Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection, 1st Edition
Clinical Skills Online
Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection gives your students a consistent, 360-degree look at nearly 280 of the most important pediatric nursing skills. Each skill in this collection features a consistent seven-part framework to guide students through all aspects of the skill. From detailed animations that demonstrate each step of the skill to an extended text that gives a comprehensive skill overview, your students will walk away with a firm understanding of how to properly perform each skill before they ever step foot in the clinical environment. Best of all, this remarkable web-based training product includes competency checklists for each skill to help you easily keep tabs on your students’ progress.
- Up-to-date, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
- Convenient web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
- Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills gives your nursing program a standardized way to teach, perform, and evaluate skills across the curriculum. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help students obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and the standard QSEN nursing competencies.
- Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
- Extended text gives students a 360-degree look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:
- Safety alerts
- Supplies
- Patient and family education
- Procedures
- Delegation opportunities
- Monitoring and care
- Expected and unexpected outcomes
- Documentation guidelines
- Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
- Evidence-based references
- Additional reading suggestions
- Equipment list helps familiarize students with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
- Demonstration animations visually guide students through every necessary step involved in the skill.
- Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
- Competency tests with rationales help students review and evaluate their understanding of the skill.
- Printable evaluation checklists enable students and faculty to measure and track various skill competencies.
AdmissionAirway PositioningAmbulationApical PulseArterial and Venous Sheath RemovalArterial Blood Gas InterpretationArterial Catheter Blood Sampling: Closed Blood Conservation MethodArterial Catheter Blood Sampling: Stopcock MethodArterial Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeArterial Catheter: Dressing ChangeArterial Catheter: RemovalArterial Catheter: Setup and CareArterial Pressure-Based Cardiac Output MonitoringArterial PunctureAspiration PrecautionsAssessment: AbdomenAssessment: General SurveyAssessment: Intake and OutputAssessment: Musculoskeletal, Neurologic, and Peripheral VascularAssessment: Nutrition ScreeningAssessment: Postoperative Cardiac StatusAssessment: RespirationsAssessment: Thorax and LungAssessment: Visual AcuityAssessment: Weight and Linear GrowthAtrial ElectrogramBathing: Bed BathBed Making: OccupiedBispectral Index MonitoringBlood Glucose MonitoringBlood Pressure MeasurementBlood Pressure Measurement EducationBlood Product AdministrationBlood Product Administration: Transfusion ReactionBlood Specimen Collection: Blood CulturesBlood Specimen Collection: Vacuum-Extraction MethodBlood Specimen Collection: VenipunctureBody Temperature Measurement EducationBody Temperature Measurement: AxillaryBody Temperature Measurement: OralBody Temperature Measurement: RectalBody Temperature Measurement: Temporal ArteryBody Temperature Measurement: TympanicBone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: AssistingBrain Tissue Oxygen MonitoringBronchoscopyBurn Wound CareCardiac Monitor Setup and Lead PlacementCardiac Output MeasurementCardiac TamponadeCast RemovalCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Blood SamplingCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Central Venous Pressure MonitoringCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Dressing ChangeCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: InsertionCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: RemovalCentral Venous Tunneled Catheter: Dressing ChangeCentral Venous Tunneled Catheter: Flushing and LockingCerebrospinal Fluid Sampling from Ventriculostomy Catheter or External Ventricular Drain: Advanced PracticeCerumen RemovalCervical Collar: ApplicationCervical Collar: ManagementCervical Traction MaintenanceChest Physiotherapy: Percussion, Vibration, and Postural DrainageChest Tube CareChest Tube InsertionChest Tube Insertion: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Pigtail Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Removal: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Removal: AssistingChest Tube: Closed Drainage System ManagementChest Tube: Closed Drainage System SetupCold ApplicationsComfort Promotion: DistractionComfort Promotion: Guided ImageryCommunication with the Patient Who Is Transgender - NEWContinuous Renal Replacement TherapiesCricothyroidotomy: NeedleDigital Block: Advanced PracticeDischargeDoppler Ultrasound for Assessment of Blood Pressure and Peripheral PulsesDyspnea: Patient PositioningElectrocardiogram: 12-LeadEmergency Primary AssessmentEmergency Secondary AssessmentEmergent SternotomyEmergent Sternotomy: Advanced PracticeEndotracheal Tube ExtubationEndotracheal Tube IntubationEndotracheal Tube Intubation: Advanced PracticeEndotracheal Tube: Closed SuctioningEndotracheal Tube: Open SuctioningEndotracheal Tube: Skin and Oral CareEndotracheal Tube: TapingEnd-Tidal Carbon Dioxide MonitoringEpidural Catheter: InsertionEpidural Catheter: RemovalEsophageal pH Probe Study: Care and ManagementExchange Transfusion: AutomatedExchange Transfusion: ManualExternal DefibrillationExternal Fixator Lengthening Device AdjustmentsExternal Fixator Pin CareExternal Ventricular Drain Insertion and ManagementExtracorporeal Membrane OxygenationEye IrrigationEye PatchingFall PreventionFeeding Tube: Balloon and Low-Profile Gastrostomy Removal and ReinsertionFeeding Tube: Enteral Nutrition AdministrationFeeding Tube: Enteral Nutrition Home Management EducationFeeding Tube: Selecting Enteral Nutrition FormulasFeeding Tube: Transpyloric InsertionFeeding Tubes: Gastrostomy Tube, Jejunostomy Tube, Gastrojejunostomy Tube CareFluid Administration, Rapid: Pressure Bag MethodFluid Administration, Rapid: Pressure Infusion DeviceFluid Administration, Rapid: Syringe MethodFluid CalculationForced-Air Warming BlanketGastric LavageHalo Vest: ApplicationHalo Vest: Maintenance and CleaningHeat LampHemodialysisHyperthermia MeasuresHypothermic-Hyperthermic Air BlanketIncreased Intracranial Pressure: Patient PositioningImplantable Cardioverter-DefibrillatorImplanted Venous Port: AccessImplanted Venous Port: DeaccessIncentive SpirometryInterfacility Transport and Handoff ReportInternal Defibrillation: AssistingIntraabdominal Pressure Monitoring: ContinuousIntraabdominal Pressure Monitoring: IntermittentIntracranial Catheter: Fluid-Coupled SystemIntracranial Pressure MonitoringIntrafacility Transport and Handoff ReportIntraosseous Needle Care and RemovalIntraosseous Needle PlacementIntravenous Therapy: DiscontinuationIntravenous Therapy: Dressing ChangeIntravenous Therapy: InitiationIntravenous Therapy: Regulation of Flow RateIntraventricular Catheter: Fluid-Coupled System and Fiberoptic TransducerIsolation Precautions: Airborne - NEWIsolation Precautions: Contact - NEWIsolation Precautions: Droplet - NEWIsolation Precautions: Personal Protective Equipment - NEWLaryngeal Mask AirwayLeft Atrial Intracardiac Line ManagementLumbar PunctureLumbar Puncture: Advanced PracticeMechanical Ventilation: High-Frequency Oscillatory VentilationMechanical Ventilation: WeaningMedication Administration: Ear DropsMedication Administration: Emergency MedicationMedication Administration: EnemaMedication Administration: EyeMedication Administration: Intermittent InfusionMedication Administration: Intradermal InjectionMedication Administration: Intramuscular InjectionMedication Administration: Intravenous Therapy Dose and Flow Rate CalculationMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler with Artificial AirwayMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler with SpacerMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler without SpacerMedication Administration: Nasal InstillationMedication Administration: NebulizedMedication Administration: Needleless Subcutaneous Jet InjectionMedication Administration: OralMedication Administration: Patient-Controlled AnalgesiaMedication Administration: Peripheral Nerve Block InfusionsMedication Administration: RectalMedication Administration: Subcutaneous InjectionMedication Administration: S
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