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cover image - The Little Black Book of Neurology,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323529792
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 05-24-2019
Page Count: 816
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $84.99

The Little Black Book of Neurology, 6th Edition

by Osama O. Zaidat, MD, Alan J. Lerner, MD and J.Douglas Miles, MD, PhD


cover image - The Little Black Book of Neurology,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323529792
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 05-24-2019
Page Count: 816
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $84.99
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    • Presents a comprehensive, yet concise, "all-in-one" introduction to neurology in a portable, alphabetical format – now newly structured to make reference faster and easier than ever.
    • Enables you to access critical guidance at a glance with new tables of differential diagnosis, patient evaluation, and treatment options.
    • Covers many new topics including significantly expanded sections on sleep, neuromuscular disorders, and critical care.
    • Includes four new appendices: Neurocritical Emergencies • Therapeutic Care • AAN Guideline Summaries • and Scales – highlighting evidence-based guidelines when available, enabling you to make more informed clinical judgments.
    • Offers updated and expanded coverage of neuropharmacology and neuroimaging.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Abscess, Brain Abscess, Epidural Acalculia Acid-Base Disturbances ADEM Disease Agnosia Agraphia AIDS Alcohol Alexia Amaurosis Fugax Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Angelman Syndrome Angiography Angiomas Antibody Testing In Neuromuscular Disease Antidepressants Aphasia Apraxia Arteriovenous Malformations Asterixis Ataxia, Spinocerebellar Degeneration Athetosis (See Also Chorea) Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autism Autonomic Dysfunction Balint Syndrome Benzodiazepines Bladder Botulinum Toxin Brachial Plexus Brain Death Bulbar Palsy Cadasil Caloric Testing Cardiopulmonary Arrest (See Also Brain Death, COMA) Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Carotid Stenosis (See Also Ischemia) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Catamenial Epilepsy Cauda Equina And Conus Medullaris Cerebellum Cerebral Aneurysms Cerebral Cortex Cerebral Hemorrhage, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Salt-Wasting Syndrome Cerebrospinal Fluid Channelopathies Chemotherapy, Neurologic Complications Chiari Malformations Child Neurology: History, And Physical Examination Chorea Chromosomal Disorders COMA (See Also Brain Death, Cardiopulmonary Arrest, And AAN Guideline Appendix) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) Computed Tomography Conversion Disorder Confusional State (See Delirium) Cramps Cranial Nerves Craniocervical Junction (See Also Arnold-Chiari Malformation) Craniosynostosis Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; Other Human Prion Diseases Degenerative Diseases Of Childhood Dementia (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix) Delirium (Acute Confusional State) Demyelinating Disorders Dermatomes Diabetes Insipidus Dialysis (Central Nervous System Complications) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Dizziness Dysarthria Dyskinesia; Tardive (See Also Therapeutic Appendix) Dysphagia Dystonia Electrocardiogram And Cardiac Effects Of Neurological Disorders Electroencephalography Electrolyte Disorders Electromyography And Nerve Conduction Studies Embryology Of The Congenital Malformations Of The Brain And Spine Encephalitis Encephalopathy Encephalopathy, Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Endovascular Treatment Of Aneurysms Epilepsy And Women (See Also Catamenial Epilepsy, Epilepsy, And AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix) Epilepsy (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries, Neurologic Emergency, And Therapeutic Appendices) Erectile Dysfunction; Impotence Evoked Potentials Extracranial Ultrasonography Eye Muscles Facial Nerve, Hemifacial Spasm Femoral Nerve Fontanel Fragile X Syndrome Frontal Lobe Frontal Lobe Lesions And Syndromes Frontal Lobe Seizure Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gait Disorders Gaze Palsy Gerstmann Syndrome Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia Glucose Imbalance Graves Ophthalmopathy Guillain-Barré Syndrome (See Also Neuropathy) Hallucinations Head Trauma Headache: Migraine And Other Types (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix) Hearing Hemifacial Spasm Herniation Hiccups (Singultus, Hiccoughs) Horner Syndrome, Cocaine Test Huntington Disease Hydrocephalus Hyperventilation Hypotonic Infant/Hypotonia In Infancy/Floppy Infant Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Immunization, Vaccination Intracranial Pressure Intracranial Stenosis Ischemia (Stroke And Transient Ischemic Attack) (See Also The Neurologic Emergency Appendix, Acute Ischemic Stroke) Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Learning Disabilities Limbic System Lumbosacral Plexopathy Lyme Disease, Neuroborreliosis Macrocephaly Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetoencephalography Marburg Disease Mechanical Thrombectomy For Acute Ischemic Stroke (See Thrombectomy) Melas Memory Meningitis (See Also Neurologic Emergency Appendix) Mental Status Testing Metabolic Diseases Of Childhood Microcephaly Mitochondrial Disorders Motor Neuron Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix) Moyamoya Disease Multiple Sclerosis (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries And Therapeutic Appendices) Muscle Diseases And Testing Muscular Dystrophy Myasthenia Gravis Myelography Myoclonus Myoglobinuria, Rhabdomyolysis, Creatine Kinase Myopathy Myotomes Myotonia, Myotonic Dystrophy Neglect Neurocutaneous Syndromes Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Neuroleptics Neuropathy (See Also AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix) Nutritional Deficiency Syndromes Nystagmus Occipital Lobe Ocular Oscillations Olfaction Opalski Syndrome Ophthalmoplegia Optic Nerve Optokinetic Nystagmus Paget Disease Pain Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes Parietal Lobe Parkinson Disease Parkinsonism Periodic Paralysis (See Myotonia) Peripheral Nerve Disease (See Also Neuropathy) PET And SPECT Pituitary Disorders (Pituitary Adenoma, Hypo- And Hyperpituitarism, Apoplexy) Porphyria Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES), See Also Hypertensive Encephalopathy Pregnancy Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pseudobulbar Palsy Pseudotumor Cerebri Ptosis Pupil Radial Nerve Radiation Injury Radiculopathy Reflexes Respiratory Failure Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Syndrome) Retina And Uveal Tract (Uveitis) Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome, Call-Fleming Syndrome Rheumatoid Arthritis Rigidity Romberg Sign Sarcoidosis Sciatic Nerve, Sciatica Sepsis Shunts, Third Ventriculostomy, Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts Sickle Cell Disease Sleep Disorders Spasticity Spinal Cord Spinal Cord Compression (See Also Spinal Cord Trauma, Spinal Cord Injury In Neurologic Emergency Appendix) Spinal Cord Trauma (See Also Spinal Cord Compression And Neurologic Emergencies Appendix) Spinal Cord Infarction Spinal Epidural Abscesses Spinocerebellar Ataxia (See Also Ataxia) Spinocerebellar Degeneration (Spinocerebellar Ataxia) Status Epilepticus (See Also Epilepsy NCC And Neurologic Emergencies Appendix) Subdural Hematoma Syncope Syndrome Of Inappropriate Secretion Of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) Syphilis Taste Tauopathies Temporal Lobe Thyroid Thrombectomy For Acute Ischemic Stroke Tourette Syndrome (Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome) Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Transplantation Tremors (See Also Therapeutic Appendix) Trigeminal Neuralgia Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion Tumor Embolization Tumors Ulnar Nerve (See Also Peripheral Nerve) Ultrasonography (See Transcranial Doppler) Uremia Vasculitis Vein Of Galen Malformation Venous Thrombosis Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty Vertigo Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Visual Fields Wada Testing White Matter Tract Lesion In Multiple Sclerosis—Radiographic Features Wilson Disease Zoster AAN Guideline Summaries Appendix Evaluation And Prognosis Of Coma

  • Osama O. Zaidat, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, Alan J. Lerner, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH; Medical Director, Heather Hill Hospital and Health Care, Chardon, OH and J.Douglas Miles, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine; Director, Neuroscience Education, Neuroscience Institute, The Queen’s Medical Center, Honolulu, HI
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