cover image - Dental Radiography - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323297530
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 06-24-2016
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $86.99

Dental Radiography - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition

by Joen Iannucci, DDS, MS and Laura Jansen Howerton, RDH, MS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Dental Radiography - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323297530
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 06-24-2016
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $86.99
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Introducing the essential companion for dental imaging success! Dental Radiography: A Workbook and Laboratory Manual is a concise, comprehensive solution for both dental assisting and dental hygiene programs. Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen Howerton have written this exciting new resource as the perfect companion to the bestselling Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques text. This unique hybrid product is organized into two distinct sections — (1) a student workbook with review questions and activities that reinforce core knowledge and (2) a laboratory manual with step-by-step instructions and competency evaluations for essential hands-on skills. Combined with the bestselling textbook, the content review exercises and laboratory procedures help students link theory and technique to promote the mastery of clinical skills necessary for professional practice success.

Newer Edition Available

6th Edition

Workbook and Laboratory Manual for Dental Radiography - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323695893
    • UNIQUE! Hybrid approach combines workbook exercises with step-by-step procedures to support preclinical instruction.
    • Comprehensive coverage focuses on all major dental radiography topics with a modular approach that can be easily adjusted to meet differing program needs.
    • Straightforward, no-nonsense writing style focuses on need-to-know information and helps students comprehend and apply complex material.
    • Case studies and critical thinking questions help students apply lessons to real-life clinical situations.
    • Hands-on activities provide step-by-step instructions and clinical photos to help students master essential techniques.
    • Written exercises, including identification/labeling, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and more, reinforce text content and help students prepare for classroom exams and laboratory experiences.
    • Peer and self-assessments in each laboratory exercise help students understand where they need to improve.
    • Team activities prepare students to work together in an actual dental office.
    • Art program includes more than 350 illustrations and photographs to visually reinforce student comprehension and proficiency with technology, equipment, anatomy, positioning, and correlative radiographs.
    • UNIQUE! Spiral binding makes the manual easy-to-use in the lab.
    Module 1  Radiation Basics (correlates to text Chapters 1-5)
    Module 2  Equipment, Film, and Processing Basics (correlates to text Chapters 6-10)
    Module 3  Dental Radiographer Basics and Technique Introduction (correlates to text Chapters 11-17)
    Module 4  Technique Basics (correlates to text Chapters 18-2)
    Module 5  Digital Imaging and Normal Anatomy Basics (correlates to text Chapters 24-27)
    Module 6  Normal Anatomy, Film Mounting, and Interpretation Bascis (correlates to text Chapters 28-31)
    Module 7  Interpretation Basics (correlates to text Chapters 32-35)

    Part I: Introduction to the Radiology Clinic
    Module 1  Use of Ionizing Radiation
    Module 2  Infection Control in the Radiation Clinic
    Module 3  Equipment Used in the Radiology Clinic

    Part II: Technique Experiences with Teaching Manikin
    Module 4  Biscecting Technique
    Module 5  Bite-Wing Technique with Tabs
    Module 6  Paralleling Technique
    Module 7  Competencies

    Part III: Technique Experiences with Peer
    Module 8  Peer Patient Practice
    Module 9  Competency
    Module 10  Panoramic Technique
    Module 11  Competency

  • Joen Iannucci, DDS, MS, Professor of Clinical Dentistry, Division of Dental Hygiene, College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH and Laura Jansen Howerton, RDH, MS, Instructor, Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh, North Carolina
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.