Nursing Skills Online 4.0 for Potter Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition
Online Course

Ensure students master important nursing skills for the clinical setting Nursing Skills Online 4.0 (NSO). This interactive learning system offers 19 modules that are organized around the 5-step nursing process. Each module uses a structured pace to guide students through the skills that have the greatest effect on patient safety. Modules also include critical thinking tasks and case studies to help them apply their learning to realistic patient situations, as well as review tools to help you evaluate their competencies.
- NEW! Cardiac Care module covers vital skills related to cardiac monitoring.
- The latest evidence-based information in clinical skills & techniques keeps your students on the cutting edge of nursing.
- NEW! Patient Centered Care screens address variations in approaches to patients of varied cultures and ages during the performance of the skill.
- NEW! QSEN correlated headings and exercises helps your students better understand the six Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) core competencies.
- NEW! Safety Considerations screens address the global safety issues in play for the lesson topic.
- NEW! Quality Improvement exercises present critical thinking challenges, prodding your students to use patient care data to improve outcomes.
- NEW! Teamwork and Collaboration screens include information on delegation, as well as cooperation with other healthcare professionals who may have input in to patient welfare (physical therapists, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, etc.).
- Case-based/problem-oriented format for learning activities provides students with real-life patient scenarios and promotes critical thinking.
- Frequent interactivity enhances your students’ learning and engagement with content to make understanding complex concepts easier.
- Self-assessment exercises allow your students to test their knowledge of key concepts including correct answers and rationales for immediate feedback.
- Lesson Post Tests provide an immediate score upon completion including rationales behind correct responses.
- Printable procedure guidelines enables your students to study and learn anywhere they go.
- NEW! Cardiac Care module covers vital skills related to cardiac monitoring.
- NEW! Patient Centered Care screens address variations in approaches to patients of varied cultures and ages during the performance of the skill.
- NEW! QSEN correlated headings and exercises help you better understand the six Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) core competencies.
- NEW! Safety Considerations screens address the global safety issues in play for the lesson topic.
- NEW! Quality Improvement exercises present critical thinking challenges, prodding you to use patient care data to improve outcomes.
- NEW! Teamwork and Collaboration screens include information on delegation, as well as cooperation with other healthcare professionals who may have input in to patient welfare (physical therapists, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, etc.).
Module 01: Infection Control
Module 02: Specimen Collection
Module 03: Vital Signs
Module 04: Safe Medication Preparation
Module 05: Administration of Nonparenteral Medications
Module 06: Administration of Parenteral Medications: Injections
Module 07: Administration of Parenteral Medications: Intravenous Medications
Module 08: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Module 09: Caring for Central Vascular Access Devices (CVAD)
Module 10: Maintenance of Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Module 11: Blood Therapy
Module 12: Safety
Module 13: Airway Management
Module 14: Cardiac Care
Module 15: Closed Chest Drainage Systems
Module 16: Enteral Nutrition
Module 17: Urinary Catheterization
Module 18: Bowel Elimination/Ostomy Care
Module 19: Wound Care -
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