Introduction to Orthotics, 5th Edition

Help your students develop the critical thinking skills they need to choose and fit effective orthoses for patients with hand injuries and functional deficits. As a combination workbook/textbook, Introduction to Orthotics, 5th Edition uses reader friendly language to cover the theory, design, and fabrication of orthopedic devices. Ideal for use in the classroom or in the clinical setting, it emphasizes upper extremity versus hand orthoses, with additional coverage of lower extremity orthotics and upper extremity prosthetics, and offers case studies promoting clinical reasoning and problem solving as well as an occupation-based approach. This new edition also demonstrates the fine detail of orthotics and equips students with a repertoire of skills and knowledge related to orthoses.
- Updated content, references, grading forms and self-evaluation, and case studies provide students and practitioners with the most current and up-to-date information they need to prepare to serve their clients’ needs.
- Combined textbook/workbook format makes it easier to develop fundamental skills in the theory, design, and fabrication of orthoses.
- NEW! chapter covering Casting techniques provides guidance regarding current advances.
- NEW! Chapter for Professional Issues Related to Orthotic Provision.
- NEW! Elbow, Forearm, and Shoulder Immobilization Orthoses expands the content that previously only addressed elbow and forearm orthoses to include shoulder immobilization orthoses.
- NEW! Photos and illustrations for pre-fabrication, fitting, and fabrication techniques appear throughout the text.
- NEW! Evidence-based practice charts
- NEW! Numerous case studies in each chapter show how concepts relate to real-life clinical practice.
- How-To videos on the Evolve companion website let students watch the construction of orthotics again and again to increase their proficiency.
- Integration of patient safety addresses this important aspect of patient care.
- Spiral binding lets the book lay flat when opened for convenient use while on the job.
- Self-evaluation forms allow students to analyze personal strengths and weaknesses related to new orthotic intervention techniques.
- Review questions and self-quizzes reinforce student comprehension of the material.
- Laboratory exercises test students’ clinical reasoning and technical skills.
- NEW! chapter covering Casting techniques provides guidance regarding current advances.
- NEW! Chapter for Professional Issues Related to Orthotic Provision.
- NEW! Elbow, Forearm, and Shoulder Immobilization Orthoses expands the content that previously only addressed elbow and forearm orthoses to include shoulder immobilization orthoses.
- NEW! Photos and illustrations for pre-fabrication, fitting, and fabrication techniques appear throughout the text.
- NEW! Evidence-based practice charts
UNIT ONE: Orthotic Foundations
1. Foundations of Orthotics
2. Occupation-based Orthotic Intervention
3. Orthotic Processes, Tools, & Techniques
4. Anatomic and Biomechanical Principles related to Orthotic Provision
5. Clinical Examination for Orthotic Intervention
6. Clinical Reasoning for Orthotic FabricationUNIT TWO: Orthosis for Conditions and Populations
7. Orthoses for the Wrist
8. Thumb Immobilization Orthoses
9. Hand Immobilization Orthoses
10. Elbow and Forearm Immobilization Orthoses
11. Orthoses for the Shoulder
12. Orthotics for the Fingers
13. Mobilization Orthoses: Serial-static, Dynamic, and Static Progressive Orthoses
14. Orthotic Intervention for Nerve Injuries
15. Orthotic Provision to Manage Spasticity
16. Orthotic Intervention for Older Adults
17. Orthoses for the Pediatric PopulationUNIT THREE: Topics Related to Orthosis
18. Lower Extremity Orthotics
19. Casting
20. Upper Extremity Prosthetics
21. Professional Issues related to Orthotic ProvisionGlossary
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C