Mathematics for the Clinical Laboratory Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Help your students master the skills needed to perform clinical laboratory calculations! Mathematics for the Clinical Laboratory, 4th Edition provides clear guidelines for the calculations used in the analysis of test specimens. It begins by explaining basic mathematical principles and then covers the types of calculations needed in clinical lab areas including urinalysis, hematology, and microbiology. Finally, it focuses on the statistical calculations used in quality assurance and quality control. Step-by-step examples reinforce understanding, and calculation templates and practice problems help students learn to make correct calculations every time.
Newer Edition Available
Mathematics for the Clinical Laboratory Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- New! Updated content and calculations reflect the latest procedures used in today's laboratories.
- Step-by-step examples explain basic mathematical principles and show students exactly how to perform each type of calculation.
- Practice problems at the end of each chapter provide a self-assessment tool, helping students determine what they need to review.
- Summaries of important formulas are included at the end of the text’s major sections.
- Coverage of statistical calculations includes standard deviation, as well as calculations associated with quality assurance and quality control.
- Useful appendix of Greek symbols provides students with a quick reference to turn to when studying.
- Sample problems with answers can also be used as templates for solving laboratory calculations.
- Glossary at the back of the textbook includes definitions of important mathematical terms.
- Quick tips and notes make it easier for students to understand and remember pertinent information.
- Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide students with measurable outcomes to achieve by completing the chapter material.
- Full-color design includes 100 illustrations.
- New! Updated content and calculations reflect the latest procedures used in today's laboratories.
1. Basic Arithmetic, Rounding Numbers, and Significant Figures
2. Scientific Notation and Logarithms
3. Systems of Measurement
4. Dilutions and Titers
5. Calculations Associated with Solutions
6. Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
7. Urinalysis Laboratory
8. Hematology Laboratory
9. Immunohematology Laboratory
10. Microbiology Laboratory
11. Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
12. Quality Assurance in the Clinical Laboratory: Basic Statistical Concepts
13. Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory
14. Comprehensive Laboratory Quality Assurance
15. Infrequently Performed Calculations
Appendix: Greek Alphabet
Math Terms Glossary
Answer Key