cover image - Clinical Skills: Emergency Collection, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394468
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 04-30-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00

Clinical Skills: Emergency Collection, 1st Edition

by Elsevier Inc

Clinical Skills Online

cover image - Clinical Skills: Emergency Collection, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394468
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 04-30-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.

Clinical Skills: Emergency Collection gives your students a consistent, 360-degree look at more than 145 of the most important emergency nursing skills. Each skill in this collection features a consistent seven-part framework to guide students through all aspects of the skill. From detailed animations that demonstrate each step of the skill to an extended text that gives a comprehensive skill overview, your students will walk away with a firm understanding of how to properly perform each skill before they ever step foot in the clinical environment. Best of all, this remarkable web-based training product includes competency checklists for each skill to help you easily keep tabs on your students’ progress.

    • Convenient web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
    • Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills gives your nursing program a standardized way to teach, perform, and evaluate skills across the curriculum. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help students obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and the standard QSEN nursing competencies.
        • Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
        • Extended text gives students a 360-degree look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:
          • Safety alerts
          • Supplies
          • Patient and family education
          • Procedures
          • Delegation opportunities
          • Monitoring and care
          • Expected and unexpected outcomes
          • Documentation guidelines
          • Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
          • Evidence-based references
          • Additional reading suggestions

        • Equipment list helps to familiarize students with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
        • Demonstration animations visually guide students through every necessary step involved in the skill.
        • Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
        • Competency tests with rationales help students review and evaluate their understanding of the skill.
        • Printable evaluation checklists enable students and faculty to measure and track various skill competencies.
        • Up-to-date, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
  • 148 Emergency Nursing SkillsAirway Foreign Object RemovalAirway PositioningAlteplase for Acute Ischemic StrokeAlteplase for Acute Myocardial InfarctionAlteplase for Pulmonary EmbolismAmbulation Aids: Education Ambulation Aids: Measuring and FittingAnkle-Brachial IndexAntivenin Administration (North America): ScorpionAntivenin Administration (North America): SnakeAntivenin Administration (North America): Widow SpiderArthrocentesis and Intraarticular InjectionArthrocentesis and Intraarticular Injection: Advanced PracticeAssessment: Orthostatic Vital SignsAssessment: Visual AcuityBladder ScanBlood and Fluid Pressure InfusersBlood and Fluid WarmersBlood Product Administration: Platelets, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Albumin, Plasma Protein Fraction, and Cryoprecipitate Body Jewelry RemovalBurr HolesCapnometry and CapnographyCentral Venous Catheter: Declotting with AlteplaseCerumen RemovalChest Tube: One-Way ValveChild Restraint Application and MonitoringCricothyroidotomyDecontaminationDiagnostic Peritoneal Aspiration and LavageDigital BlockDoppler Ultrasound for Assessment of Blood Pressure and Peripheral PulsesEar Wick InsertionEmergency ChildbirthEmergency Needle ThoracentesisEmergency Primary AssessmentEmergency Secondary AssessmentEmergency Thoracotomy and Internal DefibrillationEpistaxis: Anterior PackingEpistaxis: Anterior Packing: Advanced PracticeEpistaxis: Electrical and Chemical CauteryEpistaxis: Electrical and Chemical Cautery: Advanced PracticeEpistaxis: Insertion of Balloon CathetersEpistaxis: Insertion of Balloon Catheters: Advanced PracticeEpistaxis: Posterior PackingEpistaxis: Posterior Packing: Advanced PracticeEpistaxis: Topical AgentsEscharotomyEscharotomy: Advanced PracticeEsophageal Foreign Body RemovalEsophageal Tracheal Double-Lumen AirwayEsophageal Tracheal Double-Lumen Airway: Removal or Replacement with an Endotracheal Tube External Jugular Venous AccessEye IrrigationEye PatchingFishhook RemovalFluorescein Staining of EyesFluorescein Staining of Eyes: Advanced PracticeFocused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST): Advanced Practice Gastric Lavage for Gastrointestinal BleedingGastric Lavage for Removal of Toxic SubstancesHeat LampHelmet RemovalHyperthermia MeasuresHypothermia MeasuresImplantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: Emergency ManagementIncision and DrainageIncision and Drainage: Advanced PracticeIndirect LaryngoscopyInterfacility Ground or Air Transport PreparationIntracompartmental Pressure MeasurementIntracompartmental Pressure Measurement: Advanced PracticeIntraosseous AccessIntravenous Regional AnesthesiaIV Immunoglobulin (IVIG)King AirwayLaryngeal Mask AirwayMassive TransfusionMedication Administration: Local Infiltration and Topical Agents for Wound AnesthesiaMedication Administration: Methylprednisolone for Spinal Cord InjuryMethotrexate for Ectopic Pregnancy Nasal Foreign Body RemovalNitrous OxideNoninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Ophthalmic Foreign Body ImmobilizationOphthalmic Foreign Body RemovalOphthalmic Foreign Body Removal: Advanced PracticeOral Airway InsertionOtic Foreign Body RemovalOxygen Tank RegulatorsOxygen Therapy and Oxygen DeliveryPacing: Transcutaneous Patient Positioning: DyspneaPatient Positioning: HypotensionPatient Positioning: Increased Intracranial PressurePeak Expiratory Flow MeasurementPelvic ExaminationPercutaneous Translaryngeal VentilationPneumatic Antishock GarmentPreservation of EvidencePulsus Paradoxus AssessmentPupillometerRabies Immunization Rapid Sequence Induction for IntubationRapid-Infusion Catheter ExchangeRetrograde IntubationRing RemovalSexual Assault ExaminationShoulder ImmobilizationSling ApplicationSpecimen Collection: Capillary Blood GasesSpecimen Collection: Drug and AlcoholSpecimen Collection: Human Bite Mark EvidenceSpinal Motion RestrictionSplinting: Air SplintsSplinting: Finger ImmobilizationSplinting: General PrinciplesSplinting: Knee ImmobilizationSplinting: PelvicSplinting: Plaster and FiberglassSplinting: Traction SplintsSplinting: Vacuum SplintsStreptokinase for Acute Myocardial InfarctionSynchronized CardioversionTenecteplase for Acute Myocardial InfarctionTherapeutic PhlebotomyThoracic Vent (Thora-Vent) Thoracic Vent (Thora-Vent): Advanced PracticeTonometryTonometry: Advanced PracticeTooth Preservation and ReplantationTourniquet Application for Hemorrhage ControlT-Piece Adapter for Intubated PatientsTracheostomyUltrasound-Guided Peripheral IV AccessUrinary Catheter Suprapubic Insertion and Replacement: Advanced PracticeUrinary Catheter: Suprapubic Insertion and Replacement Venous CutdownVenous Cutdown: Advanced PracticeVentilation: Anesthesia Bag Ventilation: Bag Mask Ventilation: Mouth to MaskVentilation: Noninvasive CPAP, BiPAP, and NIMV Whole Bowel IrrigationWound Care: AmputationWound Care: Minor BurnsWound Cleansing and Irrigation Traumatic Wounds Wound Closure: Skin Adhesive Wound Closure: Surgical Tape
  • Elsevier Inc
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For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.