cover image - Pediatrics Morning Report, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323498258
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 09-06-2018
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $42.99

Pediatrics Morning Report, 1st Edition

by Adler Salazar, MD, Randall Y. Chan, MD and Michelle Pietzak, MD


cover image - Pediatrics Morning Report, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323498258
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 09-06-2018
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $42.99
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    • Each case has been carefully chosen and covers scenarios and questions frequently encountered on the Pediatrics boards, shelf exams, and clinical practice, integrating both basic science and clinical pearls.
    • "Beyond the Pearls" tips and secrets (all evidence-based with references) provide deep coverage of core material.
    • "Morning Report"/"Grand Rounds" format begins with the chief complaints to the labs, relevant images, and includes a "pearl" at the end of the case. Questions are placed throughout the case to mimic practical decision making both in the hospital and on the board exam.
    • Written and edited by experienced teachers and clinicians; each case has been reviewed by board certified attending/practicing physicians.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access the full text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • 1. A 20-month-old with a limp

    2. A 9 year old male with jaw pain

    3. A 15-year-old female with pain and neck stiffness

    4. An 11-year-old male with new-onset chest pain and palpitations

    5. A newborn presenting with profound cyanosis

    6. A 4-month-old male with multiple fractures

    7. A 13-month-old with persistent fever

    8. A 24-month-old boy with loss of speech

    9. A 2-year-old male with pallor, decreased urine output and edema

    10. 29-weeks-of-gestation fetus with worsening anemia

    11. A 4-year-old male with abdominal pain

    12. A 12-month-old female with picky eating

    13. An 8-day-old male infant presenting for weight follow up

    14. A newborn with hydrops fetalis

    A 9-year-old female with joint pain and swelling

    16. An 11 year old male with bruising

    17. A 3-year-old female with cough and purulent sputum production

    18. A 4-year-old with fever and a rash

    19. A 2-week old female infant with vomiting, diarrhea, and poor feeding

    20. A 3-year-old female with nausea, vomiting, and progressive abdominal pain

    21. An 8-year-old child with snoring and behavioral difficulty in school

    22. A 3-year old boy with lower extremity edema, abdominal distension and discomfort

    23. A 10-year-old girl with recurrent dysuria, urinary incontinence and increased urinary frequency

    24. An 8-month-old male with chronic intermittent cough

    25. A 5-year-old Kindergartener who failed a school vision screen

    26. A 12-month-old male with a white pupillary reflex

    27. A 13-Year-Old Male with Hematemesis

    28. A 19-Year-Old Female With Chronic Diarrhea

    29. A 16-month-old female with foul smelling diarrhea

    30. A 7-week-old male with resected bowel

    31. A 3-year-old girl with buccal swelling

    32. A Newborn with Hypoglycemia

    33. A four-day-old male with yellow skin color

    34. A 16-year-old female with nausea, emesis, icterus and abdominal pain

    35. An 18 month old male with vomiting and altered mental status

    36. A 16-month-old female with refusal to walk

    37. A 16 year old female with "cola-colored" urine

    38. A 15-month-old male with renal calculi

    39. A 17-year-old female with fatigue and yellow eyes 

    40. An 18-month-old girl with acute-onset refusal to walk

    41. A 6-year-old boy with cough and fever

    42. A 10-Year-Old Male with Dysphagia

    43. A 10-year-old male with fast breathing

    44. A 12-month old boy with stridor

    45. A 12-year old girl presents with right knee pain

    46. A 6-week-old female with persistent jaundice

    47. A 20-month-old female with fever and convulsions

    48. A 7-week old with apnea

    49. A 3-year old boy with worsening rash for five days

    50. A 16-year-old female with Down syndrome has abdominal pain and epistaxis

    51. A 15-month-old female with left arm pain

    52. A 4-month old male infant is brought in for fever and difficulty breathing

    53. A 7-year old female with right-sided headache, ear pain and eye deviation

    54. A 20-day old premature infant develops feeding intolerance

    55. After delivery, a full-term newborn is found lethargic with poor respiratory effort

    56. A 4-year old boy has right-side facial weakness

    57. A 12-year-old female with rash and joint pain

    58. An 11-year-old female with new-onset difficulty swallowing and speaking

    59. A newborn with respiratory distress

    60. A 3-hour old 31-week premature infant male with tachypnea

  • Adler Salazar, MD, Director, Pediatric Residency Program, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, Randall Y. Chan, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California and Michelle Pietzak, MD, Head, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Los Angeles County Medical System; Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.