Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 11th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

From basic nutrition principles to the latest nutrition therapies for common diseases, Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 10th Edition offers a solid foundation in the fundamental knowledge and skills your students need to provide effective patient care. Authors Eleanor Schlenker and Sara Long address nutrition across the life span and within the community, with an emphasis on health promotion and the effects of culture and religion on nutrition. Other key topics include childhood obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and food safety. Plus, evidence-based information and real-world case scenarios help your students learn how to apply essential nutrition concepts and therapies in clinical practice.
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Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- Case studies illustrate key concepts in authentic, "real-life" scenarios that reinforce learning and promote nutritional applications.
- Cultural Content boxes highlight the critical, yet often overlooked, role culture plays in nutrition — a role that is becoming more important as the population becomes more diverse.
- Feature boxes spotlight newsworthy issues related to the chapter topic, including:
- Diet-Medications Interactions — dietary warnings related to specific prescription drugs.
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — information on the uses, contraindications, and advantages/disadvantages of common herbs and supplements.
- Focus on Food Safety — important storage and preparation considerations for preventing food-borne illness.
- Health Promotion sections in each chapter emphasize the importance of health promotion and wellness as part of an effort to stress healthy lifestyle choices and prevention as the best "medicine."
- Websites of Interest at the end of every chapter lists reliable Internet resources for further study and exploration of various nutrition topics.
- Key terms are highlighted throughout the text with definitions on the same page for instant reference.
- Includes complimentary online access to Nutritrac 5.0, the latest version of Mosby's premier nutrition and exercise management program that features over 1,000 new foods and enhanced functionality.
- Evidence-Based Practice boxes emphasize the importance of using research to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
- Expanded health promotion coverage includes the World Health Organization's definition of "health," the concept of wellness, and patient education.
- An in-depth discussion of childhood obesity explores the impact and prevention of this major health concern.
- Additional information on metabolic syndrome examines its effects on the cardiovascular system.
- Coverage of nutrition support includes the use of adapted feeding tools to aid patients in various disease states.
- Perspective in Practice boxes offer quick access to practical applications of nutrition principles.
- Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes features the latest updates from the American Dietetic Association.
PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN NUTRITION 1. Nutrition and Health 2. Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism 3. Carbohydrates 4. Lipids 5. Proteins 6. Vitamins 7. Minerals 8. Energy Balance
PART 2: COMMUNITY NUTRITION & THE LIFE CYCLE 9. The Food Environment and Food Habits 10. Family Nutrition Counseling: Food Needs and Costs 11. Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation 12. Nutrition for Normal Growth and Development 13. Nutrition for Adults: Early, Middle, and Later Years 14. Nutrition and Physical Fitness 15. The Complexity of Obesity: Beyond Energy Balance
PART 3: INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL NUTRITION 16. Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Therapy in Patient Care 17. Metabolic Stress 18. Drug-Nutrient Interactions 19. Nutrition Support: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 20. Gastrointestinal Diseases 21. Diseases of the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Lungs 22. Diabetes Mellitus 23. Renal Disease 24. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 25. Cancer
Appendixes A. Body Mass Index: Obesity Values B. Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes C. Food Sources of Oxalates D. Calculation Aids and Conversion Tables E. Cultural Dietary Patterns and Religious Dietary Practices F. Federal Food Assistance Programs G. Caffeine Content in Foods H. Soluble, Insoluble, and Total Fiber Content in Selected Plant Foods I. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Growth Charts J. Mena, Standard Deviations, and Percentiles of Triceps Skinfold Thickness (mm) by Age for Males and Females of 1 to 50 Years K. Normal Constituents of Blood and Urine in Adults L. Acid and Alkaline Ash Food Groups M. Tyramine-Restricted Diet Index