrics covers everything from the scope of practice to in-depth coverage of normal development, pediatric health conditions, and treatment planning. This new edition has also been thoroughly updated and expanded to include new content and chapters on community systems, physical agent modalities, the Model of Human Occupation assessments, childhood obesity, documentation, neurodevelopmental treatment, and concepts of elongation.

Newer Edition Available

5th Edition

Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323610278
    • NEW! Content on emerging areas of practice (such as community systems) broadens students’ awareness of where interventions for children can take place.
    • NEW! Content on physical agent modalities (PAMS) outlines the theory and application of PAMS as used by OTAs with pediatric clients.
    • NEW! Pediatric MOHO assessments that are now available in the chapter on Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) assessments describe how these assessments can help with intervention.
    • NEW! Content on childhood obesity, documentation, neurodevelopmental treatment, and concepts of elongation have been added to keep students abreast of the latest trends and problems.
    • UNIQUE! Video clips on the Evolve companion website show pediatric clients involved in a variety of occupational therapy interventions to demonstrate how concepts apply to actual practice.
    • UNIQUE! Clinical Pearls boxes highlight expert advice and tips from the authors and contributors.
    • Case examples provide snapshots of real-life situations to show how key concepts apply to real-life situations.
    • Evidence-based content incorporates clinical trials and outcome studies to demonstrate the evidentiary basis for OTA practice.
    • Inclusion of cultural diversity and sensitivity issues familiarize students with the diverse groups of people that OTAs treat in practice.
    • Incorporation of prevention information demonstrates that the OTA’s role goes beyond intervention and treatment. 
    • Family-centered perspective uses the terminology of the AOTA Practice Framework to focus on tailoring the OT approach to meet the needs of children within the context of their own environments.
    • Review questions and summaries at the end of each chapter help students assess and evaluate what they have learned.
    • Suggested activities in each chapter help students bridge the gap between the classroom and the clinic.
    • Key terms, chapter outlines, and chapter objectives at the beginning of each chapter prepare students for the information they’re expected to learn from the chapter.
    • Student resources on Evolve companion site include a variety of activities to help reinforce the material in the text, including: video clips and review questions.
    • Educator resources on Evolve companion site save instructors time with test bank questions (both knowledge- and application-based) and PowerPoint slides for each chapter.
    • NEW! Content on emerging areas of practice (such as community systems) broadens readers’ awareness of where interventions for children can take place.
    • NEW! Content on physical agent modalities (PAMS) outlines the theory and application of PAMS as used by OTAs with pediatric clients.
    • NEW! Pediatric MOHO assessments that are now available in the chapter on Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) assessments describe how these assessments can help with intervention.
    • NEW! Content on childhood obesity, documentation, neurodevelopmental treatment, and concepts of elongation have been added to keep readers abreast of the latest trends and problems.
    1. Scope of Practice
    2. Family Systems
    3. Medical System
    4. Educational System
    5. Community Practice
    6. Principles of Normal Development
    7. Development of Performance Skills
    8. Development of Occupations
    9. Adolescent Development: Becoming an Adult
    10. The Occupational Therapy Process
    11. Anatomy and Physiology for the Pediatric Practitioner
    12. Neuroanatomy for the Pediatric Practitioner
    13. Pediatric Health Conditions
    14. Childhood and Adolescent Psychosocial and Mental Health Disorders
    15. Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
    16. Intellectual Disabilities
    17. Cerebral Palsy
    18. Positioning and Handling: An Neurodevelopmental Approach
    19. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Sleep/Rest
    20. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
    21. Play and Playfulness
    22. Functional Task at School: Handwriting
    23. Therapeutic Media: Activity with Purpose
    24. Motor Control and Motor Learning
    25. Sensory Processing/Integration and Occupation
    26. Applying the Model of Human Occupation to Pediatric Practice
    27. Assistive Technology
    28. Orthoses, Orthosis Fabrication, and Elastic Therapeutic Taping for the Pediatric Population
    29. Animal-Assisted Therapy
    30. Glossary
    31. Index
  • Jean W. Solomon, MHS, OTR/L, FAOTA, Occupational Therapist, Private Practice and Jane Clifford O'Brien, PHD, MS.ED.L, OTR/L, FAOTA, Professor, Occupational Therapy Department, University of New England Portland, Maine, USA
Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.