cover image - Case Studies and Clinical Simulations for Respiratory Care, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323554183
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 09-02-2021
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $94.99

Case Studies and Clinical Simulations for Respiratory Care, 2nd Edition

by James R. Sills, MEd, CPFT, RRT

Online Course

cover image - Case Studies and Clinical Simulations for Respiratory Care, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323554183
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 09-02-2021
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $94.99
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.

Prepare your students for success on the NBRC exam with a complete review and test-taking practice! Case Studies and Clinical Simulations for Respiratory Care, 2nd Edition provides real-life patient management scenarios to help students master the essential knowledge and skills required of advanced respiratory therapists. The case studies are designed as preparation for the NBRC’s Therapist Multiple Choice (TMC) Exam; the clinical simulations provide preparation for the NBRC’s Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE). This review consists of 14 patient management cases linked with 14 clinical simulations, allowing students to select a case study and work through the simulation as if it were an actual patient. Designed for programs that need scenario-based, simulation products, this online course reflects the newest version of the NBRC exam.

    • New! Three case studies and clinical simulations expand coverage in the adult trauma, adult neurological/neuromuscular, and neonatal areas.
    • New! Anatomy animations improve student understanding of important respiratory care procedures and concepts.
    • NEW! Thoroughly revised and enhanced content reflects valuable feedback from faculty who use this product.
    • New! Improved scoring feature sends students’ scores directly to faculty via their LMS. Instructors can limit student access to only the scenarios that apply to the current classroom, skills lab, or clinical practice activities. Students can print out their scores.
    • UPDATED! Timer for Clinical Simulations helps users track their time by section and by the total time spent, while providing an alert for when time has elapsed in a real exam scenario.
    • UNIQUE! Case studies with parallel clinical simulations offer real-life patient management scenarios that allow users to practice information gathering and decision making before taking the very difficult NBRC CSE portion of the RRT exam or before moving into the clinical setting.
    • UNIQUE! Case studies with patient data records provide real-world samples of charted patient data frequently seen in the clinical setting.
    • High-quality lung and heart sounds, radiographic images, waveforms, and other images provide realistic patient assessment data.
    • NBRC-style multiple-choice questions include rationales for both correct and incorrect answers to aid students in content review and self-evaluation.
    • Branching logic format for the clinical simulations is similar to the testing feature used on the NBRC CSE, presenting a logical progression and creating a "cause-and-effect" style of learning, i.e., decisions made will determine the patient care pathway.
    • Software mirroring the NBRC CSE experience allows the user to become more comfortable with the computer testing format, focusing less on how the computer works and more on what is best for the patient.
    • Examples of pathologic conditions, case studies, and clinical simulations support important material and reflect the NBRC CSE content outline.
    • Scoring scale similar to NBRC’s CSE provides familiarity and practice for real-life testing.
    • UNIQUE! Software compatibility makes the program ideal in various learning management system (LMS) environments.
    • New! Three case studies and clinical simulations expand coverage in the adult trauma, adult neurological/neuromuscular, and neonatal areas.
    • New! Anatomy animations improve your understanding of important respiratory care procedures and concepts.
    • UPDATED! Timer for Clinical Simulations helps you track your time by section and by the total time spent, while providing an alert for when time has elapsed in a real exam scenario.
  • Adult Chronic Airways Disease
    1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    2. Asthma
    Adult Trauma
    1. Chest Trauma, Pneumothorax
    2. Smoke Inhalation
    Adult Cardiovascular
    1. Pulmonary Embolism
    2. Heart Failure and Open-Heart Surgery
    Adult Neurological or Neuromuscular
    1. Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    2. Traumatic Brain Injury
    Adult Medical or Surgical
    1. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
    2. Special Procedures: Cardioversion and Bronchoscopy
    1. Near Drowning
    2. Asthma
    1. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
    2. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
  • James R. Sills, MEd, CPFT, RRT, Professor Emeritus, Former Director, Respiratory Care Program, Rock Valley College, Rockford, IL
  • This product is available in the following formats:
    Blackboard Learn
    Brightspace by D2L
    Canvas by Instructure
    Evolve (Elsevier)
    Other LMS
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.