cover image - Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323544177
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 10-23-2018
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $74.99

Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 2nd Edition

by Marios Loukas, MD, PhD, Brion Benninger, MD, MSc and R. Shane Tubbs, PhD, MSc, PA-C


cover image - Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323544177
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 10-23-2018
Page Count: 480
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $74.99
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Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body

ISBN: 9780443107092
  • Evolve Instructor Resources, including a downloadable image and test bank, are available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at: 

  • Section I Introduction

    1 Dissection Laboratory Materials, Tools and Techniques

    Section II Back

    2 Muscles of the Back and Scapula

    3 Suboccipital Triangle and Spinal Cord

    Section III Thorax

    4 Pectoral Region and Breast

    5 Lungs, Removal of Heart, and Posterior Mediastinum

    6 Heart

    Section IV Upper Limb

    7 Axilla and Arm

    8 Forearm (Antebrachium)

    9 Hand

    Section V Abdomen

    10 Anterior Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Region

    11 Peritoneal Cavity

    12 Gastrointestinal Tract

    13 Posterior Abdominal Wall

    Section VI Pelvis and Perineum

    14 Pelvis

    15 Perineum

    Section VII Lower Limb

    16 Gluteal Region

    17 Thigh and Leg

    18 Leg and Ankle

    19 Foot

    Section VIII Head and Neck

    20 Neck

    21 Face

    22 Infratemporal Fossa

    23 Calvaria, Dural Venous Sinuses, Brain, and Cranial Nerves

    24 Orbit

    25 Ear

    26 Nasal Cavity

    27 Pharynx and Oral Cavity

    28 Larynx

    29 Retropharyngeal Region and Pharynx

    Clinical Applications


  • Marios Loukas, MD, PhD, Dean School of Medicine, Professor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Professor Department of Pathology, St. George's University, School of Medicine, Grenada, West Indies; Dean, College of Medical Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, Olsztyn, Poland, Brion Benninger, MD, MSc, Professor of Anatomy and Vice Chair, Department of Clinical and Anatomical Sciences, Western University of Health Sciences, Portland, Oregon; Faculty Member, Departments of Surgery, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Integrative Biosciences, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Physician Assistants, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon; Member, Samaritan Orthopaedic Residency Faculty, Newport, Oregon, USA. and R. Shane Tubbs, PhD, MSc, PA-C, Professor, Director of Surgical Anatomy, Tulane University School of Medicine, Program Director of Anatomical Research, Clinical Neuroscience Research Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurology, Tulane University School of Medicine, Department of Structural and Cellular Biology, Department of Surgery, Tulane University School of Medicine
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