ai activity activity add-circle add-circle add-document add-new-comment add-solid-circle add-solid-circle add-to-cart add-to-cart add-users add-users airplay alarm alarm-clock alert alert-drug alert-drug alert-outline-circle alert-outline-square alert-outline-square alert-qsen alert-qsen alert-safety alert-safety alert-solid-circle alert-solid-circle alert-solid-square alert-solid-square alert-tornado alert-tornado alert-unexpected-error alert-unexpected-error alert-unsupported-browser alert-unsupported-browser alignment app-store app-switcher app-switcher apple approve-document archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-stat-up arrow-stat-up arrow-up article-in-press assessment-activity assessment-activity assignments assignments audio-slides backspace bicycle binocular blueprint blueprint book bookmark bookmarkoff bookmarkoff bookmarkon bookmarkon books box bubble-chart bullseye business-man business-phone calculator calendar calendar-empty calendar-empty calendar-not-available calendar-not-available call-center camera camera-film card-collapse card-collapse card-expand card-expand carrot case-study case-study caution charge-battery check-clipboard checkmark checkmark chevron-down chevron-down chevron-left chevron-left chevron-right chevron-right chevron-up chevron-up circle circle circle-map-view citatonbench clinical-trial clinical-trial clock clockwise clockwise close close close-quotes cloud cloud-download cloud-upload clouds coffee coffee coffee-bean coffee-not-available coffee-not-available colander collapse collapse column-left column-middle column-right columns comb comment compare-saved-versions compass computer computer-mouse confirmation-outline-circle confirmation-outline-circle confirmation-solid-circle confirmation-solid-circle connection contract countries-edit countries country-edit couple-of-people create-bibliography credit-card crop crop cursor cycle-question cycle-question cycle-square cycle-square database delete-document directions discussion discussion doc doc-file document-check document-check document-checked document-checked document-csv document-csv document-new document-new document-not-available document-not-available down-left down-right download drag draw-structure-new draw-structure-new drop duplicate-document dvd-player ebook ebook ebook-reading ebook-reading edit edit education-history eject ellipsis ellipsis-open elsevier elsevier email empowering-knowledge empty-cart emtree-taxonomy-browser epub eraser exam exam exe-file expand expand-2 expand-2 export-document export-profile-orcid eye-care eye-not-visible eye-not-visible eye-visible eye-visible facebook facebook failed-outline-circle failed-outline-square failed-solid-circle failed-solid-square fast-forward fax feedback-excited feedback-excited feedback-happy feedback-happy feedback-meh feedback-meh feedback-sad feedback-sad female-face file file filter finger-point-up finger-point-up flag flip-tile flip-tile flowchart flowchart folder folder-in folder-out folder-solid folder-solid forbidden fork fountain-pen fully-charged gif-file globe globe google-play grid group-of-people group-of-researchers hand hand hard-drive heart heart heart-solid heart-solid help-outline-circle help-solid-circle high-battery home home-institution hospital hot hot-tea hy-hart idea in-progress in-progress inbox information-outline-circle information-outline-square information-solid-circle information-solid-square instagram instagram institution institution-edit institution-ranking institutions institutions-edit interactive-case-insights journal jpg-file jump-to-first jump-to-first jump-to-last jump-to-last key lab-skills lab-skills label laptop layers leaf lesson lesson line-charts link linkedin linkedin list loading location lock log-in log-out low-battery male-face man map-location mastodon mastodon matrix-view measuring-cup medical-cross medium-battery menu menu merge microphone microwave minus minus-circle minus-circle minus-solid-circle minus-solid-circle mobi-file mobi-file mobile-phone mobipocket molecular-models moon move moving-box moving-box-down moving-box-up mp3-file multiple-layers musical-note nav-collapse nav-collapse nav-expand nav-expand navigate neuroimagery neutral-face newspaper no-editing no-smoking non-solus non-solus not-started not-started note note notebook notifications-disabled office-building open-book open-folder open-hand-right open-quotes orange outbox paperclip pause-hollow pause-hollow pause-solid pause-solid pdf-alternative pdf-file performance performance performance-not-available performance-not-available person phone phone-disabled picture pie-chart pill pin pixel play-hollow play-hollow play-solid play-solid play-video plus png-file pointing-left-up pointing-right ppt-2 ppt-2 ppt-file ppt-file printer-2 publication-set publication-sets radiology rainbow rainbow-2 rar-file rationale rationale record redo redo remove-document repeat research-area research-area-edit research-areas research-areas-edit researcher researcher-profile-needs-action researcher-profile-updated retweet rewind rotate rotate rows ruler ruler ruler-rotate ruler-rotate save-file scale-down scale-up schedule schedule search search-document secondary-result selection-panel-add selection-panel-remove send settings share share-2 shopping-cart shuffle simulation-nursing simulation-nursing skills-checklist skills-checklist skip-back skip-forward smartphone sort-asc sort-asc sort-default sort-default sort-desc sort-desc sound-high sound-low sound-medium sound-off spinner spinner standard standard star star-solid star-solid statistics stats stethoscope stop stop-gesture stopwatch strawberry structure structure study study subject-name-subcategory suitcase sun syllabus syllabus sync tables tablet teddy-bear teddy-bear temperature text-file thumbs-down thumbs-up tornado trash twitter twitter txt-file txt-file undo undo unlink unlock up-left up-right upload upwards-line-chart usb vector video-camera 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cover image - Clinical Skills: Maternal Newborn Collection (Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394437
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 06-18-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00

Clinical Skills: Maternal Newborn Collection (Access Card), 1st Edition

by Elsevier Inc

Clinical Skills Online - Access Card

cover image - Clinical Skills: Maternal Newborn Collection (Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394437
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 06-18-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00

Clinical Skills: Maternal Newborn Collection gives your students a consistent, 360-degree look at more than 100 of the most important maternal newborn nursing skills. Each skill in this collection features a consistent seven-part framework to guide students through all aspects of the skill. From detailed animations that demonstrate each step of the skill to an extended text that gives a comprehensive skill overview, your students will walk away with a firm understanding of how to properly perform each skill before they ever step foot in the clinical environment. Best of all, this remarkable web-based training product includes competency checklists for each skill to help you easily keep tabs on your students’ progress.

    • Convenient web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
    • Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills gives your nursing program a standardized way to teach, perform, and evaluate skills across the curriculum. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help students obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and the standard QSEN nursing competencies.
        • Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
        • Extended text gives students a 360-degree look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:

          • Safety alerts
          • Supplies
          • Patient and family education
          • Procedures
          • Delegation opportunities
          • Monitoring and care
          • Expected and unexpected outcomes
          • Documentation guidelines
          • Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
          • Evidence-based references
          • Additional reading suggestions

        • Equipment list helps familiarize students with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
        • Demonstration animations visually guide students through every necessary step involved in the skill.
        • Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
        • Competency tests with rationales help students review and evaluate their understanding of the skill.
        • Printable evaluation checklists enable students and faculty to measure and track various skill competencies.
    • Up-to-date, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
  • 103 Maternal Newborn Nursing Skills

    Abdominal Wall Defect: Initial CareAbnormal Presentation DeliveryAdmission Assessment: NewbornAdmission Assessment: Obstetric PatientsAmniocentesisAmnioinfusionApgar ScoreApnea Monitor EducationArtificial Rupture of MembranesArtificial Rupture of Membranes: Advanced PracticeAssessment: Postpartum PatientsAssessment: Rupture of Amniotic MembranesBereavement Support and Delivery of a Nonviable FetusBetamethasoneBilirubin Meter: Irradiance MeasuringBilirubin Meter: Transcutaneous MonitoringBiophysical ProfileBirthing BedBreastfeeding EducationBulb SyringeCalcium Gluconate: Obstetric PatientsCardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Obstetric PatientsCervical CerclageCervical CultureCervical Ripening and Labor Induction: Mechanical Methods: Advanced PracticeCervical Ripening with Dinoprostone (Cervidil)Cesarean Delivery: CirculatingCesarean Delivery: EmergencyCesarean Delivery: Patient PreparationCesarean Delivery: Recovery CareChorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)CircumcisionCircumcision CareContraction Stress TestCord CareCoronavirus: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Management Deep Tendon ReflexesDefibrillation of Obstetric PatientsDelivery Preparation for Multiple GestationsDelivery Room PreparationDilation and CurettageEphedrineEpidural Blood PatchEpidural Catheter InsertionEpidural Catheter RemovalExternal Cephalic VersionExternal Fetal Monitor ApplicationEye ProphylaxisFall and Drop Prevention for the NewbornFetal Blood TransfusionFetal Fibronectin TestFetal Heart Rate: Assessment via Intermittent Auscultation and Electronic MonitorFetal Heart Rate: InterpretationFetal Spiral Electrode ApplicationForceps DeliveryFormula FeedingFundal MassageGestational Age AssessmentHead Circumference MeasurementHepatitis B ImmunoprophylaxisHydralazineHypertensive Disorders of PregnancyInitial Assessment: High-Risk Obstetric PatientsInitial Assessment: NewbornInitial Assessment: Obstetric PatientsInsulin: Obstetric PatientsIntrauterine Pressure Catheter PlacementLabetalolLaboring Patients: Nursing CareLeopold's ManeuversMagnesium SulfateMetabolic ScreeningMethyldopaMisoprostolNewborn BathNewborn Car Seat SafetyNewborn Care EducationNewborn ScreeningNewborn SecurityNifedipineNitrous OxideNonstress TestOxygen HoodOxytocinPercutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)Perineal PreparationPhototherapyPhototherapy BlanketPostpartum HemorrhagePrecipitous DeliveryProlapsed CordRho(D) Immune GlobulinSeizure Precautions for Hypertensive Disorders and EpilepsyShoulder DystociaSpina Bifida: Initial CareSterile Speculum ExaminationSterile Vaginal ExaminationTerbutalineUltrasoundUterine Contractions: External MonitoringUterine Contractions: Manual PalpationVacuum Extraction DeliveryVaginal Birth After Cesarean DeliveryVaginal DeliveryVitamin K

  • Elsevier Inc