Kinn's The Medical Assistant - Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual Package - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 12th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Give students thorough practice with the essential medical assisting job skills! Designed to support Kinn’s The Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 12th Edition by Deborah Proctor and Alexandra Adams, this study guide and procedure checklist manual provide a complete review of content and offer a wide range of exercises to reinforce students’ understanding of the common administrative and clinical skills — including CAAHEP and ABHES competencies.
- The most current content and competencies associated with CAAHEP and ABHES ensure that students are being taught according to the leading accreditation organizations.
- A variety of exercises test student knowledge and critical thinking skills with vocabulary review, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false questions.
- Procedure Checklists Manual packaged with the study guide helps students track their performance of every procedure included in the textbook.
- Work documentation proves to instructors and to accrediting organizations that students have completed each competency.
- Cross-references tie together exercises in the study guide to the Connections theme in the main text.
- Expanded coverage of the Electronic Medical Record addresses the EMR and its use in the physician’s office.
- Expanded coverage of Emergency Preparedness helps students meet CAAHEP and ABHES requirements.
- Additional exercises enhance learning with skills and concepts, word puzzles, case studies, workplace applications, and Internet activities.
- English-Spanish terms help bilingual students understand and master the content.
- Expanded coverage of the Electronic Medical Record allows you to learn more about the EMR and its use in the physician’s office.
- Expanded coverage of Emergency Preparedness helps you meet CAAHEP and ABHES requirements.
- Becoming a Successful Student
- The Healthcare Industry
- The Medical Assisting Profession
- Professional Behavior in the Workplace
- Interpersonal Skills and Human Behavior
- Medicine and Ethics
- Medicine and Law
- Computer Concepts
- Telephone Techniques
- Scheduling Appointments
- Patient Reception and Processing
- Office Environment and Daily Operations
- Written Communications and Mail Processing
- The Paper Medical Record
- The Electronic Medical Record
- Health Information Management
- Privacy in the Physician’s Office
- Basics of Diagnostic Coding
- Basics of Procedure Coding
- Basics of Health Insurance
- The Health Insurance Claim Form
- Professional Fees, Billing, and Collecting
- Banking Services and Procedures
- Management of Practice Finances
- Medical Practice Management and Human Resources
Unit One: Introduction to Medical Assisting
Unit Two: Administrative Medical Assisting
Unit Three: Health Information in the Medical Office
Unit Four: Billing and Coding Procedures
Unit Five: Financial and Practice Management
26. Medical Practice Marketing and Customer Service
Unit Six: Fundamentals of Clinical Medical Assisting
27. Infection Control
28. Patient Assessment
29. Patient Education
30. Nutrition and Health Promotion
31. Vital Signs
32. Assisting with the Primary Physical Examination
Unit Seven: Assisting with Medications
33. Principles of Pharmacology
34. Pharmacology Math
35. Administering Medications
Unit Eight: Assisting with Medical Specialties
36. Emergency Preparedness and Assisting with Medical Emergencies
37. Assisting in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
38. Assisting in Dermatology
39. Assisting in Gastroenterology
40. Assisting in Urology and Male Reproduction
41. Assisting in Obstetrics and Gynecology
42. Assisting in Pediatrics
43. Assisting in Orthopedic Medicine
44. Assisting in Neurology and Mental Health
45. Assisting in Endocrinology
46. Assisting in Pulmonary Medicine
47. Assisting in Cardiology
48. Assisting in Geriatrics
Unit Nine: Diagnostic Procedures
49. Principles of Electrocardiography
50. Assisting with Diagnostic Imaging
51. Assisting in the Clinical Laboratory
52. Assisting in the Analysis of Urine
53. Assisting in Phlebotomy
54. Assisting in the Analysis of Blood
55. Assisting in Microbiology and Immunology
Unit Ten: Assisting with Surgeries
56. Surgical Supplies and Instruments
57. Surgical Asepsis and Assisting with Surgical Procedures
Unit Eleven: Career Development
58. Career Development and Life Skills