Building a Medical Vocabulary - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Simplify complex medical terminology. Using a comprehensive, yet easy way to learn medical terms, Building a Medical Vocabulary, 10th Edition, introduces a step-by-step approach to effective communication in the healthcare environment. Beginning with commonly used medical terms, the text moves cleanly through more difficult vocabulary by adding new combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes. Small segments of material are immediately followed by fill-in exercises. Learning is also reinforced with Evolve resources such as interactive games, animations, and audio pronunciations; teaching is enhanced with complete instructor’s resources. Organizing medical terms by body system, this text provides students with the building blocks for effective communication in the healthcare environment.
Newer Edition Available
Building a Medical Vocabulary - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- NEW! Additional healthcare reports allow students to see terminology in context.
- NEW! Oncology chapter provides terminology in this important area of healthcare.
- NEW! Pharmacology in the body systems chapters lists common drug classes with pharmaceuticals.
- NEW! Evolve games and activities now designed to meet all level A and AA WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines for the disabled. Some activities and quizzes report to the gradebook so instructors can assign online homework and track student progress.
- Comprehensive end-of-chapter reviews bring learning full circle and allow students to measure their learning against chapter objectives.
- 14-chapter organization allows the text to be seamlessly integrated into a 14-week semester.
- List of key terms with pronunciations in each chapter provides students with a helpful review that coordinates with audio files on the Evolve companion website.
- Vocabulary list at the end of each chapter provides a quick review of important terms along with their pronunciations.
- Healthcare Reports and case studies encourage students to apply their knowledge to job-like situations and provide a discussion focus for instructors.
- Flexible organization allows you to teach body systems chapters in the order you prefer.
- Glossary/Index makes it easy to find words and their definitions, and is great for final exam review.
- Be Careful with These caution boxes highlight important distinctions students need to make among terms that are similar in spelling and/or pronunciation.
- Thorough explanation of terms enhances understanding by presenting vocabulary in the context of medical settings.
- Strong level of A&P coverage provides the background that students need to understand body systems in the context of medical terminology.
- Programmed Learning sections allow students to actively participate in learning and get instant feedback on their progress.
- Clear, conversational writing style makes reading and absorbing the material enjoyable.
- A variety of exercise types accommodate various learning styles and help all students learn and retain information.
- Bookmark pronunciation guide makes it easy to find pronunciations and may also be used to cover the answer column while working the programmed learning sections of the text.
- Spanish translations familiarize students with common Spanish terminology that they are likely to encounter in the clinical environment.
- Function First sections orient students to physiology and why each body system is important.
- NEW! Additional healthcare reports allow you to see terminology in context.
- NEW! Pharmacology in the body systems chapters lists common drug classes with pharmaceuticals.
- NEW! Oncology chapter provides terminology in this important area of healthcare.
Introductory Chapters: Foundations of Medical Terminology
1. Building Medical Terms Starting with Medical Specialties
2. Diseases and Disorders: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Terms
3. Organization of the BodyBody Systems
4. Circulatory System
5. Respiratory System
6. Digestive System
7. Urinary System
8. Reproductive System
9. Musculoskeletal System
10. Nervous System
11. Peripheral Nervous System
12. Endocrine System
13. Integumentary System
14. OncologyAppendices
I. Medical Abbreviations
II. Spanish-English Translation of Selected Terms
III. Word Parts
IV. Solutions to Review Exercises
Bibliography and Illustration Credits