Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 2nd Edition

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Section I Introduction
1 Dissection Laboratory Materials, Tools and Techniques
Section II Back
2 Muscles of the Back and Scapula
3 Suboccipital Triangle and Spinal Cord
Section III Thorax
4 Pectoral Region and Breast
5 Lungs, Removal of Heart, and Posterior Mediastinum
6 Heart
Section IV Upper Limb
7 Axilla and Arm
8 Forearm (Antebrachium)
9 Hand
Section V Abdomen
10 Anterior Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Region
11 Peritoneal Cavity
12 Gastrointestinal Tract
13 Posterior Abdominal Wall
Section VI Pelvis and Perineum
14 Pelvis
15 Perineum
Section VII Lower Limb
16 Gluteal Region
17 Thigh and Leg
18 Leg and Ankle
19 Foot
Section VIII Head and Neck
20 Neck
21 Face
22 Infratemporal Fossa
23 Calvaria, Dural Venous Sinuses, Brain, and Cranial Nerves
24 Orbit
25 Ear
26 Nasal Cavity
27 Pharynx and Oral Cavity
28 Larynx
29 Retropharyngeal Region and Pharynx
Clinical Applications