cover image - Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323530682
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 03-25-2019
Page Count: 688
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $68.99

Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition

by Clare Kostelnick, RN, BSN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323530682
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 03-25-2019
Page Count: 688
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $68.99
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With its highly visual format, topical information, and easy-to-follow guidance, Mosby’s Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants, 8th Edition is the perfect resource for helping your students master the ins and outs of long-term care. One hundred step-by-step procedures — all written at the sixth-grade reading level — provide clear instructions for students of all levels (particularly ESL students). Helpful spotlight boxes and realistic patient scenarios located throughout the text, further reinforce the expected roles and responsibilities of today’s nursing assistants working in a long-term care setting. New features of this eighth edition include an all-new chapter devoted to culture and religion; a new chapter on career management and getting hired; new procedures; and updated content on a wide variety of topical issues including confusion and dementia, hypertension, American Heart Association CPR, cancer, and more. As with previous editions, the focus on OBRA content and quality of life will ensure your students learn to provide competent and respectful care.

Newer Edition Available

9th Edition

Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323877701
    • NEW! Culture and Religion chapter helps students better understand the wide range of patients in need of long-term care and the role that a patient’s religion and culture play in their care.
    • NEW! Getting a Job chapter provides guidance on career management starting with how to obtain work after finishing schooling.
    • NEW! Procedure for applying an incontinence brief has been added to chapter 22.
    • NEW! Procedure for hearing aid and cochlear implant care has been added to chapter 33.
    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and care standards in the areas of confusion and dementia, pressure injuries, hypertension, American Heart Association CPR, cancer, immune system dysfunction, and skin disorders.
    • NEW! Multiple-choice format for all review questions also includes math calculation questions to help streamline learning.
    • 6th grade reading level and concise coverage helps students of all levels and abilities (particularly ESL students) easily understand and master important long-term care concepts and procedures.
    • 100 step-by-step procedures utilize manageable segments that are divided into pre-procedure, procedure, and post-procedure sections for easier learning.
    • Residents with Dementia boxes cover the special needs of older persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
    • Promoting Safety and Comfort boxes emphasize the need to provide safe care while promoting the person’s comfort.
    • Delegation Guidelines boxes describe what information the nursing assistant needs from the nurse and the care plan to perform safe care as well as what information to report and record.
    • Quality-of-Life boxes reinforce the importance of promoting residents’ rights and enhancing the quality of life when giving care.
    • Teamwork and Time Management boxes illustrate ways to work efficiently within the health care team.
    • Time to Reflect scenarios present realistic patient situations faced by nursing assistants to help students build critical thinking skills while applying chapter concepts.
    • Focus on Rehabilitation boxes clarify considerations and insights about rehabilitation and restorative care.
    • Focus on Communication boxes provide guidelines for how to clearly communicate with residents and avoid comments that might make them uncomfortable.
    • NATCEP certification exam icons alert students to skills tested on the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program and state certification exams.
    • Review questions at the end of each chapter help students evaluate learning.
    • Key abbreviations at the beginning of each chapter familiarize students with commonly used abbreviations.
    • NEW! Culture and Religion chapter covers the wide range of patients in need of long-term care and the role that a patient’s religion and culture play in their care.
    • NEW! Getting a Job chapter provides guidance on career management starting with how to obtain work after finishing schooling.
    • NEW! Procedures cover how to apply an incontinence brief and how to care for hearing aid and cochlear implant devices.
    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and care standards in the areas of confusion and dementia, pressure injuries, hypertension, American Heart Association CPR, cancer, immune system dysfunction, and skin disorders.
    • NEW! Multiple-choice format for all review questions also includes math calculation questions to help streamline learning.
  • 1. The Nursing Assistant Working in Long-Term Care
    2. Resident Rights, Ethics, and Laws
    3. Work Ethics
    4. Communicating with the Health Team
    5. Assisting with the Nursing Process
    6. Understanding the Resident
    7. Culture and Religion NEW!
    8. Body Structure and Function
    9. The Older Person
    10. Sexuality
    11. Safety
    12. Preventing Falls
    13. Restraint Alternatives and Safe Restraint Use
    14. Preventing Infection
    15. Body Mechanics and Safe Resident Handling, Moving, and Transfers
    16. The Resident’s Unit
    17. Bedmaking
    18. Hygiene
    19. Grooming
    20. Nutrition and Fluids
    21. Nutritional Support and IV Therapy
    22. Urinary Elimination
    23. Bowel Elimination
    24. Exercise and Activity
    25. Comfort, Rest, and Sleep
    26. Oxygen Needs and Respiratory Therapies
    27. Measuring Vital Signs
    28. Assisting With the Physical Examination
    29. Collecting and Testing Specimens
    30. Admissions, Transfers, and Discharges
    31. Wound Care
    32. Pressure Ulcers
    33. Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems
    34. Cancer, Immune System, and Skin Disorders
    35. Nervous System and Musculoskeletal Disorders
    36. Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Disorders
    37. Digestive and Endocrine System Disorders
    38. Urinary and Reproductive System Disorders
    39. Mental Health Problems
    40. Confusion and Dementia
    41. Developmental Disabilities
    42. Rehabilitation and Restorative Nursing Care
    43. Assisted Living
    44. Basic Emergency Care
    45. End-of-Life Care
    46. Getting a Job — Career Management NEW!
    Review Question Answers
    Key Abbreviations
  • Clare Kostelnick, RN, BSN, Professor Emeritus and Nurse Assistant Instructor, Des Moines Area Community College
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.